#dev 2019-06-19

2019-06-19 UTC
[tantek], [jgmac1106], strugee, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, jjuran_, ErikSTL and cweiske joined the channel
[kevinmarks786], [tonz] and swentel joined the channel
There is a new service to automate outgoing webmentions by Remy Sharp @rem. Check it out at https://webmention.app/ ... #logr https://logr.cogley.info/2019/06/19/1560925088/
↩️ I especially like how I said "I've got an RSS feed" and it said "use IFTTT to throw that at http://webmention.app when it changes" which is an excellent and simple idea which I completely hadn't thought of.
This is awesome stuff @rem! I've been looking at writing my own webmention + syndication tooling but this saves me some work
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ I'd not heard of backtype, but it sounds like the kind of development that happened when twitter was an open api to play with. The site I released is "just" a helper on top of webmentions (an evolution of pingbacks), but replies from twitter are also doable via bridgy—
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
jgmac1106 and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
anyone knows a good guide to html5 "semantic" structure? As in how header, footer, main, article, section, aside, etc should be used, with examples.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[calumryan] joined the channel
mdn isn't great actually
for your request
[Jeremy Keith] How to Section Your HTML | CSS-Tricks June 18th, 2019 A deep dive with good advice on using—and labelling—sectioning content in HTML: nav, aside, section, and article.
I think I am going to take this page: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Using_HTML_sections_and_outlines and make it look like adactio bookmark too badd it is css-tricks and I can't just lift it
the MDN page spends the entire time discussing a feature browsers never picked up
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
this could be helpful: https://tink.uk/understanding-semantics/
Send Outgoing Webmentions · Automate your outgoing webmentions with http://webmention.app http://ilo.im/jaycq #launches
djmoch and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
petermolnar: Chrome will let you inspect the accessibility tree (https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/accessibility/reference#tree) which may actually be a tool that can help you make decisions about containers
↩️ Well, you can augment the functionality of your personal site by adding web sign-in, microformats2 and webmentions. These are the building blocks of the Indieweb. I would invite you to visit these sites about the IndieWeb: https://indiewebify.me/ and https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
I’ve been mistyping “Webmention” as “Webmentino” all morning, and now I can’t help but think it’s the much more fun name. (https://mrkpw.xyz/t/2N0)
swentel joined the channel
grrr Discourse...what a silly way to edit and plan wiki articles anyways: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1141308650876801024
@Sphinx_Twitt @MozDevNet @chrisdavidmills @sheppy grrrrr when you layout the entire article outline and then Discourse fails (why you need this much javascript for what is basically a bulletin board is beyond me) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D9a-HOEW4AA966T.jpg
swentel: How are things going with Indigenous?
GWG, focus on getting a new release out for F-Droid with location and push notifications
otherwise quite slow :)
[Rose] joined the channel
swentel, following the Micropub properties discussion?
GWG, hmm, not much activity lately, or not on github?
[dshanske] #8 Query for Supported Properties
[EdwardHinkle] #11 New Property: visibility
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[aaronpk] monocle lazy loading seems to interact badly with my svgshare.com h-feed https://monocle.p3k.io/channel/MzlSlSkXqViySCFVHG9ifxIg
I'd like to explore those
Too much to do though
Hi, #78. Where is Kevinmarks Prime?
is that a new Transformer?
do you write HTML5 or HTML 5....I just like writing HTML
I just thought Kevinmarks cloned himself
gRegorLove__ and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[kevinmarks786] what's it doing? that link is restricted to your account
dougbeal|mb1 and snarfed joined the channel
anyone have a favorite data visualization tool? Currently all the statisical analysis “done in” ReVIEW is just done by me bespoke to each client and added to reports, statistical needs aren’’t crazy basic agreement stuff, pearson coefficient, interclass correlation, descriptives. Preferably something written for R that spits out pretty graphs.
data doesn’t have to be correct if you provide customers pretty graphs
jgmac1106: if you're using R, Shiny is the obvious baseline
currently using SPSS offline, but IBM charges so much…and I am not scalable, thx for recommendation
i also like http://www.metabase.com/ a lot. it's aimed more at BI than academic research, no deep stats or R support, but it's really good and usable
it made all of the graphs here: https://indiemap.org/docs.html#stats
I have used this before as well: https://exploratory.io/
snarfed has 47 karma in this channel over the last year (82 in all channels)
Shiny looks great
both good luck and bad luck I only have enough clients to do the stastical analysis by hand, but it would be really nice to get to a place where I have too many to go at it myself
amazing how much you can upcharge for math
snarfed, jackjamieson, gRegorLove__ and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[aaronpk] the feed is https://svgshare.com/ - on desktop they do load, on android I just get grey boxes.
I think your JS might be cached
I need to figure out a solution for that
[Rose] joined the channel
Ah, I had "lite mode" on in chrome android. Apparently that messed up the lazy load for svg
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell petermolnar would love your feedback: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Using_HTML_sections_and_outlines just hated that the entire MDN doc was about an outline spec that never became a recommendation
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ah that is also because that prevents monocle from loading the images :)
I may revert that, but right now if you have "data save" mode enabled you just don't get the images
maybe makes more sense for only webmention avatars
[jgmac1106]: feedback: not too long ago I read somewhere that the last html spec that had an RFC was 2.0. I'm genuinely disgusted with the "living standard" thing, so not surprised these things never happen in any way. By the time the it was finished, the lovely google driven whatwg probably moved on already.
petermolnar: [jgmac1106] left you a message 3 minutes ago: would love your feedback: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Using_HTML_sections_and_outlines just hated that the entire MDN doc was about an outline spec that never became a recommendation
For photo posts it does undermine the point
ideally I could serve up a downscaled version
Though it works for my comics feed, just not the svgshare.com ones
If you scale those by rendering they may get bigger
Lol at https://svgshare.com/s/Ddw
yeah if I do that I should probably not attempt to downscale SVGs
Do you have an idea of filesize? You could apply a threshold.
yeah i'll know the file size at this point
I do have some huge svg's made from illustrator or pdfs, but a lot of little ones
BenLubar, [tantek], gRegorLove__, jgmac1106, [schmarty] and snarfed joined the channel
jgmac1106 and [frank] joined the channel
ok, I made a thing. it's still a little rough around the edges, definitely beta
you can now preview your websites in monocle
my hope is this helps people debug their feed markup
it's not a full on validator, it just shows it the exact same way it'll appear when someone is subscribed and views it in monocle
[eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk++ YEEEESSSS
aaronpk has 62 karma in this channel over the last year (239 in all channels)
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
think I messed up my authoring
503 sounds like not my problem
For those testing: Note it expects you to provide a feed, it doesn't do feed discovery
Worked great for my timeline feed 🙌
aaronpk has 63 karma in this channel over the last year (240 in all channels)
aaronpk++ awesome!
aaronpk has 64 karma in this channel over the last year (241 in all channels)
new soft requirement for all readers: understand everything xray does? /s
@davewiner re http://scripting.com/2019/06/19.html#a153106 #indieweb and opml. Just added my opml to feedbase, after logging w Twitter. As to #indieweb, logging in w #indieauth for feedbase would be gr8.
Found an edge case with my Granary-based Atom feed. Since my notes don't have any p-* properties, the implied name includes the image alt, which granary uses as the <title> (correctly)
Hmm, scratch that.
My templates do have a p-name, so it's explicit
XRay is supposed to be doing everything documented by h-feed/authorship/etc
so if it's doing stuff that's not yet documented, lets document it!
I'm considering declaring template zero, starting with fresh templates. I'd do several things differently if I was adding mf2 to a new site today :)
yep I did that with my latest site rebuild
Thankfully I don't hate my new site yet. Longest I've gone so far without a rewrite lol
Same! I've had this design since 2011 I think? Used to only last a couple years.
aaronpk: good to know - I guess the bits I had at the back of my head actually aren't feed related. good thing I marked it as a joke :P
Xray doesn't parse /s ;)
petermolnar joined the channel
↩️ Once posting's done, are you going to work on backfeed to have responses to your posts on Twitter come back to aggregate the conversation on the original site? Perhaps Webmention & http://Brid.gy? [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2019/06/19/55755953/#Once%20you%20have%20posting
↩️ Once posting's done, are you going to work on backfeed to have responses to your posts on Twitter come back to aggregate the conversation on the original site? Perhaps Webmention & http://Brid.gy? [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2019/06/19/55755953/#Once%20you%20have%20posting
snarfed joined the channel
sknebel << TODO for self: compare X-Ray's feed handling with documented algorithms/patterns, document differences if they exist
ok, I added "TODO for self: compare X-Ray's feed handling with documented algorithms/patterns, document differences if they exist" to a brand new "See Also" section of /User:Www.svenknebel.de https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62616&oldid=53020
[dougbeal] joined the channel
(because aaronpk is right, it is a good starting point to check our documentation. I feel like feed authorship and handling for pages without feed markup might be edge cases not written up well, but well, need to check)
BenLubar, [tantek], [grantcodes], snarfed and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[dougbeal], [fluffy], [eddie], [schmarty] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
okay moving over from #chat: webmention.io published a pingback (presumably) that came from http://3zfe6.7ba.info/out.php?url=https://eporner.com.isdownorblocked.com to http://publ.beesbuzz.biz/blog/407-v0-3-7-released but I’m not seeing anything that indicates that the verification should have succeeded.
And most of the spam I get seems similar. But it’s possible that they have the source link in for the few seconds during the ping.
That has been my theory too
also that's exactly what I would do if I was a spammer
A thing I’d love to see webmention.io (or some other endpoint) do is have a quarantine for non-whitelisted domains or maybe a rule-based or bayesian filter to try to quarantine obviously-shitty source links
like based on ngrams in the source URL or something
Urgh that's a deep rabbit hole
heh, if they do that you could do almost the equivalent of greylisting in e-mail antispam
Apologies for getting confused between skenbel and sebsel but I know at least one of you uses graphql a fair bit. I would love if you could have a look over my new together server which bridges micropub and microsub to graphql
I'm not happy enough with the codebase to add features like that
totally understandable
someday I want to build my own webmention/pingback endpoint to scratch some of the itches I have with webmention.io 🙂
That'd be great!
like I’m not a fan of how the atom feed doesn’t provide a moderation link or whatever
a step inbetween would be a backend that takes webmention.io webhooks and does these things
[fluffy]: good idea too!
I feel like taking webmention.io webhooks isn’t really much less difficult than consuming webmentions directly 🙂
also a nice idea for verification would be to do an initial smoke-test verification, then 15 minutes later do a second verification
depends on how you want to duplicate - no need to do verification at first, you get parsed data already, ...
The webhooks are way easier to consume because you don't have to fetch or parse the page
[grantcodes]: that was sebsel - but I'm interested in that server part too :D
or store data permanently
I’m not sure what use case for a webmention webhook wouldn’t involve storing data permanently though?
My site accepts the webhook and stores that itself. So I don't actually use the webmention.io API
It made the code in my site way easier tho
oh sure, for your own site, definitely. storing wms in your own site alongside existing storage is very different from running a standalone service that stores all users' data for them, indefinitely
[snarfed] #762 resend all past webmentions from newly blocked users
yeah, and my goal in Publ is to have Publ itself be completely stateless since I want the site to be trivial to migrate between hosting endpoints or make it load-balanceable or whatever. Which is why I rely on webmention.io’s own storage and API for displaying the mentions (client-side although I might eventually add a primitive to let Publ itself do the fetch server-side)
Hehe thanks for clarifying sknebel!
If you want python code https://github.com/kevinmarks/mentiontech may be some use (it uses appengine for async stuff)
I figure that client-side display of webmention and comments and so on has a nice side-effect that it’s only visible for Actual Users and won’t generate SEO spam opportunities for others. Kinda bad for accessibility though.
thanks kevinmarks++
kevinmarks has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (36 in all channels)
But sebsel & skebel the code is here : https://github.com/alltogethernow/server It all works well for me in the together we client but I was learning graphql as I went so I maybe didn't follow best practices as much as I should have
[alltogethernow] server: GraphQL server backend. Mixes microsub and micropub into one easy to use package
Also microformats does not really map to graphql very well since it is so fluid, but the microsub form of jf2 works well since it is less nested and more strictly defined
NinjaTrappeur joined the channel
aaronpk: are you open to collecting lists of feeds that aren't parsing in aperture? (and/or monocle preview for that matter)
So graphql you query via a structure you want? So if they ask for h-card should you dig out all the nested h-cards?
Yes more or less KevinMarks but you have to do it down to the individual property. So you would say you want the `name` property of the author h-card
[schmarty]: feel free to file issues like that on xray! that's where the real work is done
oh that reminds me, i should add that cool pre-filled github issue thingy to monocle which opens issues on xray
[jgmac1106], jgmac1106 and chrisaldrich joined the channel
aaronpk: sounds good! thank you! issue filed.
IndieWebKit is 78% complete! I've gotten majority of features done for IndieAuth, Micropub and Microsub. some more work for parsing responses in Microsub, uploading files in Micropub, and fix an Authentication Services issue (https://eddiehinkle.com/2019/06/19/6/note/)
hey all, I am going to add pagination to my notes feed I am building what's a good number in terms of performance for microsub servers and such? Does this matter
[tantek] joined the channel
fyi schmarty your alt text did not syndicate to Twitter, I think tantek figured out how to do this
I used Bridgy
[jgmac1106] oh, good call! i posted that to twitter manually via the twitter.com mobile site and i don't recall seeing a prompt to add the alt. 😕
snarfed joined the channel
omfg schmarty
that RSS feed doesn't start with <?xml
pretty sure the XML PI is optional
every other feed i've encountered starts with that
haha oh! i didn't notice that 'cuz i just loaded it in ff
so that's what XRay uses to decide whether to toss it over to the XML parser library
note the content-type?
note that <?xml could be the beginning of an XHTML page with h-feed as well 😛
no, nobody does that :P
XHTML died before h-feed started getting used
schmarty I just checked and I couldn’t find it either, granted I am using FF Preview right now so things maybe different
certainly if you believe my site - I blogged the death of XHTML before I added h-feed
so, the way this code worked, the HTTP headers weren't available at the point of making that decision. but i made an update a week ago or so and now they are, so now i can switch off of content-type
just checked Chrome…can’t add it there…but plus one to FF Preview mobile twitter app way better than Chrome app
What is pagination?
pagination is a UI pattern for navigation across (typically chronologically) sequential pages that show one or more posts such as permalink post pages, archives, search results, and lists of tagged posts https://indieweb.org/pagination
not really a discussion there on when and if one should add pagination. Does is matter for readers? I publish 50-60 notes a day, calendar view?
normally i've seen 10-20 posts on a page
too few and you risk something polling ending up missing posts (that happened to me with bridgy polling my /all page)
okay so single day would be too much. I will do 20
and besides n is proably WAY easier for me to figure out then n=x post on Y day
[schmarty]: you need to opt-in to the alt-text editor on twitter, because clearly that's a power user feature...
in your settings under accessibility
twitter has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-3 in all channels)
ohh I had one other question about "This previews your feed it does not discover them" I know the url for rss but what is the link for an mf2 feed. I thought that was just your url?
thanks, sknebel! enabled! looking forward to using it in the future!
grabbed screenshots for a tutorial thx sknebel
oh and thx for other question sknebel
[benatwork] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[Thomas Sileo] entries — Micropub client for the terminal
oh this is handy
(that and pipx)
hmm entries.pub is not loading for me
[tsileo] entries.pub: WIP IndieWeb blog engine
[eddie] joined the channel
looks like I have a competitor ;)
competitors for everyone!
ocaml? that's interesting
[tantek] joined the channel
please add to /Micropub (Implementations)
I'm tempted to throw my raw contents dir at new cms systems; due to being lazy one of my stiched panoramas is 40MPixel, with 20k width and it tends to take down any media library that doesn't cache properly ^^
when I tried to render my site with grav a long time ago it was a disaster
but that entries.pub still looks interesting
petermolnar, I keep looking at your website
chimo joined the channel
dodgerblue is so nice
jgmac1106 joined the channel
aaronpk: you intended to tweet this like that? https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/1141486843390599168
i thought I fixed that
seemed unusual, thought I'd ask :D
Oh yeah that’s cause eddie’s site doesn’t link to the tweet, it links to his twitter profile instead
And my site is dumb enough to pass that string into silopub which tries to be helpful and tweets that instead
Which I thought I fixed, so gonna have to look into that
jgmac1106 joined the channel