#dev 2019-06-18

2019-06-18 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
oooh awfful
herm missing the h-entry for each album...
closer one h-entry with all the names and photos
snarfed joined the channel
question again about authorship, using this: https://sturdy-backbone.glitch.me/test?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftestkirby.jgregorymcverry.com%2Fphotography%2F it looks my h-card being pulled from my homepage, if so do I even need one in my footer, do I have something wrong here: http://testkirby.jgregorymcverry.com/photography/
I guess that is three questions in a way
redolent, snarfed, oodani and GWG joined the channel
[jgmac1106] nothing "wrong" per se. If you only want the one h-card on your homepage and not in every footer, if the Kirby templating lets you easily handle that, you could do that.
If you do that, I'd suggestion putting `u-url u-uid` on the link in the homepage h-card so step 7.2 finds it instead of step 7.3 (in sturdy backbone)
I don't know Kirby at all, but sometimes templating engines may not make it easy to only include the h-card on the homepage
Look at aaronpk's permalinks for example. He's basically got the same setup as your testkirby site. The u-author h-card is a link to the homepage, the same footer h-card is on every page.
The u-url == u-uid == https://aaronparecki.com makes step 7.2 use that as the post's author
snarfed, [xavierroy], strugee, voxpelli, cweiske, KartikPrabhu and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
↩️ This is a great idea @jgmac1106 Learning #Badges should be implemented by @khanacademy, @udacity and @Codecademy and actually all other online learning platforms. Have you reached out to these online course providers yet? #indieweb #webmentions
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
!tell snarfed,aaronpk re: whitespace in notes and the likes, sknebel and I worked on introducing context aware parsing for mf2 so whitespace would be kept for e.g. PRE elements. Turns out it is pretty hard: https://github.com/Zegnat/php-innertext
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Zegnat] php-innertext: 🏃🐉 Run. Here be dragons.
Oh yeah I forgot about that
aaronpk: Zegnat left you a message 3 minutes ago: re: whitespace in notes and the likes, sknebel and I worked on introducing context aware parsing for mf2 so whitespace would be kept for e.g. PRE elements. Turns out it is pretty hard: https://github.com/Zegnat/php-innertext
So we actually do have 2 independent implementations, that could be merged into the PHP and Python parsers for some pretty good coverage. But writing it out into the mf2 parsing spec is a bit of a hurdle
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove++ thanks for help on authoring, way easier then trying to style an h-card for 12 different situations
gRegorLove has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (77 in all channels)
[grantcodes] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Got the time and date showing in my notes, but my timezone is off by four hours. Gonna need to go set that somewherere
Got the time and date showing in my notes, but my timezone is off by four hours. Gonna need to go set that somewherere
[Greg McVerry] Got the time and date showing in my notes, but my timezone is off by four hours. Gonna need to go set that somewherere
[Greg McVerry] Got the time and date showing in my notes, but my timezone is off by four hours. Gonna need to go set that somewherere
okay think I finally got the author working will just go to a parser rather than spam chat with kaja links
djmoch joined the channel
Good morning, all. I could use some help. I'm trying to get IndieAuth working with my WordPress blog via the plug-in, however I keep running into various errors that I've no idea how to fix. I've tinkered as best I could with my limited knowledge and the… https://mastodon.social/jeannie
You should also be able to just refresh the parser results, jgmac1106. It will refetch and reparse.
Ahh thx, didn't know if it made a unique id for each result
But thx for Kirby recommedation, having fun
Not unless you specifically save the result page, which Kaja doesn’t do
djmoch and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Good morning, all. I could use some help. I'm trying to get IndieAuth working with my WordPress blog via the plug-in, however I keep running into various errors that I've no idea how to fix. I've tinkered as best I could with my limited knowledge and the… https://mastodon.social/users/jeannie
gRegorLove and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I pointed Jeannie to the WordPress chat,
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
Only issue with Kirby so far is belief markdown is better than HTML. That's okay, plurality means respecting someone's right to be wrong
ingoogni, jgmac1106 and [rem] joined the channel
Does anyone have working XMLRPC pingback support on their site I can test with?
With webmention.app (not live yet!!) I want to support both webmention and pingback, but every pingback I sent gives me a 400 back…
Nope, Stuart has them turned off (going by the source of his blog and the headers in the response)
I think most people turned it off TBH
I can see it still on some sites, but I always get 400, which makes me thing it's me that's bad
we could try my untouched 2005 wordpress site: https://kevinmarks.wordpress.com/
hm, not sue i have the login though
or the slightly less abandoned https://epeus.wordpress.com
Same faultcode on yours too.
This is what I'm sending:
curl -X POST https://kevinmarks.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php --data '<?xml version="1.0"?>
I can't imagine that there's much that I'm missing there…
I could update the source to actually point to your blog…
displays pingbacks
ta - I'll update my source so it's valid and test
swentel joined the channel
I'm not sure if WP is hiding invalid ones from me;
Finding curl'ing really weird. My code makes the request and [jgmac1106]'s site returns HTML (not XML), but when I curl, I get partial response from the server then it bails and exits after the first char
rem gwg used to be the pingback mantainer for WordPress, I think he resigned last year
oooh btw that is Jim Groom’s site not mine. I just know he displays all his pingbacks
whats’s a good number for pagination on an h-feed? I could see my note page filling up super fast
[rem]: webmention.io receives pingbacks, you can send to my endpoint there
linked from my home page
interesting tool for discovery: https://aggregate.stitcher.io/
[aaronpk] I'd completely forgotten, and that does work… I'm now wondering if Akismet (an auto_check_comment function) is blocking the XMLRPC request…
It's certainly coming from there, and I half suspect is Akismet's way of doing spam protection.
Sod it. pingbacks work against webmention.io - that should do for me now…
akismet sounds likely
yes pingbacks need approval in Askimet, often you may find in spam folder
I didn't see anything in spam though
poop. I think that's why I'm getting failed response on _most_ of the pingback calls.
[kevinmarks786] I kept flipping from one source to another, I've got a feeling the pingback to yours wasn't valid when I started an hour so ago.
[grantcodes], [xavierroy], gRegorLove, kisik21, jgmac1106, [tantek], [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
I've been playing with webmentions for a short while, and found the outgoing webmention notifications needing some help. Details: https://remysharp.com/2019/06/18/send-outgoing-webmentions And introducing: https://webmention.app
Gah, double twitter card action…! Anyway, I blogged - tips on receiving webmentions and how to send them out: https://remysharp.com/2019/06/18/send-outgoing-webmentions
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
well installing a clean install of Kirby and sendmention plugin to debug and find out that for some reason it is just not going to work on my shared host...
I've been playing around with @rem's http://webmention.app and it is SUPER slick! Took me all of like...2 minutes...to have get the CLI version working as part of my build. Here's some more background on what he built and why: https://remysharp.com/2019/06/18/send-outgoing-webmentions
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: why would it not work on your shared host?
Something specific about the sendmention plugin?
just used to that as the default answer for me when nothing works, makes me think I need to find a new shared host or this stuff just isnt meant for shared hosts
on WordPress I couldn’t send webmentions, with Known Bridgy Fed doesn’t work, this plugin still very beta so I am not willing to say it is a shared hosting problem
[stefp] and gxt joined the channel
Zegnat here is where we are discussing issue: https://github.com/sebastiangreger/kirby3-sendmentions/issues/ the other reason its probably my shared host is that it works on the three other people using the plugin
This looks so damn good. Webmentions are fiddly as heck and this'll take a lot of that away for you. You know it's good if @rem made it, too.
http://webmention.app is a platform agnostic service that will check a given URL for links to other sites, discover if they support webmentions, then send a webmention to the target. By @rem #IndieWeb #takebackyourweb #letsfixthis Repo: https://github.com/remy/wm
Oh my—gonna be thinking about this Getting started section of @rem’s http://webmention.app for awhile. What a great way to let people tell you what they’re comfortable with in your documentation:
[schmarty], [manton], [xavierroy] and snarfed joined the channel
Awesome service! Will give the https://webmention.app some time for testing. Did you announce this to the #indieweb crowd at https://indieweb.org yet?
jgmac1106 joined the channel
!tell jacky thanks for the heads-up about the extra webmention from my site. when i started putting my latest post on my front page i thought i was already ignoring it for outgoing webmebtions. 😬
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106], neoaboriginal1, gRegorLove and jgmac1106 joined the channel
jacky: [schmarty] left you a message 31 minutes ago: thanks for the heads-up about the extra webmention from my site. when i started putting my latest post on my front page i thought i was already ignoring it for outgoing webmebtions. 😬
[rem] has 5 karma over the last year
Admiring the care and attention that @rem has put into the technology *and* the documentation for https://webmention.app/ So useful! https://adactio.com/notes/15353
[Zegnat] joined the channel
I am suddenly thinking about payments on my website, as [tantek] once suggested
Do you think the Indieweb community would donate to do my laundry so I'd have more contributor time?
Not quite serious, but was thinking about it a few weeks ago
ahahaha ask aaronpk for a stipend from https://opencollective.com/indieweb
snarfed: Zegnat left you a message 8 hours, 3 minutes ago: re: whitespace in notes and the likes, sknebel and I worked on introducing context aware parsing for mf2 so whitespace would be kept for e.g. PRE elements. Turns out it is pretty hard: https://github.com/Zegnat/php-innertext
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
rem's documentation there is great
dhanesh95, leg, [grantcodes], snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I like webmention.app's shortcut to create a github issue if you think the results are incorrect. Nice touch.
oh that is nice
First 3 lines here were pre-populated https://github.com/remy/wm/issues/1
[gRegorLove] #1 Error on check
[rem] has 6 karma over the last year
i didn't realize tantek uses a protocol relative webmention endpoint, heh
Loqi joined the channel
yes @gwg they would look at the Known Open Collective, [pfefferle] puts up a tip jar, or visualthinkery Patreon or @anamolily's KickStarter..if you and some other folks did one and said we will release new themes when we hit X goals....
I also have said you can sell a theme and then offer premium support, your gonna debug everyone anyway so you might as well collect $59 a pop anually
jackjamieson joined the channel
i expect GWG was mostly kidding :P
[rem], [jansauer] and [eddie] joined the channel
I am not. He should try to explore a way to get a cup or coffee..I mean a diet coke...for his work
eh. for many people the overhead for soliciting and managing donations often outweighs the small amount you end up getting, so i'd recommend a healthy dose of skepticism and realism
Yes. I think theme selling or selling a theme is better approach for a patronage model... Those really favor the extrovert and agree you spend more time soliciting then building
leg, [tantek] and snarfed joined the channel
big change shipping in monocle right now...
I hope I don't regret this
famous last words :P
I just shipped zach's lazyloaded images in monocle
with a little easter egg which is only half working
hopefully this speeds up the initial load times of pages
well I clearly have some more optimizations to do, this didn't fix everything, but i'll see if this makes any noticeable difference over the next few days
[asuh] joined the channel
I was thinking about suggesting that same facepile lazyload images for the Semantic Linkbacks plugin as well, but I know GWG is in the middle of a lot of work with that
i've been having this trouble where the JS in monocle is blocked until some/all of the images are loaded. haven't totally tracked down the exact cause, but my theory is that lazy-loading the images only when they are shown will help that
the JS in monocle is responsible for marking things as read, so sometimes there's only 2 new entries in a channel and I want to scroll past them to mark them as read and I really don't want to wait for the images in the other 8 to load
tries the Konami Code
gRegorLove: did it work? haha
Sadly, no.
I have thought about doing a PR to add navigation between posts in monocle with j/k keys, a la Google Reader
I wouldn't be opposed to that
i navigate gmail that way still
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
It's pretty handy
Is still considered good practice to send the access token in the post body? Or is it considered the the Authorization header is widely enough supported?
Good question, I'd love to drop the post body convention entirely
IIRC it was mostly Wordpress sites that were having trouble with the header. And they still are, but now there are better things to help debug
Ahh gotcha
I guess I'll let IndieWebKit 1.0 ship without it and see if any of my apps get reports of it not authorizing with people's servers
↩️ This looks nice! I'm curious, though: did you evaluate https://github.com/strugee/lazymention or https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Pushl or https://git.cweiske.de/stapibas.git/blob/HEAD:/README.rst before building this, and if so, what kept you from using those? (They're all linked from https://indieweb.org/Webmention#Publisher_Services)
I think that's a safe bet
Also with microsub, the server expects to be able to verify the token with a GET request which I think is why the Wordpress problem has come up more recently
ohhh yeah, I think I remember that
34 passing tests for IndieWebKit. IndieAuth is 95% complete, Micropub is like 60% complete. I'm super excited about this foundation getting done
Mostly what's missing from Micropub is some different queries and updating posts
MylesBraithwaite joined the channel
I realized though Micropub.rocks tests tend to be tied to a session, so they expire, eventually don't they 😄 I used that as a lazy person's test suite but after awhile it seems like it will stop sending back data haha so I probably need to replace some of that with some hard-coded JSON, html, etc.
[eddie]: the wordpress plugin has lots of those too, feel free to copy. https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-micropub/tree/master/tests
↩️ Oh, I ignored that one because https://indieweb.org/Webmention#Publisher_Services only described it as being able to receive webmentions, not send them. And of course, there are plenty of good reasons to write new implementations!
snarfed: awesome, thanks! I’ll take a look
↩️ There's also https://telegraph.p3k.io - but I couldn't see a way that a user could tell these services: I've blogged, make the webmention run. I wanted something like a webhook. Plus, I like building stuff :) and I got to practise new skills (particularly around docs)
↩️ Don’t get me wrong, I’m super excited to see another Webmention service, but I am genuinely curious how Telegraph doesn’t look like it does what you described since that’s my exact goal with it. I clearly have a few things to learn about docs from you!
↩️ Though YMMV with that - people have run into some 500 errors. I think we are moving away from that on http://indiewebify.me in favor of using Telegraph (and maybe http://webmention.app, too!)
random (aaronpk): this footer on https://telegraph.p3k.io/ is solid!
could have a little p3k webring with it
Excellent idea
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I have j/k keyboard controls in together 😉 they can definitely be a lot more complicated than you think though!
↩️ Now that you mention it, I remember that it doesn't actually do exactly the same thing. It requires you already know at least the domain of the thing you're sending the webmention to. I should probably add support for sending all webmentions.