jackybut I've debating implementing something like a feed 'quality' index to see if the feed's consistent with things that help the reader look nice (or use that to change _how_ the reader should view said feed)
[grantcodes]Hmm I've run into a problem with how I was doing it though π So the trakt history api just loads stuff based on when you watched it so I currently store the most recent watched time / id to ignore anything older, but now I use netflix it doesn't have real time scrobbling so it basically backfills the history so it gets missed at the moment
[grantcodes]Might be a good use case for micropub queries actually. Then I could use the sync apis instead and publish to trakt as well as pull from it.
[schmarty]GWG: numbers showing total interactions (optionally by type), not showing them at all, threaded comments, raw URLs, dots on a timeline, annotations in a sidebar, ...
[jgmac1106]In CSS why are the rules "article footer" and "footer" not respecting each other, I think I am doing some thing wrong styling sectioning elements
[jgmac1106]Figure teach folks to get it up first, doing the styling later, but it isn't first time it has happened to me the rules for footer with overide the rules for article footer
jackyworking on stuff for my site, I'm realizing that either I have to make tests locally to make sure I don't mess with mf2-html or look into something like https://www.pingdom.com/ or lighthouse from google to tell me if I miss something on a page
[Michael_Beckwit[jgmac1106] feel like doing a quick test for me? https://apiratelifefor.me/ scroll to the bottom and tell me if you see GoodReads status updates on the right