#dev 2019-06-21

2019-06-21 UTC
見てる: "Automate your outgoing webmentions" https://webmention.app/
そういえばそんな仕様あった "Webmention" https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG he does have a lot of experience at it. I vote helps.
[cleverdevil] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[eddie], [dougbeal] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
↩️ @Slysterk Ooooh that’s neat. This little microsub is also nuclear powered.
[tantek] joined the channel
microsub 😂
gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], jjuran, snarfed, brett-soric, treora, [eddie], gRegorLove_, KartikPrabhu, cweiske and vilhalmer joined the channel; brett-soric left the channel
ichoquo0Aigh9ie, [kevinmarks786], swentel, [grantcodes], KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
cweiske I don't know the answer to this can you have two omnibear exentsions installed? of without signing out maybe [grantcodes] is right, publish to your site and not display but then syndicate to a different site or just have a view for all your bookmarks
[grantcodes] joined the channel
The way I imagine that bookmark problem in a perfect indieweb world, would be you publish it to your own website via micropub, but have it unlisted or private so it doesn't show up on the frontend of your site, then there could be a bookmark display service / software that you could read your bookmarks via micropub queries and display them in a nice format, without you having to program it yourself.
I can do that with Known actually
these are my food posts but they don't show in my feed: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/content/food/
here is the ui to toggle all the post types
swentel joined the channel
Sure, that's the other option if you store & display everything within your own site. But then with that your cms or you have to build a specialised layout for that type of content, or live with the default layout
leg, [kimberlyhirsh], gRegorLove_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
ahh makes sense
yes wish it was powered more by post type discovery than templating but I can understand templates a bit more at my skill level
What is taskwarrior?
It looks like we don't have a page for "taskwarrior" yet. Would you like to create it?_K (Or just say "taskwarrior is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is Taskwarrior?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Taskwarrior" yet. Would you like to create it?_L (Or just say "Taskwarrior is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Taskwarrior is Free and Open Source Software that manages your TODO list from the command line
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ That's exactly what it did! Not for magic SEO juice, but for something much more interesting! https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Wow I was doing this with Known and my students in 2015... Not the geofence but checkin attendance...https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2019/06/20/professor-develops-new-app-gps-tracking-student-attendance
RT @0x1C3B00DA@edolas.world Really happy to see http://Webmention.app released. I’ve already got #webmentions on my site, but an easy way for people not already invested in the #IndieWeb is great. Onboarding people outsi… https://edolas.world/objects/86b3b97c-5da7-47ee-838f-ef7427660c8a
GWG tech wise I use a <dl> for the exif info with some svg icons, in the background the extractor is exiftool
That will likely be a future phase
For now, I am starting by storing data and displaying a bit of it
Is there any way to receive webmentions from comments on Reddit threads?
Lunchtime fun! I wrote a little glitch to turn webhook requests from http://webmention.io into github issues for my static site generator based blog. Later I might enhance this to make a pull request against the relevant article to add the mention. https://glitch.com/edit/#!/webmention-io-webhook-to-github-issue
Lunchtime fun! I wrote a little glitch to turn webhook requests from http://webmention.io into github issues for my static site blog. Later I might enhance this to make a pull request against the an article to add the mention. #indieweb #webmention https://glitch.com/edit/#!/webmention-io-webhook-to-github-issue
[manton], mapkyca, iiogama[m], snarfed, mapkyca_, oodani and [Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] coming here from IndieWeb... Yeah I didn't migrate... Moving content in and out of WP huge pita. Instead I just added a subdomain and then moved on with different solution
Not sure I would say microblog censor things bit of a reach on the discovery tab
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove_, mapkyca_, [kevinmarks786], jackjamieson and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell cweiske regarding multiple micropub endpoints, there are a couple things. Omnibear *could* add multiple endpoint support. You could also add multiple "destinations" into your endpoint, and one destination could forward it somewhere else. I'm not sure if Omnibear support destinations, but again, that could be requested.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[grantcodes] joined the channel
jackjamieson so there's not great user facing errors at the moment but if you dig into network requests there might be details on any errors
But I'm also not sure if it only does that on a dev environment or not 😅
Thanks! The network responses look helpful
Interntal server error: String cannot represent value: ["http://aaronparecki.com/"]
[grantcodes] I'll have to dig into it a bit, but looks like there's plenty of response info for tracing it. Thanks for the tip
snarfed joined the channel
Oh, something is an array that either shouldn't be an array or I have not converted
Yep, graphql seems good for that
Ah, you're right. in my response the author URL is a single array item
I guess that's the multiple authors that GWG has been working on!
Actually not in this case, since it's just one author. It's only the URL property that's an array. And only for some feeds.
[schmarty] joined the channel
grantcodes++ alltogethernow.io is working well!
grantcodes has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
ran into one issue with a single channel: `Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field Post.photo.`
it's a channel called Debug that i use to see how my JSONFeed looks
Cool I'll have a look at some point, but it's definitely because it is expecting the photo property to be an array, but it might just be something I need to normalize on the together server
[grantcodes] So I think [author][url] should be a string instead of an array (which can be addressed in Yarns and/or Parse-This - I'll check where the error originates). But it would still be nice for the client to be able to render the rest of the feed. But this just helped me find a bug in Yarns, which means I can fix it :)
grantcodes has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
oh, i should mention i run aperture as my microsub server.
Yeah that's the thing with graphql, it is strict with its types so I can't have the properties that are sometimes an array, sometimes a sting and try to normalise stuff like that
[grantcodes] Actually, that's great, because it makes it easier for me to find errors!
Let me fix any jf2 standardization errors
skippy joined the channel
So the only one I actually normalize is `quotation-of` because there is a bug in aperture that doesn't make it an array by default. I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to do string -> array in together server or force the actual microsub servers to do it
GWG, okay I'll leave this in your hands. Seems to be happening from aaronparecki.com/syndicated
jackjamieson,.if you open the issue please
I need to write some unit tests
GWG, will do so now
Anyone have any?
We've never necessarily always agreed on how to convert to jf2
By the way, re references, that's in the jf2 spec
It allows for richer replies
Would love it if a Microsub client used it
BenLubar joined the channel
GWG, Thanks - I was just looking at the jf2 spec and saw that. I agree it would be a nice feature in Microsub clients
I have it because I need it for Post Kinds now
snarfed, [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
Can Together support multiple authors?
GWG, At least with the arxiv.org feed I've been testing with, doesn't look like it. The multiple authors are returned as a single h-card with null values
BenLubar, jjuran and snarfed joined the channel
oh, [grandcodes]++
[grandcodes] has 1 karma over the last year
GWG, I think (from the error I was seeing with [author][url] earlier) that Together returns null for cases like this where it's expecting one value and finds another (e.g. expecting one h-card and receives multiple).
grantcodes has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
[grantscodes] is grand though...
(to add my own typo to the mix) grantcodes, not grantscodes
[grantcodes]: I am not an expert on GraphQL, just starting myself too. But I've been digging into it a lot over the past weeks, so happy to look at the server :)
snarfed joined the channel
jackjamieson, can add a flag
GWG, can you clarify?
An argument to the return to always return one author only
multiauthor = false ?
isn't MF2 properties all lists by default
Microsub uses jf2
GWG, got it. I hope multiple authors gets added to the Microsub spec, but a flag would be useful in the meantime
ah okay
In which case, I'd suggest collapsing the multiple author h-cards into a string with all of the author names. Unfortunate to lose URLs etc, but seems better than omitting people
jackjamieson, I may put it into a secondary property
Will think on that
leg joined the channel
Maybe contributors
GWG, I think it's worth thinking through. For my use-case of academic articles, I don't like the hierarchy implied by authors and contributors since many articles I read have multiple authors who contributed equally.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Nothing stops readers of course to already handle both cases
jackjamieson, I have the issue that in RSS putting authors as contributors is regrettably common
But either way .
Where would you put them?
You know I care about proper citations
jjuran joined the channel
Hmmm, thinking about this
On the one hand, I'd really like to see all of the authors of an article in Microsub, or at least an indication if anyone has been omitted (e.g. "Shanske et. al" or a more colloquial version of that)
For that purpose I'd be willing to sacrifice things like author images and other h-card elements in order to get all the author names. At least as long as we can't count on Microsub clients to handle arrays of authors
Once I reply to a post, however, it's great that Post Kinds can handle multiple author h-cards. Certainly once I'm posting something on my own site, I'd like the citation to be as complete as possible
As for authors vs contributors, the feeds I'm looking at for academic articles use <dc:creator> for all of the authors, so I wouldn't see a need to use contributors to represent those, at least
I don't think my musing here is very helpful... certainly not very conclusive!
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I think there's a bit of confusion because the microsub jf2 does not follow the spec exactly regarding arrays or strings with the idea that the client shouldn't have to check every property to see if it's an array of not
GWG: together does not support multiple authors as that isn't in the microsub spec I don't think. But it absolutely does support refs and I'm pretty sure other readers do too
Also another hacky option if multiple authors is really important you could apend a footer to the actual content
It isn't not in the spec. It isn't clear how it would apply
snarfed joined the channel
re: license talk
I wish that the CDDL had a blurb like the ones on https://choosealicense.com/licenses/
[supertunaman] cdl: Chicken Dance License! The official IANAL license.
[kevinmarks786], snarfed, [jgmac1106], leg, chrisaldrich, carsonfarmer[m] and jackjamieson joined the channel