#dev 2019-06-22

2019-06-22 UTC
KartikPrabhu and [eddie] joined the channel
Why am I building a blogging tool just to learn about webmentions?
[kimberlyhirsh] and [miklb] joined the channel
I have to do this video poster detection sooner than later D:
snarfed, djmoch, [tonz], KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Taking a break from trying to get the webmention plugin working on @getkirby and going to add in pagination to my notes https://testkirby.jgregorymcverry.com (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2kwo3Q)
[Sonny] joined the channel
from a user perspective what is the difference between https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Post_Status and delete/undelete ?
strugee, dhanesh95 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
not sure? They can see something undeleted but not something deleted?
jgmac1106 and [Sonny] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] yeah that's what I had in mind but then there's no way from a micropub client to discover a post to undelete
if I am reading this page correctly these are proposed extensions, I am not sure any of the clients handle these extensions,may have to wait for folks smarterthan me for a real answer
hmm undelete could be "undo delete" on a micropub client in case it supports undoing a destructive action, then there's no need for discovery
not sure if that's the intention though, maybe [aaronpk] can clarify ?
that or if you give the client the url
the suggestions for clients to be able to discover posts on their own are generally newer work
(and I couldn't tell you how widely supported delete/undelete actually are)
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
If you tombstone the post you can undelete it as the tombstone url still exists.
The other advantage of tombstones is that you can put them in your feeds so the deletion can be propagated
If clients support update, the tombstone should replace the older version, even if they don't support delete
makes sense, thanks
gRegorLove joined the channel
snarfed, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[zegnat] this is what I am doing now, trying to add a featured image to a tempalte so I can recreate this: https://jgregorymcverry.com/articles.html
working on adding u-featured image and calling it in the post and list of articles
Definitely good PHP practice working on those templates!
[jgmac1106], [tantek] and [miklb] joined the channel
[Greg McVerry] Dude where is my h-card?
thinking about trying to layout my h-card inside of the article header which spans rows 2-7 might , the h-card is in the header but I may want to display on right and not left, may have to nest some grids not sure…but happy progress I made
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[Sonny] If a micropub endpoint has query support it could return deleted posts to a micropub client without them being publicly available online or tombstoned
[Sonny] joined the channel
AFAIK there's no way to query deleted posts
Also jgmac1106: saw your message about wanting to use html not markdown I'm kirby, can you not just write html in the markdown field? I thought that was how markdown worked
[Sonny] there's proposals for micropub queries and a few implementations. I can query deleted posts on my endpoint but I don't know if anyone else has implemented it the same way as me
"there is no way" -- just because something is in a spec only matters as much as it's been implemented :)
will give it a shot, that is what folks on Twitter said. Never really was a markdown person
I'm about to roll out some more advanced micropub and undo / delete features in together so delete and undelete is on my mind right now
Webmentions on the go. Let’s see how it goes. I’m not sure yet, tbh.
what is mod security?
mod_security is a web application firewall for the Apache web server https://indieweb.org/mod_security
I wonder if it is worth going through old chat / GH issues and see if anyone mentioned specific mod_security rules that have been acting up
the problem is people whose web hosts implement mod_security often aren't even aware of the specific rule that triggers it
I remember one case where someone spent a few back and forths with their tech support and finally got them to mention a particular rule
I would not be surprised if a lot of webhost support lines do not know what rules mod_security includes...
also true
jgmac1106 and [tonz] joined the channel
wrt specific mod_security rules , my hoster’s server error logs usually cite the rules that got violated. (and I mentioned them here and in my blog I think, so could dig them out)
ah that's helpful
I think I put yours on the wiki as an example
Hm no I didn't
Or somewhere else
gRegorLove, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpk, closing IndieAuth issues?
trying to do a little housecleaning
I feel bad some of them have been open since before last year's summit
jgmac1106 joined the channel
aaronpk, always a challenge
My goal is pushing a new Post Kinds by Sunday night
I have 5 issues I want to close
Good luck!!
To all of us
Has anyone from the #IndieWeb gotten OwnYourSwarm to show the number of coins on a #Wordpress configured site? I get all of my webmentions except for those. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Thanks.
I display them I think
gRegorLove, [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
Loqi, which GitHub.com/microformats issues were opened before /2018 ?
↩️ When logged into OwnYourSwarm there's a dashboard page with a section entitled "Comments and Responses" with two toggles. The second toggle for "Send Webmention for system comments from Swarm" should be "on" and that should send you the coins [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2019/06/22/55756288/
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Rolled out experimental support for micropub queries and updates in together. It's pretty awesome to be able to see all my own posts and manage them
KartikPrabhu, chrisaldrich and [miklb] joined the channel
that does sound handy
Random: anyone able to view "quoted" tweet content in their reader from Granary?
I think I might have to use a different stream type for this
gRegorLove and snarfed joined the channel
jacky: yes, granary handles quote tweets correctly
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Yeah, they show up great in together
teamwork has 1 karma over the last year
[tantek] and snarfed joined the channel
↩️ Will have to consider. I wonder why the rest don't? Considering it's a webmention, it should appear, logically, at least.
ritewhose[m] joined the channel