MrKapowski@jgmac1106 that could be useful. I've tried using a couple of those on my site, but I'm never sure if I'm using them right. Read in particular is one I could make more use of.
MrKapowskiAt the moment, what I'm doing for Read is marking up a h-cite read-of block with the details (URL, title, etc), then adding my blockquote annotations or comments into the main body of my entry, using <mark> to highlight anything I think is particularly relevant in a quote
Loqi[Greg McVerry] Starting this book as part of book club and to model how online book clubs work for #edu307.No irony in doing a book club about digital minimalism from my blog. In fact, going big the first step in going small.When you have...
Loqi[Greg McVerry] Starting this book as part of book club and to model how online book clubs work for #edu307.No irony in doing a book club about digital minimalism from my blog. In fact, going big the first step in going small.When you have...
Loqi[Greg McVerry] Starting this book as part of book club and to model how online book clubs work for #edu307.No irony in doing a book club about digital minimalism from my blog. In fact, going big the first step in going small.When you have...
valuemachine, jeremych_, jeremyc__, swentie, swentel, jgmac1106, MrKapowski, [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, [tonz] and Kongaloosh joined the channel
[grantcodes]GWG: that would make it such a pain to consume though, you'd have to do date comparisons on both of the datetimes. Nice to have but I still think a status is generally better
[grantcodes]Problem in my mind comes when you want to consume them, e.g. show only stuff you have finished watching, you then have to do a query based on the current date. Dunno, just seems complicated to me.
MrKapowskiFor Reads about physical books/offline media, what does everyone else suggest using as the URL in tools which expect one as one of the properties?
[jgmac1106]that way all will be on my notes page but i could route and sort posts just by the variable if I wanted to build a page of just bookmarks for example
jeremycherfasThe most complex thing of any CMS for me is the way various bits and pieces interlock. Like Twig template partials, and how you can choose different partials under different circumstances.
aaronpklike if i post a micropub reply to a URL that happens to be a permalink, my server will just POSSE it anyway, regardless of whether the client sends mp-syndicate-to