KartikPrabhu, [prtksxna], [xavierroy], doubleloop, mblaney, [tonz], [Michael_Beckwit, cweiske and sonniesedge joined the channel; prtksxna left the channel
jamietanna[m]Finally been making good progress on my Micropub endpoint! Got it committing straight to a GitLab repo via the api - need to do some more validation on request, and then hook in tokens, but then it'll be up woo!
KartikPrabhu, [fluffy], [xavierroy], Loqi and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
ZegnatMost I do (though I have temporarily stopped that at the moment) was feed pages that validated into a full web archiver that I ran. So I had a copy of the full page for future reading.
ZegnatBut I guess people who want Webmentions in WordPress will almost always want to combine that with extracting data from those pages. So then merging the processes makes sense
ZegnatThis is also not about the split between sending and receiving, but between receiving and parsing. I am not sure I have seen many platforms that split receiving and parsing
ZegnatStill just notifications though. I am not sure it makes sense to add moderation tools inside a generic reader. But I am the wrong judge for that, I use an oldschool reader ;)
[jgmac1106]yeah makes more sense in my CMS...just thinking about a "social reader" as a "classroom" for a bit and wanting to give folks control of when or when not to display
[eddie]I came to the conclusion that the feed would need to be private and then I could display links in the "post content" at the bottom for moderation
[eddie]that way the CMS is sending the actual links, and you are just clicking on links within your reader. It would work with both social readers and old school readers
ZegnatI think some senders (IIRC, this includes bridgy) will cache webmention endpoints on a per domain basis. So you not advertising it on one post will not affect them, they will continue to send for that post as well as every other post
ZegnatWow, sebsel, since when do you syndicate long form blog posts to Twitter threads?! I thought you had a bug when your latest post displayed 13 syndication links, but apparently not
[schmarty]Zegnat: caching is only part of the spec insofar as respecting response cache directives. Also, removing the endpoint header prevents new senders from finding it.
ZegnatAlso: you probably already have some sort of logic to ignore webmentions that aren’t for your website in the backend. Extend that to also be able to silently drop URLs for specified articles on your domain and you are there
LoqiChaos Monster is an opt-in IndieWeb project by Eddie Hinkle that aims to help IndieWeb resiliency similarly to how Chaos Monkey helps Netflix https://indieweb.org/Chaos_Monster
[eddie]Chaos Monster << For those that don't opt-in but are obviously part of the IndieWeb, (like irc-people) consider sending a single spam webmention to prompt them to consider their webmention workflow, and then don't send any more unless they opt-in
Loqiok, I added "For those that don't opt-in but are obviously part of the IndieWeb, (like irc-people) consider sending a single spam webmention to prompt them to consider their webmention workflow, and then don't send any more unless they opt-in" to the "See Also" section of /Chaos_Monsterhttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=64035&oldid=64034
[Jacob_Michelsen, [Rose], [davidmead], eli_oat, [tantek] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Loqiissue is a special kind of article post that is a reply to typically some source code, though potentially anything at a source control repository https://indieweb.org/issue
[jgarber]“Space-separated” in URLs could be the plus sign or `%20`. What’s being used in the wild in this specific case of passing `scope` values to an IndieAuth server? I’m seeing the plus sign used more than `%20`, but should the server attempt to account for both? Or more possibilities?
[kimberlyhirsh] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106][Jacob_Michelsen][tantek] I wonder if people are grabbing different themes and then editing them and losing some mf2. I just checked a few sites hosted on micro.blog and you get correct, some, and none with mf2
[jgmac1106]or the main h-feed doesn't have h-entries unless you click on the link, seen that a few times as well. think folks are just grabbing Hugo themes
[tantek]hmm looks like when I added alt text to my images I broke syndication to micro.blog — none of my photos are making it through: https://micro.blog/t
[tantek]!tell [manton] when you have a moment, it seems we need to better document (or link to where it is documented) how to syndicate /photo posts to micro.blog. E.g. by adding alt text to all my photos it seems like I've completely broken syndicating my photos to micro.blog https://micro.blog/t 😞 — not your fault, I just need to know how to fix it, and I'll document that on /micro.blog too
[jgmac1106]yes, I also suggested in the Slack we add a paragraph about mf2 in the theme customization tutorial, many people just grab off the shelf Hugo themes
[tantek]The key is making sure the code repo has continuous integration with tests that pass / fail so breaking changes can be backed out quickly and fixed
Zegnat!tell jgarber interesting issue with the plus sign. I am not sure those are considered spaces at all by the WHATWG URL spec that IndieAuth refers to. %20 may be mandatory. Open an issue for discussion?
ZegnatOh, interesting, does any Jekyll/Hugo (whatever microblog was based on) theme work, jgmac1106? I can totally see why people end up picking ones without mf2 then
ZegnatI don’t think [manton] made any of that publicly available? Or he may even be using the actual repos of thsoe default themes rather than his own forks? You’d have to ask him
Zegnat[jgmac1106]: may be better to document missing mf2 for a theme in an issue on the theme’s repo where people in the m.b ecosystem can find it, rather than on the wiki
[jgarber]Zegnat: Yeah, there’s the double-edged sword of “plus signs aren’t whitespace” and “well crap plus signs are used as whitespace characters in URLs across the Web”… 😭
Loqi[jgarber]: Zegnat left you a message 15 minutes ago: interesting issue with the plus sign. I am not sure those are considered spaces at all by the WHATWG URL spec that IndieAuth refers to. %20 may be mandatory. Open an issue for discussion?
[jgarber]FWIW, looks like several of [aaronpk]’s apps (Aperture, Monocle) use plus signs to pass around scope values (which would be in accordance to the example in the spec, at least…).
sknebelZegnat: WHATWG URL spec doesn't say anything about query part of an URL afaik outside of "it's a string, here's a list of characters it can have, everything else must bei percent-encoded"
Zegnatsknebel: darn, you are right and I am being dumb. The spec describes how to break out the query part of the URL, but not how this is deserialised into something other than a single string
ZegnatI do wonder what URL spec we are supposed to use when the IndieAuth spec writes “adding the following parameters to the query component”. If that is not specified behaviour of the WHATWG URL spec
ZegnatNo. The demonstration is *after* serialising into a URL. If the query component serialisation defines plus signs for spaces, the demonstrations in the spec are correct
ZegnatIf it is application/x-www-form-urlencoded from the WHATWG URL spec, then all + signs are specifically replaced with literal spaces (U+0020) as part of parsing: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlencoded-parsing
ZegnatAnd actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if that is the spec it is taking from. Because we often follow what browsers would do when submitting regular forms.
Zegnat[jgarber]: I’d do what the WHATWG spec does there for URL parsing. Take the entire query string, replace all + with literal spaces before percent-decoding, then use only literal spaces as scope separators.
jgmac1106in the states they have launched commercial free included with youtube music….they are upping the annoyance factor to drive conversion goals me thinks
NinjaTrappeur, [davidmead] and [Jacob_Michelsen joined the channel
aaronpkat one point, the oauth 2.0 spec used commas as a scope separator, but that was back in like 2012. unfortunately a few high profile APIs implemented commas before the separate was changed to spaces, so you still see some of that in the wild
[jgarber]When requesting a token in the IndieAuth flow, in the initial POST request, the spec mentions `grant_type=authorization_code` being passed along with the `code`, `client_id`, `redirect_uri`, and `me` params.
aaronpkit's the only grant type we use in indieauth right now, so technically not needed, but that's required by OAuth 2.0 because there are other grant types
[KevinMarks]I made the indie-Tufte one a while ago, and adapted one recently, though I changed it enough visually that it is a fork now. Worth adding to the Hugo themes collection?
[jgmac1106]think we put the author h-card in the post footer and many of the themes will be fixed, I will look at the templating tonight if I get a chance
ORAORAORAORAORA[, [Jeannie] and [Jacob_Michelsen joined the channel
[snarfed]and actually for doing this in the wp wm plugin, it also shouldn't _accept_ wms on those pages, so it doesn't matter if bridgy caches the endpoint, its attempts to send would still fail