#dev 2019-06-30

2019-06-30 UTC
jgmac1106, mblaney, [anomalily] and valuemachine joined the channel
valuemachine, eli_oat and [michellejl] joined the channel
[mJordan] 2018: Year in Review
gRegorLove, valuemachine, eli_oat1, eli_oat, [fluffy], [cleverdevil], [gRegorLove], [Andi], omz13, [tmiller], [jackjamieson], chrisaldrich, [anomalily], omz13_, omz13[m], [jgmac1106], [tantek], treora, [aaronpk], tbbrown, mblaney, [jeremycherfas], [frank], [infominer] and [Rose] joined the channel
It's finally happened! After more than a decade of posting to my site, and a lot more posting in the last 5 years, I've exceeded the 1024mb alloted by my host for my mySQL database!
Now I've got to find out if I can increase the size or how one handles this issue. Anyone else ever done this?
You'd have to ask the host
It's a shared server on 1&1 @pfefferle 's home....
Sounds like they have a 1024mb max for shared hosting and I'll need to get and manage my own hosting to get it working...
admin tax I don't really want to support....
The worst part is that I can't even log into the site at the moment to clean out my spam folder to get under the limit.
GWG, If I manually delete spam out of the comment portion of the db, does it also remove the related comment meta?
It should. Although there are plugins that clean orphan data
I'd use a plugin if I could log into the site and install one, sadly....
chris4 joined the channel
Actually a quick test indicates that if I manually use phpmyadmin to delete a comment, it doesn't automatically take the associated comment meta with it
Money seems the only solution
I don't mind money, but wish I had a better indicator that I was coming up against this issue.
Ask the provider for a temporary raise?
Sadly they're unable to do that...
If they could I think they could then give a permanent raise.
[Chris_Ede] and [infominer] joined the channel
I'm so happy I figured out twitter cards for hugo.. and understand site vs page variables a bit better
I'm also learning bootstrap for a different site
the newb joy is strong w me, when overcoming even the smallest obstacles ๐Ÿ™‚
omz13_ joined the channel
That's just the joy of having your own site!
[Micah_Silverman, [jeremycherfas], jeremych_, gRegorLove, mapkyca, Akshay[m]1, cesarosum[m] and [infominer] joined the channel
yes, or in my case, like 10 of them ๐Ÿคฃ
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, [jgmac1106] and omz13 joined the channel
Ouch Chris. Pick a provider with no or bigger limits... I keep teetering on a paid upgrade as I am about to surpass 10 gigs
omz13 and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel; omz13_ left the channel
What is e-content
It looks like we don't have a page for "e-content" yet. Would you like to create it?_n (Or just say "e-content is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gorhgorh[m]2 joined the channel
[mJordan] That Time I Started Calling Myself Jordan
rklaehn[m]1 joined the channel
Jordan checked out a few of your posts. Loon kike we got you all proper. Should add yourself to the Gatsby page
Can p-summary be nested in e-content?
prtfw[m], maparent[m] and valuemachine joined the channel
jeremycherfas: sure
Cool. Thanks. Likewise, I expect h-review can be nested in h-entry?
parsers will parse it, no idea what consumers do there (tbh, don't know much consuming h-review at all)
I'll take a look.
(in the case of nested properties, nothing outside the parser sees that. whereas nested h- objects will produce a nested output from the parser, which the consumer then needs to handle)
I could see you doing a collection of reviews nested in an h-entry.. Is there anyone consuming h-reviews beyond readers?
[tonz] joined the channel
I am not sure why I would nest a *collection* within an *entry*
I meant the collection woukd be the nest as in "my five best books of 2019" as an h-entry and then five h-reviews
Yeah, me netiher. If it were a collection I'd be tempted to make it h-feed, if anything.
In any case, I have given up trying to scratch a particular itch, because I reckon a higher priority is to update my theme to be based on the newish Grav default theme. Once it is looking right, locally, I can make sure mf2 is OK too.
I woukd say h-feed IF you plan on adding more reviews but if the postvis a collection of reviews then they would be nested in an h-entry
Yup. I misunderstood what you were meaning.
I do serialized content that way... Notvthat any consumer does anything with it
leg joined the channel
But awesome if you update newest Grav theme!!
It will be complex, as my current child theme is already heavily customised. So I plan to copy Quark locally and work on it from time to time until I am happy enough to go live.
I also saw someone in the Grav forum mention something called October CMS which seems very similar in principle. But it uses a database.
chris[m]17 joined the channel
October CMS is basically Grav-on-Laravel, I think
A CMS mostly for developers to build a site with, and then hand over to others to just have to manage. But using Laravel for database connections, libraries, etc.
Right. And because I don't know enough about the benefits that Laravel confers, I can't say why it would be worth switching.
In other news, just looking at the twig templates, there is already a fair bit of mf2 in the Quark theme.
The partials are definitely a lot more numerous than in Antimatter, but each is simpler, so I'm thinking it could well be simpler to customise.
nekr0z, [jgmac1106], [aaronpk], [tmiller] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Anyone here ever work with signed URLs, ideally specifically with Flask? I want to use them to implement my magic sign-on links but Iโ€™m having trouble finding a good implementation and Iโ€™d rather not have to do it myself because Iโ€™m not sure I can do it correctly. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56825446/signing-and-validating-urls-with-flask
[Vanessa] and [Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
[fluffy] Looking at the `ska` docs: 1) I'm concerned that they describe what they're doing as "encryption" when there does not appear to be any encryption involved, only signing; 2) Can you use `signature_to_dict` instead of `sign_url` to get what you want?
Yeah Iโ€™m not at all interested in ska, just like based on my smoke tests showing that even if itโ€™s well-implemented their API is not gret.
Considering hmac and the appropriate hashes are in the Python standard library I'm not sure you really need an additional package anyway...
anyway `signature_to_dict` kiiiindasorta could work I guess? but Iโ€™m concerned about not using it right if I roll my own.
Yeah HMAC is in the standard library, but not a mechanism for correctly signing and validating the signature of a URL
the HMAC-specific part is easy, itโ€™s most the URL wrangling Iโ€™m worried about.
Iโ€™m having a great time at @IndieWebSummit. Today is hack day. Not sure exactly what Iโ€™ll work on but Iโ€™m thinking of adding the option to generate follow posts from Yarns Microsub Server. When you follow a feed, Yarns could automatically create a followโ€ฆ https://jackjamieson.net/?p=14256
[tantek] joined the channel
The easiest approach would be to just not support a query string, in which case the signing and validation become incredibly straightforward. But Iโ€™d like to be able to support query strings too.
I may not be understanding what you're trying to do. Do you want to allow arbitrary URLs in your site to optionally have an authorization token attached to them, and the problem is that the base URL might already have a query string?
like for a login callback (for an emailed magic link), http://example.com/login/user@example.com/12345678?s=HMAC_GOES_HERE is straightforward-ish (12345678 being the expiration timestamp)
thatโ€™s the other thing, Iโ€™d like whatever wraps this to have the expiration be added to the URL automatically
There's a lot you can do with the combination of `parse_qsl` and `urlencode` from `urllib.parse`, if that helps...?
yeah I am well aware of urllib.parse stuff, I was just hoping to not have to implement this stuff myself and just use an existing library, ideally one thatโ€™s suited to Flask.
Iโ€™m always wary of roll-your-own solutions especially for โ€œeasyโ€ stuff where authentication is involved.
The code I've used (on the Outreachy web site) for email-activation account registration is Django-specific but I'll throw the link here anyway in case it's helpful: https://github.com/ubernostrum/django-registration/blob/3.0.1/src/django_registration/backends/activation/views.py
tbbrown joined the channel
Ooh, Iโ€™ll take a look at that, thanks
That project also has a security guide you might find helpful: https://django-registration.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.1/security.html
gRegorLove joined the channel
I guess the Django signing API is important too if you want to understand the django-registration implementation: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/signing/
[gRegorLove], jeremych_ and valuemachine joined the channel
Zegnat, mblaney and I were talking last night about possibly doing some AutoAuth stuff today. Minimal like the www-authenticate and maybe token request
[grantcodes], [schmarty], [jgmac1106], [snarfed], [mapkyca], [cleverdevil], valuemachine, [jackjamieson], [jeanmacdonald] and [davidmead] joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
[Greg McVerry] listening to a great #history podcast
[Greg McVerry] listening to a great #history podcast
tbbrown, gRegorLove_ and mblaney joined the channel
gRegorLove, sebsel worked on building an autoauth compatible token endpoint today
Interesting insights. May lead to some issues on the spec again
[aaronpk] possible improvement for your site today, seeing some odd CSS on this colorful-background post: https://aaronparecki.com/2018/09/29/13/
[Aaron Parecki] This is a demo for IndieWebCamp NYC! If you look at this post on my website, it will have a colored background!
j12t and [aaronpk] joined the channel
Nice find
[anomalily], [Rose] and valuemachine joined the channel
valuemachine and [tantek] joined the channel
what is discovery
Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery
what is friend
friending (AKA add friend or the verb to friend) is a general term applied to the various silo user interactions with sites regarding reciprocal friendship https://indieweb.org/friend
what is following
follow is a common feature (and often UI button) in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("โ€ฆ followed โ€ฆ" or "โ€ฆ is following โ€ฆ") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("โ€ฆ followed you") https://indieweb.org/following
kitt, Maxwell, mapkyca, [snarfed] and [infominer] joined the channel
welcome [kitt]!
[kitt] joined the channel
thanks, [tantek]! ๐Ÿ™‚
[snarfed]: My site does forward HTTP->HTTPS, and I think the failure isn't happening on verification... it's because my blog software sees the WM targeting something in http://fogknife.com in its inbox, and it says "I only care about https://fogknife.com, I have no idea what this garbage is" and doesn't even get as far as verification
I bet the verification would work if I tried. I'll dig in later
jmac: right, your site is implementing verification, and it's checking scheme strictly. you can loosen it!
I bet my software is too stupid to do that but I can smarten it up. So long as that's within the law, I'd be happy to
gkbrk, gRegorLove_, j12t and [Dave_Peck] joined the channel
Do any microformats parsers support the `hAudio` format proposal (http://microformats.org/wiki/haudio)? I tried both `php.microformats.io` and also `mf2py` but they donโ€™t _seem_ to support it (and/or my markup is no good).
[Dave_Peck] sounds like that's mf1. the mf2 property is u-audio (and u-video, etc)
[tantek] #6 u-audio proposed->draft bc 2+ publishers and 1 consuming impls/sites
[snarfed] Thanks. I donโ€™t see much detail about `u-audio` on the microformats wiki besides a mention in a โ€œbrainstormingโ€ section.
Even just an example would be nice to see.
(As for mf1 vs mf2: ah, good to know. Iโ€™m new to microformats; _now_ I know how to distinguish between them, but it might be nice if the wiki explicitly called this out.)
ah, perfect. thanks!
like many standards processes, mf2 is slow to formalize new properties. lots like this are used and interoperable for years before they're officially adopted. i think that's intentional
hey aaronpk are aperture and your site the only clients of watchtower right now? at least your instance?
aperture's user agent seems to be watchtower, and i' considering blocking it in bridgy, but i'd ideally only like to block aperture
I think we're behind on approving draft properties
GWG yeah that issue ^ is 2y old ๐Ÿ˜†
could be your summit project for today!
[tantek] #5 u-video draft->core bc way more than 3+ pub and consuming impls/sites
[aaronpk] joined the channel
[snarfed] is aperture doing something wrong? why do you want to block it?
[aaronpk] good q. i probably don't, just researching. people occasionally subscribe to their user pages in it, but that use case doesn't make sense and isn't one i really intend bridgy to support
oh funny. are there microformats on the user pages?
and generates a small amount of load, not individually but collectively maybe eventually
i guess then the question is why are there microformats if you don't want people to susbcribe to the page?
i'm all for them consuming them. polling them every couple min, maybe less so
hm, it's an h-card, so not intended to be a feed
watchtower also does exponential backoff of polling, so if you're seeing requests every couple minutes it's because the contents of the page have been changing frequently
right, no h-feeds or h-entry's, i doubt anything shows up in readers
they do change frequently, every backfeed item
mapkyca joined the channel
oh and last poll time etc, so even without items
i think the easier thing here is to make aperture more strict about not letting people subscribe to things that aren't actually feeds
or heavily backing off of them, even if they change often, yeah
for some reason XRay thinks that page has a microformats feed
so i could fix that
works for me ๐Ÿ˜Ž
but right now aperture is the only publicly usable service that uses watchtower?
not planning to block it right now, just curious
microcast.club also uses it
but in general, only my own services are going to use the instance at watchtower.p3k.io
sure, but i'd want to allow xray and telegraph. just not aperture
anyway, academic, not blocking anything for now
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Following page auto-generated from Aperture in real-time ๐Ÿ˜„
(Still needs a lot of work, be gentle.)
[snarfed] wondering if Granary can convert this into an OPML or something?
[cleverdevil] fun! sadly no OPML in granary yet. might be an open issue though
it does u-follow etc though
eg bridgy fed is one of the few (only?) services that currently produces and consumes u-follow-of
glad your site is now too!
leg and [grantcodes] joined the channel
That's cool [cleverdevil] do you do anything special for feeds that might be protected? eg. granary that has your token
Yes, I have a blacklist of channels that I don't want exposed.
Talked to [aaronpk] about how this might be captured in microsub, but I think its a pretty one-off use casae.
Yeah, don't think it should be in the spec. Could probably be built into aperture though
Yeah, agreed.
Well I've just implemented subscription payments on my site. ๐Ÿค‘
what awesome
[grantcodes] has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
That's awesome.
My favourite thing about the payments is it all just works via URLs eg pay.grant.codes/$5/montly
is that done using Stripe?
is not entering his card :P
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
4111 1111 1111 1111
gRegorLove joined the channel
Yeah it's stripe, but not on test mode :P
Oh and I misspelled monthly oops
โ†ฉ๏ธ You are missed, but you are where you need to be! We had a very encouraging meeting with the Known Open Collective this AM โ€“ย https://etherpad.indieweb.org/Known_Collective โ€“ย I'm working on a Known plugin for my project today that generates a "following" page via Microsub โ€“ https://cleverdevil.io/following
[Andi], j12t and [fluffy] joined the channel
[Jamey_Sharp] Iโ€™m ending up just using ska after all because prototype etc.
[Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
Makes sense!
eli_oat, valuemachine, j12t and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
j12t, valuemachine, wagle and [tantek] joined the channel
grantcodes - I got a 404 on your pay.grant URL
though I like the idea!
[grantcodes] joined the channel
that's hilarious! also the nojs error message ๐Ÿ˜‚
tbbrown joined the channel
Installed the #Known Akismet Spam filter by @mapkyca - https://www.marcus-povey.co.uk/known-plugins/ - looking at preemptively mitigate spam through webmentions.
I suggest turning on js for the beauty of the background
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Mostly done ๐Ÿ™‚
per the use-case for editing reply-contexts discussed in the main channel: https://chat.indieweb.org/2019-06-30#t1561928909084100 I believe this has impacts on where a CMS should store a (potentially / likely edited) reply-context, which then has likely has impact on Micropub Client-server interactions
[[tantek]] I have a very good discussion with [schmarty] about the desire to *edit* the /reply-context (e.g. /link-preview) of a /reply post before publishing it to one's site.
In particular, as a reply-context is editable, it should be stored as if it was edited, and a way to do that is storing the h-cite of the reply-context along with the reply
[aaronpk] joined the channel
i haven't hand-edited a reply context yet, but my site already stores the reply context along with the post, which made it easier than trying to normalize it into some relational DB structure
In micropub world I would send that as a reference, although I can't remember if that is valid mf2 or not
reference to what? where would you send the edited reply-context properties?
well I know in jf2 at least there is a references object which has the url as a key and the value is a nested jf2 entry
aaronpk, do you not edit people's Twitter names that are things like "martymcgui.re (he/him)" to something like "Marty McGuire"?
micropub doesn't use jf2 AFAIK
i do not, no
and correct micropub is straight microformats json
But I'm not sure how I feel about "editing" link previews. I feel on silos they are sort of a source of truth especially because they cannot be edited. I wouldn't want someone to be able to change the title or anything misleading. But I suppose that isn't so much of a thing on the indieweb
It's the default in email replies. You have 100% ability to edit the reply context of the quoted email, author name, email sent date etc.
Some silos do allow *some* editing, e.g. FB allows picking *which* (of several if any) image to show in a link preview of a reply context
And since we're talking about your own site, of course you have the right to edit anything you show. Since it's an h-cite (not an h-entry) it's *your* summary of the thing you're linking to.
Oh so I realized the references thing jf2 vs mf2 => mf2 used nested entries all properties, and jf2 moves them to a refs object. So if you were sending a preview of a like you could send a nested h-entry in the like-of property couldn't you?
nested h-cite. this is what folks are already doing in in-reply-to property on reply posts
[eddie] joined the channel
Yeah ๐Ÿ™‚ so a micropub client could edit and send that, but the server would need to handle it of course
micropub servers are expected to store any properties/objects sent right? rendering is a different matter
Yeah that's what I mean by handle
sabrewing, eli_oat and [Dave_Peck] joined the channel
Anyone used indiekit before to support micropub (on a jekyll repo)? https://paulrobertlloyd.github.io/indiekit/ โ€” curious if it works for you, and how you configure it
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] i would say itโ€™s a worthy blog post but it sounds like you canโ€™t access the site again yet ๐Ÿ˜›
alright, documented reply-context editing use-cases https://tantek.com/2019/181/t1/indieweb-reply-contexts-editable
[Tantek ร‡elik] #IndieWeb Summit: reply-contexts should be user-editable in posting UIs in-reply-to h-cite property: reason, action * name+summary: too long, truncate * dt-published: 1969 or future, use present time * author name: Twitter names/pronouns, use full na...
and now to post them to the wiki for /reply-context#Brainstorming
[tantek]: They are in Post Kinds
On the backend
GWG I am lost on the context
[fluffy] and gRegorLove joined the channel
[tantek]: Reply cntexts should be user editable
dougbeal|mb1, [snarfed] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[snarfed] My intention with Authl is to make an arbitrarily-pluggable authentication layer so that itโ€™s not wedded to any particular protocol. I intend to eventually add self-managed OAuth for Facebook/Twitter/etc., and also support more arbitrary flows. The demo didnโ€™t show a bunch of the stuff that goes on in the backend ๐Ÿ™‚
cool! yeah oauth-dropins is similar, not oauth specific. outgrew its name ๐Ÿ˜„