[tantek]what's challenging is that the positions of stuff on such "boards" is ostensibly part of the "content" of the /collection, not just presentational
jgmac1106[m]Sknebel shared an HTML tool for sharing flow charts or decisions trees... Now you have me intrigued designing visual semantic maps... Be better than chronological display
[Vincent][grantcodes] Sorry I’ve been swamped at work and missed this. Project looks interesting, I’ll try and catch up in a few weeks when I climb out from under this giant pile of work!
cweiske, [tonz], jgmac1106 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
jgmac1106used viewport for font-size yesterday for the first time…way easier to get typography correct on all deviices. Is iit considered good practice? bad practice? Who cares?
Loqih-feed is a microformats2 draft specification with a top level feed object to contain root class(h-*) objects, usually h-entry posts and optionally a common author, name, and representative photo https://indieweb.org/h-feed
jgmac1106also on authorship it says “if you have an h-card in your footer” then add a minimal <a class="u-author" href="/"></a>….can it be in the header as well?
[manton][tantek] I have a feeling that feed issue is related to something we've talked about before, which is when a feed copies most of the post text into the title too. I know there are a couple improvements I can make to Micro.blog around this... Generally Micro.blog gets confused when a title is not a "real" title.
[manton]This actually relates to the discussion here a few days ago about Atom vs. RSS. I prefer RSS in part because the title is optional, which is a better fit for microblogging.
willnorris, [calumryan] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]With rss both title and description are optional, but you need to have one or other. Also, description is defined as a synopsis but used as content too.
[KevinMarks]The name/summary/content split is useful in defining increasing length and completeness. With RSS you never know if the item is complete or not.
[manton]Yeah, to me the Atom way is counterintuitive. If you think about the UI of a blogging platform, you might have a title field and a content field. If someone wants to write a microblog post, it wouldn't be natural to put all the text in the title, especially if there is markup.
[manton]It's even more confusing using the "name" terminology in Atom and MF2. It wouldn't be accurate to call most microblog posts the "name" of anything.
[tantek]It didn’t start that way. Notes had empty “name” properties but that screwed up legacy RSS readers which insisted / assumed every post had a “title”
[manton]That is exactly how Micro.blog does it. Content into content, blank name/title. It's true that some RSS readers don't like it, but the only way things will get better is if readers are forced to update. I know some like Feedbin already have.
[jgmac1106]Ahhh Manton I forgot the title on a micro.blog post wouldn't kick in until 280 characters exceeded... Thats gonna make the PR I tried in the theme wrong I think
[manton][KevinMarks] Mastodon is a great example of where overloading the title breaks down. I actually have support in Micro.blog to recognize the "new status by" and ignore it! Those hacks should not be necessary.
[eddie]snarfed: I believe that's what was discussed above. If the "note content" is provided in a feed post title field, m.b. treats it as an Article and doesn't display any images
[tantek][fluffy] lets start explicitly documenting those readers that have poor UI for "notes", i.e. any remaining readers which screw-up when the "title" is empty
[tantek]tinbox << remove synthetic "title" from Atom feed as it causes problems for micro.blog syndication, which is now much more important/relevant than legacy RSS reader support