#dev 2019-06-20

2019-06-20 UTC
jgmac1106, [benatwork] and [eddie] joined the channel
Hahaha sorry aaronpk I keep meaning to fix it on my side as well
is that a laugh of disgust or camaraderie?
I just tell myself that Loqi always speaks in camaraderie
KartikPrabhu, jjuran and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#Frontend #Automated | Automate Your Outgoing Webmentions https://frontendfoc.us/link/65479/web
eli_oat joined the channel
Is an author property mandatory on Microsub entries?
GWG: I'm going to say 'no' since entries can be either h-entry or h-card
and afaik, h-card doesn't have a `author` property
KartikPrabhu, jjuran, cweiske, swentel, swentie, gRegorLove, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
I just spent two hours trying to figure out why something wasn't saving, turns out it was an upstream bug that hasn't been fixed.
Of course, bugs like this take years to fix, even when a patch is provided
And in terms of architecture @DDemin I am sure some folks are getting webmentions from their houses. I know some folks get them from their bbqs. I would love for my house to send notifications directly to my blog withut any need for third party data… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/06/20/and-in-terms-of-architecture-ddemin
KartikPrabhu, JayHoffmann, [Jay_Hoffmann], jgmac1106 and [xavierroy] joined the channel
would anyone know how to embed a photo roll form archive.org https://archive.org/details/fatherdayhike the iframe makes sense it doesn’t work since there is no photo or poster to frame. could copy and paste source code, but just curious
[jgmac1106] and [frank] joined the channel
why are you using archive.org for your website instead of your own server?
swentel joined the channel
photos are big. I am at 9.6 out of 10gigs I don't have the $50.00 to upgrade to the 100 gig plan...and even then 100 gigs of photos aint much..just expiremnting as well, been moving all my movies to archive.org, if they dont have kids in them I give videos a public domain license..so I still own them as do you
if my kids in them I give it a CC-BY-SA-NC unless it's their content then I don't use archive.org as they are too young to decide what license they want. Those I just upload to AWS,
once I can save up the $50.00 I will buy more storage
[tantek] and snarfed joined the channel
100gib aws storage costs 50$?
well no the first 10gig is $50 then you have to go to $100 for 100gig
is that per month?
I don't mind rather pay more for artisinal shared hosting where money goes where my values are rather than huge hosting farm where customer service is a half broken chat bot and a support line 13 timezones away
i somehow thought that you were using aws for storage
I do for my biz...just put my kids stuff there...shhhhh don't tell my accountant
MY AWS bill is about $150-200 a month
I used to be so good at finding events with free credits..for three years I never paid a dime, just signe dup to any training or went to AWS events hoping for freebies...those have dried up
Added webmentions to my site! This post already has some: https://sebastiandedeyne.com/my-favorite-part-of-our-company-website/ Will blog about the process soon!
snarfed and [manton] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: https://www.hetzner.com/sb => 30€/m, 2x3TB
install something s3 compatible on it, enjoy
alternative: buy old workstation hardware from ebay, bring it into a colo center
I think they still exist
gRegorLove joined the channel
Can I ask what people think is wrong with uploading photos to archive.org? If they are in the Public Domain I still own them. I donate and support infastructure
IMO, using a public service like archive.org for hosting your holiday videos feels wrong, even when you license them accordingly
I don't think that the photos/videos are interesting for anyone but you and your family
[kevinmarks786] and [Jay_Hoffmann] joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
use flickr
Read the ToS, the how to guide, and the privacy statement. Couldn't find anywhere suggesting it is bad practice... All my posts thus all my photos would end up archive.org anyways but see your point
Didn't check forums. Will head there to see if there is discussion. Was my first time doing it. Really was curious as to what happens
silosasplumbing has 1 karma over the last year
i don't have an opinion on internet archive specifically, but i'm always for silos as plumbing :P
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Oh hey snarfed, I was just about to ask you a question
Is there any way to get granary to work for public feeds either without a token or with a permanent app token or something along those lines?
I am looking at integrating it into together, in particular for following people on twitter & instagram without needing to jump through the granary hoops
[grantcodes]: you'll always need a token for silos where it uses the API. you won't when it scrapes, eg instagram, but only for individual profiles
you could make a user on the silos for together (the app) and reuse its token for all of them
not a great idea, but doable
...but actually that won't get you the users' own news feeds, so nm
to get someone's silo feed, you generally need to oauth as them. no easy way around that
I don't want to get their own feed. Just someone elses public feed.
[grantcodes] not sure if this helps... I am probably way wrong.. but I use TAGs Twitter archive, spits out a Google spreadsheet you..could then convert to JSON and import to reader.
ah. for individual profiles, yes, you could use your own user. i don't encourage that though, since people inevitably add dozens or hundreds of individual profiles, which is very bad for scaling
Eg type in [grantcodes] and get my instagram and twitter
ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
ideally we want one granary fetch per silo per user, not one for each profile they follow
this is why i encourage eg https://twitter-atom.appspot.com/ and https://instagram-atom.appspot.com/ over granary since they do that automatically
Yes, my main reservation would be that it ends up with a lot of processing for both granary and any microsub server
But the microsub server would end up doing the same thing if it was following a site vs a granary silo feed
ben_thatmust joined the channel
that's a significant downside of decentralized indieweb reading/following
as long as i pay for granary though, i still strongly discourage it :P
also in practice people often have 10-100x followees on silos vs on indieweb, so it's still very different
😂 fair.
[tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
strugee joined the channel
[jgmac1106] FWIW I think archive.org is just fine for hosting photos and videos as long as you're ok with the license requirements
@beaulebens Hi Beau. I've unfortunately had to ban your domain from my site as it is bombing me with hundreds of Webmentions. It's probably worth checking your blogging app to see what's wrong! https://dentedreality.com.au/2019/06/09/into-the-personal-website-verse-%c2%b7-matthias-ott-user-experience-designer/
if you wanted your hosting to be portable, you could setup a subdomain for your media assets like your-media.example.com that serves from the actual hosting location (I still need to do this myself)
gRegorLove joined the channel
Yeah I come from the camp the more content you can flood the Commons with the better for the web. Never thought about all my media on a domain
Would solve so many problems for aomeone like me who has 57 different websites
to be clear that subdomain doesn't host them. it just redirects to e.g. archive.org permalinks to the media
Ooh even more intriguing
Off to camp... Then head down.. Need a Loqi feature that says warn me after X post to get back to work.
which means if you ever decide to move your media hosting, you can do so, and just switch the redirect
[tantek] speaks from experience, he hosts tantek.com pictures on foursquare :P
(historically maybe also instagram?)
yeah, most of which have broken 😭
first because IG changed their CDN URLs (multiple times)
second because Foursquare accidentally deleted my account and everything on it (then recovered most, but I think to new CDN URLs also)
Ok well I think together v3 is pretty much ready to go now. https://together-web.tpxl.io/
Would really love some people to test it out if they can 🙂
Feels really great as a pwa for me, doesn't seem far off of native app performance to me
Whoa! You have an embedded version on the homepage!
woo it works great with https://baffle.tech/ ! all my newsblur feeds, items, channels, etc are in there and look good
uh oh eddiehinkle.com error logging in
Error: GraphQL error: Error getting token
Yes, that is one of my favourite new things 😛 especially the tech gibberish it generates
Hmm I would just try again. I think there might be a minor issue with the state value and non url safe characters or something like that
Great snarfed! Switch them into classic view to get a more newsblur like experience
Nope, still broken
It gets through the authorization screen
so I think it's the code -> token conversion
where something is breaking
Hmm, it is saying that the state it gets back from your auth endpoint is invalid
that's strange
I think so anyway. I need to add more backend logging, and nicer user facing errors too
The homepage looks great, though!
grantcodes has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (40 in all channels)
But yeah the error is definitely the state that is returned to the auth page. Whether that is my fault or not, I don't know 😛
Gotcha. I'm open to the idea that it is my server, but since I haven't had any issues logging in anywhere else recently, I'm gonna blame Together v3 for now 😄
Loqi is it Eddie's server or Together v3?
is it eddie's server
Hehe, yeah. I definitely did have issue with it before
Oh hang on, did you use it before today?
I have used Together v2
but not v3
Hmm because it might have just been cached via the service worker, even if you just visited the homepage the other day
ohhh hmmm maybe?
I haven't been cache busting while it's not really finished
Alright, I just told the service worker to update
Nope, that wasn't it. No worries. Let me know if there is any other troubleshooting I can do for you
Yep, I can see the error again 🤔 I'll add more debugging and get you to try it again in a bit 🙂
For the two of you, eddie and grantcodes, what do your Microsub clients do if there is no author property?
Probably nothing good haha
omg [grantcodes] the placeholder content is so good. how are you generating that?
No actually together should show "unknown"
aaronpk, can I ask you the same question?
i think the author section just doesn't show up in monocle
aaronpk: Some fake data generator I found, it's pretty cool
[jackjamieson2] #80 missing information from jsonfeed
Think it was called faker.js
jackjamieson and I disagree
I don't think I should turn the feed title into an author
that depends on what jsonfeed says the feed title is supposed to be
I did file an issue with [manton] though
title (required, string) is the name of the feed, which will often correspond to the name of the website (blog, for instance), though not necessarily.
It would probably be safer to at least set the author url from the site url though?
Back to.. I am not sure that is a good assumption
i think i do just use the title/icon/home_page_url as the author
I would rather encourage sources to attribute properly
Might be dumb but you could make the feed title the author but just append text like (feed) after it?
Or I would rather that the client looked for a source property if there wasn't an author property
I know it adds complexity on the client side... but it's inaccurate otherwise
Are there any APIs for working out what upcoming indieweb events are? Or is it worth just ie parsing /events
There's a source property in jf2? Thought it was just name, photo and url
[aaronpk] #13 Indicating Item Source
Not currently
But I prefer another solution, and source has prior art in other feed specifications
aaronpk awesome! Thanks 😁 at an IOT Hackathon tonight and thought that an Alexa skill for IndieWeb could work
jamietanna[m]: yeaa! that's what I used for my alexa skill :)
turns out it's actually kinda tricky to turn a list of events into a sentence that makes sense
Hey eddie, I added a bit more logging now, so if you try and log in I will at least be able to see if the state values match
BTW I invited Andy Bell over as he asked for webmention help https://github.com/andybelldesign/hylia/issues/29
[Rose], [jgmac1106], chrisaldrich, [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell GWG if no author info, it shows a normalized domain name like "macstories.net"
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
leg joined the channel
what would be the easiest way to stream video from my computer (real time screencast to facebook live)?
skippy, snarfed and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Finally got around to trying out Together 3.0, great work grantcodes++
grantcodes has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
Works awesome for me.
I'd be good with this taking over alltogethernow.io!
Is anyone else getting hundreds of webmentions from Beau? (the post linked to in here https://twitter.com/sonniesedge/status/1141739806642331648 which also links to a bunch of people's sites here)
@beaulebens Hi Beau. I've unfortunately had to ban your domain from my site as it is bombing me with hundreds of Webmentions. It's probably worth checking your blogging app to see what's wrong! https://dentedreality.com.au/2019/06/09/into-the-personal-website-verse-%c2%b7-matthias-ott-user-experience-designer/
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I should probably just do it as I think the old live one is currently offline
Thanks loqi
you're welcome, [grantcodes]
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Yeah, I agree [grantcodes]
I also love the new logo and landing page 🙂
KartikPrabhu, snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
grantcodes: I'm in! I'm in!
Did you change anything?
!tell chrisaldrich Your feed for some reason doesn't provide any urls for your posts
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[manton] joined the channel
[eddie] nope, nothing
Interesting. Must have been some weird caching thing, grantcodes
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Example Eddie? Which feed?
[chrisaldrich]: [eddie] left you a message 1 minute ago: Your feed for some reason doesn't provide any urls for your posts
Yeah I think so
chrisaldrich Let me check what feed I'm subscribed to
The feed list in together is super nice now 😉
You can see there is no url property
So the h-feed?
Oh cool grantcodes! Nice full editor in Together
That's been around forever!
ohh haha 😄
oh feedback: My channels that have "unread indicator" but not count, show up as 1 unread
Oh I have a couple of new channels I've meant to switch to that mode in aperture. So I've not tested that
Oh you have query support dont you Eddie? Have a look at /me it's not finished yet but pretty cool
oh cool!
Some bugs, could be on my side or your side but a little bit of content does show up!
I literally haven't used it with any real apps yet, so that area of my endpoint is TOTALLY untested haha
Probably my side, I need to write a proper mf2 to jf2 conversion function
[jgmac1106], [benatwork] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
Just got out of the car... Eddie, I'm seeing a u-url on the permalink for my note posts... not sure why it's not coming through. Though I see that GWG's are...
Is it possible that it's a backcompat thing with hentry vs h-entry?
looks like I upgraded my theme again and lost the h-entry accidentally, but not sure that's the cause?
seems like it - all mf1, so u-url doesn't do anything
thanks sknebel... there's two other things I've been meaning to tweak, so I'll try to fix them this afternoon.
ahh that makes sense 🙂
jjuran, [mapkyca] and [tantek] joined the channel
there's a service that takes links from music providers (like Apple Music, Spotify, et al) and generates a generic page
I wanted to use that to make a usable reference to link to music from my site so people can play in their provider of choice
djmoch, npfoss[m] and jjuran joined the channel
Neat idea. I've thought about that sometimes, if I want to link to a track *not* on YouTube, what do I do?
I think I've only done it a couple times; usually just went with Spotify since that seems most common lately
I was thinking I need to find every college music station that publishes a 24 hr live stream and make a web ring.. Thus a random jukebox discovery
snarfed joined the channel
Does his concurrence help or hurt my case? https://github.com/brentsimmons/JSONFeed/issues/125
GWG: [eddie] left you a message 3 hours, 43 minutes ago: if no author info, it shows a normalized domain name like "macstories.net"
[dshanske] #125 Source Property
snarfed, [eddie], [tantek], [schmarty], eli_oat, jjuran, [jessrose] and [grantcodes] joined the channel