LoqiGWG: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour ago: this is my idea on the topic of defaults that I’m planning to add to my server and to Chronicler when I finish building it
KartikPrabhu, djmoch, [Michael_Beckwit, [tantek], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], gRegorLove, [kimberlyhirsh], valuemachine, jamey1, [Jamey_Sharp], aaronpk, tom_tron[m] and swentel joined the channel
[Jamey_Sharp]does h-feed have any provisions for paginated feeds? I didn't see anything related, but maybe mf2 has some general interpretation for `<a rel="next">` or something?
[Jamey_Sharp]that's very helpful, thank you. does microformats.org not say this anywhere? should I be ignoring that site? I'm so confused about where to find these specifications.
KartikPrabhuthere is no general use of rel attributes in microformats. mf2 parsers parse all rel-attributes that are found. Using them to parse an h-feed is a specific use case documented on the indieweb wiki
aaronpkMy subtle point was also that just because something is an IETF RFC doesn't mean it's actually relevant anymore. Plenty get abandoned or replaced elsewhere
[Jamey_Sharp]KartikPrabhu: as it happens, the reason I was trying to figure that out is because I was looking at your hfeed2atom and wondering if it could generate prev/next links in the atom it produces. as far as I can tell, it does not currently do that, right?
KartikPrabhu[Jamey_Sharp]: yeah right now it does not. I mainly cooked that up to generate my ATOM directly from what was on the corresponding h-feed page
Loqigranary is a library and REST API that frees you from social network snowflake API and exposes the sweet social data foodstuff inside as HTML and JSON with microformats2, ActivityStreams, JSON Feed, Atom, XML, and more https://indieweb.org/granary
LoqiKoype is an open-source project that aims to provide a one-stop shop for those looking for a single-tenant Web service to own-your-data https://indieweb.org/Koype
[snarfed][Jamey_Sharp] http://reader.minilop.net/ is fun! one bug report: it needs to fully qualify relative `img` URLs. right now it doesn't so they show up as broken.
[jgmac1106]sweet! I can now either add a bookmark, reply, or following post in the Kirby publishing UI or by just writing bookmark, reply, or following in my plain text file, up next is figuring out some PHP whizbangery to add some context like an icon for each post type
[Jamey_Sharp][snarfed] oh! right. I assumed the Python feedparser library would take care of that for me, so I'll have to figure out how I'm supposed to do that... thanks for pointing that out!
[snarfed][grantcodes] just fyi login on https://together-web.tpxl.io/ seems broken. JS console shows CORS errors and [Error getting auth url] Error: "Network error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.", maybe due to one of the CORS errors
[Jamey_Sharp][snarfed] I fixed the relative URLs problem! feedparser needed sgmllib3k for full functionality on Python 3, but the way I constructed my requirements.txt missed that dependency.
[tantek]jacky I happened to leave my AirDrop on public and got random drops from people on the plane! I sent back photos I took while taking off, and some replied with "Thanks" written on my photo!