#dev 2019-08-27

2019-08-27 UTC
qotta, cannabysDiscord[ and gRegorLove joined the channel
gRegorLove: jgmac1106 left you a message on 2019-07-18 at 5:21pm UTC: made some progress on my ideas for an IndieWeb 101 lesson: https://buildyourfirstwebsitelessonplans.glitch.me/
gRegorLove: [jgmac1106] left you a message on 2019-07-16 at 10:33am UTC: maybe add a date field to indieboookclub.biz so people can publish backdated post
Yeah, the iCalendar spec says "MUST NOT" use UTC offsets https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-3-5-date-time.html
[j12t] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Wow that TZID format!!!!!
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Fantastical does a pretty good job of displaying local times if it has a Timezone specified. Never had to try and schedule in another Timezone around appointments in a third.
hmm, 21 day free trial
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-09-05 11:19pm PDT (#6638)
10 days until remind aaronpk to start the trial of fantastical
i'm gonna be in this timezone for over a week, but then I will be hopping many timezones again, so I can test it out
I think there is an API too that you could probably make sing and dance.
gRegorLove, cweiske and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
@sonniesedge sorry for possible multiple webmentions POST request on your latest React post. It inspired me to write a quick blurb, but I got the webmention part wrong initially.
↩️ @tw2113 Thank you for using webmentions!
↩️ The great thing is that you can write it into your Micropub server about whether you want it syndicated as well as being able to use something like http://brid.gy to syndicate content (doesn't look like it supports Mastodon yet, but code is Open Source!)
gRegorLove, jeremych_, [prtksxna], jgmac1106, [KevinMarks] and bupkes joined the channel
Arrow wrong way around
[jgarber], [manton], jujudario, [schmarty] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], jackjamieson, gxt, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
charlie has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
yeah that was a good read
aaronpk kevinmarks example in-reply-to in granary atom: <thr:in-reply-to ref="tag:twitter.com:1166255208269262848" href="https://twitter.com/janboddez/status/1166255208269262848" type="text/html" />
@JamieTanna Fun fact: I’m already syndicating outward, to my “main” Mastodon account, and, eventually, to Twitter. (Do I somehow _like_ these quirky, needlessly convoluted setups?) Micropub makes so much more sense!
oh gosh
gonna put me in namespace hell again
lol sorry. i'm not asking you to support it. just saying it's there
every time i have to extract an element from an xml file that is namespaced it takes me like 3 hours fighting with the particular xml library i am using at the time
and that's why all those Atom extensions got pretty close to zero uptake
namespaces are how you kill the extensibility of a format
[KevinMarks] when you say you "can do something in Atom", I'm gonna start asking for citations of *anyone* / *anything* actually consuming (codewise) that something
for real
there's a lot of theoretical handwaving proposals for doing things in Atom that never got any ecosystem uptake, so they're all just proposal-ware, and IMO do not meet the bar for "can do something"
if you'd like to rephrase to "you can experiment with this something in Atom" that would be more accurate and transparent
Don't make me dig out the opensocial apis
which are all now dead
actually consuming (codewise) that something *now* *live* *on the web*
note that I asked for an actual thing that does the consuming, not another API layer on the abstraction sandwich
[bdesham] joined the channel
aaronpk btw re likes, i'm not sure what you mean, since granary silo => mf2 generally doesn't include a post's likes either
oh yeah, just reposts i guess
i was thinking following what someone has liked, but i guess i only see that when i'm following someone's website directly
double-checks his Atom feed
to close the loop, for reposts, granary atom uses the AS1 namespace, http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/
So... I am actually working on #ProtopianFutures documentary show/series. Who are the people around the world that embody Protopian thinking/doing today that you think we should interview? Who could be the best partners in this journey? Share it away & let’s make it happen ✨🐉 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EC8KLTAUcAEZ6AO.jpg
so i guess my next question then is how on earth do I know any of this? i didn't see any docs
true! the output atom format isn't documented. sorry 🙁
i guess if i can test it on granary (it's easier to get an example out of granary) and know that it will work on twitter-atom, that's something
i would discourage reader authors from custom supporting or otherwise special casing granary in any case, for obvious reasons, but yes, https://granary.readthedocs.io/ should definitely have more detail on output formats!
[vendan] and nloadholtes joined the channel
Progress! I've updated the markup on my most recent event post (last week's HWC SF) such that it now works via H2VX to create an ICS that gets added to Apple Calendar!
now the hard part, to design what the "Add to calendar" link should look like and where to put it
lol i was just looking for that add to calendar link about to ask where it was
one step at a time. fixing the markup so it works with H2VX to produce ICS that Apple Calendar can actually consume was task in itself!
yeah that is pretty rad!
i'm not sure how best to fix my current Add to Calendar ics implementation
[schmarty] did you document anywhere how your "Add to Google Calendar" link is generated / how it works?
i like having correct timezones but i absolutely do not want to have all these tz names
(or do I have to reverse engineer it 😭)
yeah tznames--
tznames has -2 karma over the last year
did someone way somewhere that tz offsets were forbidden?!?
yeah gRegorLove pointed to the spec and they are indeed forbidden
you can specify floating events w/ no timezone, fixed events with `Z`, or add a timezone with a very unixy `TZID=America/New_York;2019-...`
ugh wat
i guess that's one way to avoid the daylight savings time problem
lol looks like i typo'd twice in my fake example above. colon (not semi-) and no dashes in a datetime string.
wow. that's pretty idiotic.
it doesn't avoid the DST problem, it makes you depend on the DST problem to pick a static timezone
more like "make it not our problem"
hmm, then we might need to patch that in H2VX
make it do the tz offset math conversion to Z
(right now H2VX is happy to pass through datetimes with tzoffsets, which then breaks Apple Calendar)
gRegorLove joined the channel
or maybe this is a won't fix. the prospect of doing tzoffset to Z math in XSLT is not good
I suppose we could put in a warning or something so people at least know their ICS won't work
anyway the consequence of that is that my events will all have floating times for the forseeable future
because ICS made tz handling too ugly, "have all these tz names" etc.
after I get "Add to Calendar" link(s) working on my event permalink(s), I have to rethink/redesign the POSSE tweet version of events to include similar add to calendar links
tantek: looks like i didn't capture how i constructed the Google Calendar URLs
i vaguely recall reverse-engineering others' examples
ok I'll that to the list 😂
what is Add to calendar
Add to Calendar is a common button or menu option shown on event user interfaces that a user can click to add the event to their calendaring program; consider putting an "✚🗓 Add to Calendar" button your indie event posts as an easy way for your readers to keep track of your event in their calendar https://indieweb.org/Add_to_Calendar
Add to calendar << How to generate a Google Calendar link to add an event: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10488831/link-to-add-to-google-calendar#21653600
[schmarty]++ thanks! will try that!
can someone give the iCal link on this page a try? http://localhost:1313/2019/07/27/musical-improv-level-1-showcase/
not my localhost 🙂
lol oops
specifically interested if iCal is happy with it now
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
I'll check it on a mac
sunday 28th 0100 BST?
html escape is showing up
the fact that it loaded at all is a big improvement. previously i had datetimes with UTC offsets which (per earlier discussion) is an iCal nono
thanks for looking at it!
NP, I made a government app using ical many moons ago. It's not the most fun format
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
IT's the wrong day for some reason too
[jgarber] joined the channel
nope it's just me mistaking 8am for 8pm
eli_oat, cweiske and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Do you use the source stuff in Atom for reposts, [snarfed]?
[snarfed] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] probably not? just AS1
i'm not familiar with the "source stuff"
ah interesting. looks useful! except it evidently requires an atom id for the source, which i don't have, but i could fabricate
You can use the url as an id I think
gRegorLove joined the channel
I know people do mung them into guids, but it says IRI
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ I wish I could do the reverse on Twitter: post into a bucket / list that people could follow. I can do that on my own site thanks to IndieWeb / Microsub logic.
sounds like a hashtag
bob1 and [tantek] joined the channel
TIL: You can be denied entry to the US based on your *friends* posts on social media: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/harvard-university-student-lebanon-denied-entry-united-states-n1046831
"asked … to unlock his phone and laptop… . When an immigration officer returned with his phone and laptop about five hours later, he was questioned about his friends' social media activity"
I intended that for the main #indieweb channel
snarfed, like a reader-opt-in hashtag
whereas hashtags by default are opt-out at best (you can mute specific hashtags on Twitter)
A tag on your blog is your posts about the topic. A tag on twitter is everyone's
ugh instagram blocked my bridgy proxy's IP
shrysr joined the channel
that was fast
jackjamieson joined the channel
hence the question about rotation
oh yeah, i understood it. i just didn't need to last time, so i hoped i wouldn't need to this time
(i also don't really have a big block of available IPv4 IPs to rotate between)
qotta, [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
grantcodes++ for adding his site as example
grantcodes has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel