#dev 2019-06-29

2019-06-29 UTC
[kevinmarks786], [Andi] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
↩️ I'm very late to the party but i just found this thread after searching twitter for 'webmentions tutorial' and i'm glad to see i'm not the only one slightly mystified at the actual implementation bit
valuemachine joined the channel
↩️ @AaronGustafson Wow! Awesome work. First I've seen webmention streaming!
valuemachine, [jz], [tomas_quinones] and [scottgruber] joined the channel
↩️ http://beesbuzz.biz/ mostly looks the same with it disabled and enabled, including all of the fun animations, because it's all CSS animations. Disabling Javascript means math doesn't render, comments and webmentions don't load, and images open directly instead of a lightbox.
valuemachine, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, [aaronpk], [Serena], [chrisaldrich], Senshi[m], [Michael_Beckwit, [tantek], [Rose], [Micah_Silverman, [frank], enricomarino[m], [jgmac1106], ingoogni, [fluffy], Gorka[m]1, omz13, gxt, djmoch, [jeremycherfas] and [infominer] joined the channel
What is checkin?
A checkin is the action of checking into a location and sharing that information https://indieweb.org/checkin
[Rose] and valuemachine joined the channel
For the talk last night about what would be the IndieWeb version of CPanel https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/06/28/cpanel_price_hikes/
valuemachine, eli_oat, eli_oat1, seblog, [infominer], jgmac1106, jeremych_, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [gRegorLove], leg, [aaronpk], [jgmac1106], chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], mapkyca__, [Jamey_Sharp] and [tmiller] joined the channel
fluffy++ for all the goodies that still work with nojs!
fluffy has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
Oops [Jamey_Sharp] I was so sure I had bookmarked the Apple feed definitions page you mentioned but can't seem to find it :/
It's so weirdly hard to find!
What is Media RSS
It looks like we don't have a page for "Media RSS" yet. Would you like to create it?_g (Or just say "Media RSS is ____", a sentence describing the term)
GWG ^^^ and please keep all mentions of formats & protocols in dev!
Sorry, missed which room it was
valuemachine, [scottgruber] and [Rose] joined the channel
[schmarty] Yeah, there's that and https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390 which says "This page does not list all supported RSS tags, just the most important ones."
[cleverdevil] and [snarfed] joined the channel
obligatory: https://granary.io/ 's RSS output supports enclosures, iTunes tags, etc for podcasts. feel free to try.
snarfed++ for hidden goodies
snarfed has 47 karma in this channel over the last year (82 in all channels)
I'm looking for a spec, though, not an implementation. How do you determine what tags to use?
i used existing specs and iTunes docs, nothing surprising or exotic
What iTunes docs?
jgmac1106, with respect to your CPanel note above, I did notice this a few days back: https://twitter.com/timmmmyboy/status/1144315029266817025
Looks like I’ll be experimenting in earnest with alternatives to cPanel this weekend.
let's see
There's nothing technical there?
Mostly legal stuff
heh true. feed requirements section is useful and important, but not tags
Useful, yes, but doesn't list the things I remember being interesting, like whether order of episodes is important
related looks there are good, eg this example feed: https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcbaf351599 . they also have a good tester/validator.
sure. i wasn't focusing on deep ordering/pagination details. i know you do though!
Haha, yup 😁
cathie, jgmac1106, scottgruber, dougbeal|iOS, [jk], [cec], gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, [tonz], j12t, donpdonp, [Micah_Silverman, [aaronpk], ronbronson and [frank] joined the channel
[sebsel] I'm surprised to see your hcard not displaying properly on my like-post. https://diggingthedigital.com/3822-2/
weird. his site seems fine
[frank], not sure how the authorship algorithm is implemented in WordPress. It does result in data for me: https://sturdy-backbone.glitch.me/test?url=https%3A%2F%2Fseblog.nl%2F2019%2F06%2F28%2F8%2Fsurf-the-web-at-lightning-speed
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I will have a look at some point
all of Åmål debugging it
(all IWC attendees there. not the town)
It is probably the storage glitch for authors I am working on
I wanted to point to the test on authorship.rocks that would be the same example, but can't really find it
If there isn't both a name and a URL it fails to store
another hackday project already
there is a URL
Sorry to crash the Åmål schedule! 🙂
stevej[m] joined the channel
It isn't demoable
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
o no, happy to debug :D we're watching streams too
It's my code
[dshanske] #278 Author is Not Saving Unless Both Name and URL
valuemachine, [tantek], tbbrown, [Jamey_Sharp], mblaney and [jeanmacdonald] joined the channel
⚠️ Fair warning if you use http://brid.gy & Brotli ⚠️ http://brid.gy does not yet work with Brotli compression due to a long-standing issue with Google App Engine: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/112277350 I switched my site to Brotli awhile ago and webmentions stopped working!
⚠️ Fair warning if you use http://brid.gy & Brotli ⚠️ http://brid.gy does not yet work with Brotli compression due to a long-standing issue with Google App Engine: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/112277350 I switched my site to Brotli awhile ago and webmentions stopped working!
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
I found the iTunes tags yesterday but it was a lot of digging
The apple docs pages seem to be designed to stop you deep linking them.
I'm having some issues with indieauth interoperability (I'm building my own server). I can authorize with teacup.pk3.io, but quill;.pk3.io is throwing up a "The domain for the user returned did not match the domain of the user initially signing in".
Talking of teacup, when I run it locally, its throwing up a Slim Application Error (views/partials/footer.php line 17 - Undefined property: Savant3::$authorizing)
[dougbeal] joined the channel
pretty sure this is where the iTunes RSS spec used to be but isn't any more 😢 https://itunespartner.apple.com/en/podcasts/news/41700009
wat whoa
gRegorLove_, [jgmac1106] and [miklb] joined the channel
↩️ I wrote this up in a blog post too: http://Brid.gy for Webmentions with Brotli https://www.zachleat.com/web/bridgy-brotli/
↩️ I wrote this up in a blog post too: http://Brid.gy for Webmentions with Brotli https://www.zachleat.com/web/bridgy-brotli/
valuemachine, [grantcodes] and [Micah_Silverman joined the channel
I have an idea that my problem with my indieauth server working with teacup but not quill is due to my normalizing things (I drop the www in the auth "me", but the site itself redirects from apex to www)... but, even so, its a bit disconcerting that teacup and quill seem to handle things differently (so its hard to pin down what's the underlying issue)
[tomas_quinones], KartikPrabhu and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
omz13, both teacup and quill are built by aaronpk and I'd suspect they both handle those pieces much the same.
If you can't troubleshoot it along, I'd recommend you try to ping him again tomorrow during hackday as I'll bet he's got his hands more than full running the camp/Summit this weekend.
nekr0z and jgmac1106 joined the channel
omz13: yes, that sounds like it wouldn't work - might be that one of the clients is running outdated libs or something
your endpoint can't return a user on a different domain than the endpoint was discovered on (based on the redirect following rules from the IndieAuth spec)
[cleverdevil], [aaronpk], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], tbbrown and [schmarty] joined the channel
sknebel Thanks for the info. I've tweaked by auth endpoint. It is now working with quill, and failing (sometimes) with teacup. It looks like teacup is having issues with its redirection logic... if I enter a fully qualified domain name (https://www.example.com) it does workl, but semi-qualified (example.com, which redirects to www.example.com to https://www.example.com) doesn't. As you say, probably an outdated library.
[Michael_Beckwit, mZ[m]1, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, j12t, jgmac1106, [tantek], mblaney, micahsilverman, [cleverdevil], valuemachine, tbbrown, [anomalily], [aaronpk] and [jnoh] joined the channel
What is jekyll?
Jekyll is Ruby software that helps you create "Simple, blog-aware, static sites" suitable for static domain hosting https://indieweb.org/Jekyll
david_bryant, [tantek], j12t, [schmarty], donpdonp, jgmac1106 and [Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
[tantek] says IndieAuth folks might care about this thing I just told him about: https://publicsuffix.org/
in particular if you need to know whether two domains are from the same domain registration, that'll tell you
j12t, valuemachine and [snarfed] joined the channel
hey private posts sessions finishing up right now: consider secret URLs too! not "secure," but close enough for most of our use cases in practice (especially if you block them in robots.txt), accessible to everyone, and zero new code or tech!
cc [cleverdevil] [schmarty] jackjamieson etc
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Great suggestion, thanks!
snarfed: thanks! we mentioned about those a couple of times in some pretty specific contexts.
but the general concept is very useful!
snarfed has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (85 in all channels)
yup. i'm definitely considering them for non-public pictures in the future. indieauth is a non-starter, silo auth is icky, passwords etc are too clunky.
Did you hear the magic email links?
It strikes me as a really approachable solution.
no! sounds similar? secret URLs sent via email?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Sort of, but one-time use tokens, potentially,.
So, same permalink to the content.
But, potentially with some sort of extra parameter passed in that act as a single-use (or limited time use) access key.
not bad. i often want to tell people a URL offline though, or semi-online, eg in whatsapp. nice to be able to do that with something short and memorable, eg snarfed.org/trip-pictures, as opposed to a more involved flow, have to wait for them to check email, etc
and i want the URL to work semi-permanently
Sure, but you could send them a link to the permalink
Then, when they get there, they could be presented with the option to put in their email address and click to get a new magic link emailed to them.
ah, so basically their email is their auth
yeah, reasonable. i like the seamlessness of just the URL itself, and i'm ok with the lower security tradeoff, but that's just my preference
honestly robots.txt blocking alone probably gets us 95% of the way there
(that and omitting from site feeds, search, etc)