#dev 2019-08-29

2019-08-29 UTC
gRegorLove and tbbrown joined the channel
And the other suggestions?
I still feel that webmention aren't getting the attention they once did
Other specs are getting more love
[fluffy] joined the channel
Wouldn’t relative URL resolution just use the same rules that they would for the browser?
I guess there’s some funky little things to worry about like `<base href>` but nobody uses that.
[Michael_Beckwit, pfahlr, mattdavis and [tantek] joined the channel
the browser has no rules for resolving relative URLs in a POST parameter
(which is what 'target' is)
[Michael_Beckwit and cweiske joined the channel
why would one send a relative URL in a POST parameter anyway?
gRegorLove and [fluffy] joined the channel
the resolution being relative to the source of the <a href>, not sitting in isolation 😛
oh but yeah I see what you mean now
like I was thinking, source would be http://example.com/foo and target would be /bar, and so the thing pushes a webmention to /bar’s endpoint with those params, and then the endpoint would go “oh target is relative so we’ll treat the destination as http://example.com/bar”
I don't think any POST request does that
I’m not talking about the POST request though
I mean for the resolution
webmention's are POST requests
like, the endpoint sees a source URL and a target URL, and it does urljoin(source,target) to determine the canonical URL
I realize that webmentions are POST requests
I’m not talking about the protocol for sending the webmention
I’m talking about how to handle the URLs once received
if the URL is not well-formed then ignore it
Like when you do an <a href> that’s doing a GET request and the GET is bsaed on a fully-realized URL
like when you do <a href=“foo”>blah</a> when you click on the “blah” you’re not doing a GET to “foo” you’re doing it to the fully resolved URL that was formed by urljoining the source page’s URL with “foo”
still not sure what the use case is. The webmention sender can resolve the relative target URL and then send the webmention
the use case is having a webmention to a relative URL while providing an exact string match to what the target is specified as
is very confused
so like if you do <a href=“/foo/bar” class=“u-in-reply-to”>, the endpoint validates the target parameter by exact match to the <a>’s href attribute
like the two uses cases for this are 1) webmentions to pages on the same domain (without having to expand them out fully) and 2) webmentions using protocol-relative URIs like //example.com/blah
which resolves to http://example.com/blah from an http site and https://example.com/blah from an https site
is still confused
yes that kevinmarks++
kevinmarks has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (37 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
The naive check of "grep the source page for the target string" will work for a relative url
@KartikPrabhu when you make an internal link between pages on your site do you always do the fully-resolved URL or do you use relative URLs?
So the simple non-parsing html version will work
[fluffy]: I use relative URLs and my webmention endpoint finds the links, resolves them and matches the target
and then when you send the target to the webmention endpoint, how are you formatting the target URL?
and how do you validate the resolved URL as a valid webmention?
as mentioned above. Find all links in the resolved absolute target post and then resolve the links and match to target
so, that’s certainly *a* way to do it, but it’s not the way the webmention spec says to do it
So https://github.com/kevinmarks/mentiontech/blob/master/main.py#L177 would work with relative links and fail I. Kartik's case
that’s what I used to do in Pushl until tantek and kevin told me I was wrong 🙂
eh! what?
As I'd need to instead parse the html for links and make them absolute to check
the webmention spec is that there needs to just be an exact match for the href parameter
like any element with href=“/foo/bar” is valid for target=/foo/bar
well, href or src
exact match in the sense of URLs not strings
the webmention spec says they’re a string match, not a URL match
and then you also have extra fun to deal with when it’s, like, a redirection
like if you mention http://beesbuzz.biz/blog which forwards to http://beesbuzz.biz/blog/
yeah I handle that too
it’s tempting to send the target as /blog/ but the spec says it needs to be as /blog
redirections are different
so like, there’s the webmention spec, and then there’s what webmention endpoints are allowed to do
they are supposed to validate the URLs based on the spec but they can *handle* the URLs with relative resolution and chasing redirects and stuff (like consolidating webmention targets and stuff). I don’t believe webmention.io does, it sounds like Kevin’s thingus does some of it
No the spec is very clear on the target parameter must match exactly the string that is in the source document
[aaronpk] yeah that’s what I’m saying
aaronpk: really?
You can debate what happens after that
and that’s a thing I’d ignored/assumed around when I wrote pushl
and after the conversation about it here I realized I needed to actually read the dang spec 🙂
as to what is considered a "supported" or "valid" target url
aaronpk: why is the spec about string matches?
presumably because it’s simpler to implement and validate
and not resolved URL matching
to make it easier to reject junk webmention posts
junk/trivial attacks
is even more confused
anyway. in the case of a relative URL given for the webmention target, it is *trivial* for the endpoint to resolve it as an absolute URL
The idea is to make it easy for the receiver to reject crap, and put the work on the sender
and use that for the actual storage
like, sender goes “source=https://example.com/foo&target=/bar“, receiver looks at https://example.com/foo, sees that there is in fact an <a href=“/bar”> in it, and then stores the mention as being to https://example.com/bar
as an example of how to handle it I mean, not as what the spec says to do
So does this imply that webmention.rocks should have cases for this?
I feel like it should. It’s sort of a corner case but supporting self-pings is nice.
although I’m not sure how it would be tested…
like, how does one make a relative link from their own site to webmention.rocks?
This feels like a conceptual leap
I guess they could make a relative link to a thing on their own site that redirects to the target on webmention.rocks
or a relative link to a thing on their own site that uses webmention.rocks’s endpoint
yeah that’s simpler 😛
or I guess the simple test is webmention.rocks’ case doing a relative link back to itself, if you’re just testing a standalone webmention sender (like pushl) as opposed to a publishing system (like a wordpress plugin)
sorry I’m rambling and up way past my bedtime
So the flip side to this argument is maybe if you link to your own site you should link to the fully resolved url because that's more likely to actually show up right for people when viewing the post in their readers
because it takes extra work for a reader to go to the trouble of resolving every relative url in the html content of an atom or rss or microformats content
I would think it’s up to the reader to resolve relative links in a feed like that? I know FeedOnFeeds does that (because a lot of feeds broke without it), and meanwhile Publ is friendly and lets you provide fully-resolved links for feeds.
I mean it could provide fully-resolved links on any template
but out of a misplaced sense of purity it defaults to relative links where possible
anyway. heading to bed now.
malaclyps[m], [Rose], sfoster, jeremych_, romainbouyeDisco, [jgmac1106], [grantcodes], gRegorLove, vika_nezrimaya, dino and GelvenDiscord[m] joined the channel
Both look quite useful
On IndieAuth, and using one’s own site as their online identity. “As with owning your content by owning your URLs, even if it’s hosted elsewhere, we use our own site as our identity, not our profile on a 3rd-party site, even if we… https://mastodon.social/@janboddez/102700270261166620
i have an old iframe from a site that went dark and now a domain forward it is making my enitre site redriect to a squatter page…not sure how I can go and in fix
eli_oat, tbbrown and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
KevinMarks has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (38 in all channels)
I was able to use the login screen, will go find the zeega, RIP Zeega
strugee and [tantek] joined the channel
What was zeega?
It looks like we don't have a page for "zeega" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "zeega is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is story?
A story is a singular (one per profile) time stream collection post, that consists of ephemeral photo and video posts that are shown in sequence one at a time and disappear from the collection 24 hours after being added https://indieweb.org/story
nvm would putiit there but that definition is basically the definion of Instagram story not stories in the Zeega sense
wasn’t linear, just a way to layer openly licensed html elements <video><.audio><img><a><span> to make non linear multimodal remixes and stories, nto sure it needs its own page
I think our definition of story just needs to move past Instagram’s may take a crack at it, but have a work deadline first
omz13[m], jeremycherfas, oodani, eli_oat, myfreeweb, gorhgorh[m]2, eddy[m], placer14[m], AblibuDiscord[m], new0ne[m], gtsDiscord[m], l^discordDiscord, snapDiscord[m], EdmundMDiscord[m, zoink92Discord[m, malaclypsDiscord, hvergaraDiscord[, cristobalDiscor4, KinnardDiscord[4, pusherDiscord[m], CryptoEmpressDis, DerekDiscord[m], SchwartzDiscord[, planetary_devDis, lamborghiniDisco, nocentDiscord[m], allgoDiscord[m], LokeLDiscord[m], buztedDiscord[m], BossMANDiscord[m, katakotoDiscord[, PamileissonDisco, koalalorenzoDisc, braditzDiscord[4, thestevewayDisco, nyarlathotepDisc, braditzDiscord[m, JordanKrageDisco, zcopleyDiscord[m, NastyEbilPiwateD, RealSnazzyDiscor, n9tDiscord[m], robinzzzDiscord[, Dby0Discord[m], BadGriefDiscord[, PeevesDiscord[m], RyonezCoruscareD, RealityDiscord[m, KisulkenDiscord[, npfossDiscord[m], benaszabDiscord[, ExpherienceDisco, flower88Discord[, Microsoft_techni, KarlDiscord[m], nijynotDiscord[m, M5310Discord[m], macerbiDiscord[m, GuillaumeDiscord, ZapierDiscord[m], nilocDiscord[m] and benharri joined the channel
[jgmac1106] that sounds like a narrative blog post
like what Ficlets used to be
gRegorLove joined the channel
Mozilla Popcorn did it well too, that had a timeline, difference of does author or reader control the navigation of the narrative
narrative sounds a lot like a story
[grantcodes] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[RimBune] websites is easy. you wanna make a checkbox? <input type="checkbox">. bam. you wanna make the text pink? css color: pink;. all it takes. you wanna put the thing in the middle of the box vertically? no you don't
[schmarty] joined the channel
jacky++ posting videos on peertube.social
jacky has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (84 in all channels)
subscribing via RSS is impossible though 😂
gRegorLove joined the channel
hmm that's good to know tbh
I might point people to follow the tag https://v2.jacky.wtf/tags/video on my site
it's not meant to be impossible, they even has a "Subscribe via RSS" link on your profile page
but it's not a real link, it's some goofy Angular button
so i can't right-click to get the URL, or ctrl-click to open in a new tab
and regular clicking prompts me to download and save an .xml file
this is a PeerTube bug
they probably won't see it as the such since SPA
but it literally doesn't work
*roars in SPA* lol
what's the best way to follow your videos jacky? the tag page on your site?
yeah tbh - that'll have links to the videos as I 'share' them
share in the sense that I'm adding like promo-y text
adds that to his peertube bio
I should also add some info about how to 'follow' a tag on the tag page itself
There's logic to give tags a bit of a blurb
but *backlogs*
i use pinned posts on my tag pages for that
ah pinned posts is still something I want to
gRegorLove joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya, eli_oat, jgmac1106 and [snarfed] joined the channel
interestingly if you scrape IG with a user session cookie, that overrides IP blocks. eg https://instagram-atom.appspot.com/ is still working fine
gingerly considers doing that in bridgy
[snarfed]: i haven't poked at ownyourgram to try to fix it yet, do you think instagram will un-block the google IP blocks?
maybe? they haven't yet. been almost 24h. but i assume OYG is still making requests? maybe turn that off for 24h?
they might only reinstate if requests fully or mostly stop for 24h? no clue
i did slow OYG down hoping that might help
guess i might as well disable it for now since it's not doing any good anyway
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Ahh, well I would move my feeds to the atom suite but the mf2 feed is so much richer in indie readers
[fluffy] joined the channel
grantcodes could you elaborate? i know that's the assumption here but i rarely hear specific examples. in-reply-to/repost-of URLs are one. got any others?
Photos is the main one for me
well it provides those properties as atom extensions, but i know xray certainly doesn't recognize those becuse i never knew they existed
Let me try instagram atom again
aaronpk, right, they're still missing-to-users in readers, at least indie readers, which is what counts
whoa photos?! those are definitely in *-atom. videos too
Well by that I mean everything is there, but it's all in the content, not in a photo property. If that is to do with the microsub server feed parsing or not I don't know
it is, since granary is just giving your mf2 reader html
i can just add mf2 html output to *-atom
...and rename them...
ok yeah looking at the atom from instagram-atom, i can't make this look right in a reader
but yeah i'd like to keep enumerating these to see where the actual problems are. so far it's not that data is missing, but that indie readers handle mf2 different (better?) than atom
aww sad. xml pain? or stuff embedded in CDATA content that's not worth munging?
the "content" in atom needs to be only the text content of the instagram post, and the photos/videos would need to be "attachments" or whatever atom does
sigh yeah but then non-indie readers often don't show those nicely
(the bulk of my users use non-indie readers. you all are the vocal minority 😎)
there is 0 way you can convince me to extract these photos/videos out of the HTML content as is right now lol, i've been down that road before and it was not fun
oh that's fine, i'm not trying to convince you
i'll add mf2 output to *-atom. that part is easy. i just dread the rebranding and redesigning
an HTML mf2 output from this service would definitely be the easiest all around i think
maybe i just won't rebrand/design
take that
"atom" is just a word right? ;-)
backs away quickly
ummmmmm some yaml bug caused my site to tweet garbage
i think
ohhh shit it's kinda my fault
i use "..." as a separator between the yaml header and my post contents
someone included "..." in a tweet i replied to
so uhhh
i guess i just won't reply to people who use "..." on a single line in a post
that's such an edgecase lol
it really is haha
wow… aaronpk...
it's only a problem when "..." is the *only* thing on the line
is this the yaml analog of when people would mess up databases with queries
it's not really yaml's fault
it's the fact that i'm mixing yaml and other content in the same file
like jekyll does
but yes it's analogous to a sql injection attack
but done with simple ellipsis :P
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
[sknebel] #21 retrieve feeds individually
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Most things like jekyll/pelican/etc. use `---` as the separator which seems way less likely to blow up from colloquial use of ellipses :)
personally I’m a fan of RFC2822-style headers rather than YAML-with-separators since it’s, like, unambiguous and easy to parse
(if only any of the markdown-blogging tools supported them!)
harder to author
plenty of people who can help with rebranding/design just ask (but not me)
Harder for who? I find it quite natural and am always having to look up YAML syntax for things
not to mention the subtle variations between different things and how they deal with lists of stuff
oh i was thinking of the separator sorry
but how would you handle lists that way?
yeah it was hard for me to write `---` on this iPad :)
In Publ I differentiate between things where order matters and where it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, it’s just, each instance gets its own line. So like `Tag: foo` `Tag: bar` `Tag: baz` for tags.
But then where order does matter and there’s no possibility of spaces it’s all on one line, like `Auth: friends family !enemies`
what about nested structures?
I have yet to see a use case for those in Publ metadata.
i guess i'm storing a lot more than "metadata"
anything that isn't just the text of my post goes in the header yaml
so, h-cards for checkins, etc
oh, interesting.
also reply context, which ends up being a whole h-entry
For that kind of stuff I just have a list of microformat stuff to add to the entry.
i would store it as JSON but it's harder to write by hand, and I do open up these files and hand edit occasionally
Like if I’m replying to someone else’s entry I’ll have `In-Reply-To: http://example.com/bad-take` as a header, which will generate `<a class="u-in-reply-to" href="http://example.com/bad-take"></a>` in the entry’s hcard section.
well, not in the hcard itself
but next to it
right but i show some of the contenst of the post i'm replying to, and the person's avatar and name, so i need those fields somewhere too
Oh I just have that in the page content as a blockquote.
basically I don’t see the point to doing everything as semantic data structures with specific HTML-generating stuff when the end result is, to users, the same as having it formatted in markdown 🙂
fluffy you should check out the rules and folders built into inoreader pro a lot of UI inspiration for your vision I think
[fluffy]: because the end result is not the same once you want to show it in other places like readers
[aaronpk] how so?
see the discussion about the photo property in atom earlier ^^
when the images are part of the HTML content, readers have to just show it as a blog post essentially
but when the images are in a "photo" property, the reader can do smarter things with it, like show them in a grid, etc
structureddata has 1 karma over the last year
Ah, that’s fair.
I guess I kind of capitulated to the whole “lowest common denominator” thing because I have my feeds set up to support what exists now, rather than what I’d like to see.
missed the Atom argument and is perhaps ok with that
wasn't really an argument
↩️ I get all the webmentions but yes I got the @ mention on Twitter too. Glad to hear that @withknown meets most accessibility (beyond the minor photo title as both syndicated content, as alt text). Never thought about all the other tools… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/08/29/cswordpress-i-get-all-the-webmentions-but
something something photos attachments
The state of attachment support in both generators and readers has always been a bit abysmal and I’d love for it to be better.
I feel like the only place where attachments have really caught on are in podcasts.
fluffy is there a test suite for attachments?
yep and at this point i seriously doubt that's gonna happen in Atom/RSS
Only insofar as what feedvalidator does, which isn’t much
I think FoF supports attachments in a very minimal way
hmm, validator for content is different than a test suite for implementations
lack of test suite = likely something won't catch on, or at least won't catch on in any interoperable / predictable way
I haven’t seen a lot of test suites for RSS/Atom in general
in the case of Podcasts, iTunes became the "validator"
people who even bother to write feeds anymore tend to just do copy-paste from existing feeds
usually very badly
I had to add soooo much workaround logic in FeedOnFeeds to prevent a badly-formed <link rel=“self”> from borking a subscription.
like now FoF will follow a rel=“self” link and, if it’s different than the feed URL, will try loading it as a feed, and only if that’s valid will it update the subscription URI.
a couple of prominent webcomics feeds were breaking the naive “just update to the rel=“self” href without checking” behavior
oh hey! Questionable Content’s is finally fixed! I was only complaining to the artist for, like, a year about that
fluffy pardon neophyteness but a serial view in a social reader or site be neat. Like drop a url in and be able to jump to 6 out of 7, nav back and forth
my neophyteness not yours
[jgmac1106] that's [Jamey_Sharp]'s baby
On another topic if I have a really long doc and I am going to add a nav menu of anchor ids would that go in e-content?
What is collection?
A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/collection
But if you used a p-category inside a data class, parsed a collection this way, couldn't fluffy build views that allow you to jump issues, see them descending and ascending?
yeah Jamey is why I support RFC5005 in my feeds, because I want readers to be able to do a full content index of my entire site.
and I don’t understand the question, jgmac
Jamey and I both have similar “babies” in terms of what we want out of a reader especially for long-form/serial content.
The UX for reading comics from feeds is different than reading, say, news updates or blog posts or whatever
the “show unread only, oldest-to-newest” view happens to work well for me and my reading habits but being able to specify some things as being serial and some things being in-the-now would be good
like maybe sort order could be based on time-since-posting for serial content and time-before-now for non-serial content.
like I don’t want to have separate readers for reading all my subscriptions, but I also don’t want to have to worry about which things are oldest-first and which things are newest-first (or at least “it’d be nice to see newer thins first”)
also inoreader is pretty nice. I’d prefer something self-hostable though.
[asuh] joined the channel
Self-hostable Inoreader would be great, I agree.
I mean for now I’m pretty happy with FoF as a reader. And I could theoretically add micropub to it. Microsub would be a bit harder but I also don’t see as much of a use case when it’s, like, already an integrated reader and subscriber.
I think adding Micropub to FoF and making a Micropub endpoint for Publ would get me everything I feel missing from my own indieweb experience.
But I could also get the Micropub-equivalent stuff by actually getting Reblob working 🙂
[Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
I can't contribute much to the conversation right now but strong endorse for serial readers 👍
I also want to add RFC5005 to FoF although that means also trying to square the circle of how FoF is pretty aggressive at trying to purge older content too. Which is configurable at least and RFC5005 backfilling could just be another toggle.
Oh, I have thoughts on that…
or it could bea three-way switch: purge older stuff, retain older stuff, actively backfill older stuff
well I guess no it’d be when you first subscribe, it should ask if it should try to backfill everything
but like also there should be a button to ask it to re-backfill
in case old stuff got lost or something
like I often fiddle with older stuff in my archive, particularly deleting entries which have not aged well 😛
If you're reasonably confident you can get old posts again from the origin server, because it provides metadata per section 2 or 4 of RFC5005, then you can keep just a minimum amount of information for all old posts, with enough to remember which feed document you probably have to re-fetch if the user wants to see it again.
doing that would require a massive rearchitecture of FoF, probably 🙂
FoF’s data model is fairly simplistic. It also doesn’t lend itself well to things like feeds with conditionally-visible entries (like multiple subscribers to feeds with private content that differs between the subscribers)
BenLubar_ joined the channel
not that it has any support for the stuff to make the private content work either, at least in how Publ implements it
namely using a cookie jar
feeds with “magic links” are supported and maybe I should add a thing to express those in Publ. I’m just especially concerned about privacy leakage in that form though.
it’s very easy to imagine a situation where someone tries sharing a public entry from a “magic link” feed in a way that also exposes said magic link.
Also if you're deleting entries from your archives I'm not certain you've done what you need to for RFC5005 yet 😅
I use tombstones to mark the dead entries 😛
does RFC5005 have a thing to say about deletions?
I don’t know of anything which supports RFC6721, incidentally.
I mean, as a consumer.
Ah, okay, if you have the tombstones and you put them in the newest feed when you add them, then you're set, as far as standards conformance goes.
I put them in the appropriate view for the archive feed.
I think that's probably what I mean.
I don’t put them in the rel=“current” view unless they happen to also be within that time window.
Words are hard
so for example I recently deleted http://beesbuzz.biz/598 and that appears in http://beesbuzz.biz/feed?date=200704 but not in http://beesbuzz.biz/feed
or at least it should…
Oh. You need the tombstone in the archive for when you deleted the entry, not when the entry was published.
oh. that’d be a lot harder to do.
Otherwise somebody has to look back at old archives to discover it, which they're not supposed to have to do.
also no that entry isn’t showing up where it should, wtf
oh, well I could support that by bumping the entry date when I delete it
Sure, that seems fine.
it’s not as clean but it’d have the desired effect
meanwhile why isn’t this appearing in the actual deleted entries for its publish time…
I need to drive somewhere now so chat with y'all later 😁
have fun
oh I bet when I changed a thing in Publ I broke the view.deleted thing
Fixed that author issue fluffy. It was automagically caching stuff based on the author url, so it was working in feeds where authors have their own urls.
I saw. Thanks! And glad it was a straightforward fix.
[schmarty] joined the channel
Never mind Fluffy I forgot you are talking about consuming past serial content rather than thinking about collectiona for future display
I was just brainstorming way serialization could work based on how people are fooling around with collections
bridgy instagram is back, scraping with a test account's session cookie, from google cloud IPs
reluctant to keep it this way for long, but here we are
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
hey aaronpk is it intentional that this post of yours is missing its instagram synd link? https://aaronparecki.com/2019/08/28/59/bay
[Aaron Parecki] I've reached the point that a day trip to the Bay Area from Portland is effectively the same as a "long commute to work". I'm also pretty sure this is still shorter than some peoples' commutes within the Bay Area. https://aaronparecki.com/2019/08/28/59/photo.jpg
it's not on instagram
maybe because instagram text is different?
different post, same photo
i wasn't going to include a photo in the tweet and i changed my mind at the last second
just wanted to confirm the lack of backfeed (https://brid.gy/instagram/aaronpk# )
yeah i'm kinda stuck right now with ownyourgram not working
ah yeah fair
just throw in indiewebcat's sessionid cookie?
i didn't even think about that, does that work?
like same endpoints i'm hitting now but with a session cookie?
sure, that's literally what i ^ did
instagram-atom always has, and it's worked throughout this
at your own risk, IG may crush indiewebcat, and distrust any shared browsers/IPs, but...yolo?
oh hey xray is working again
turns back on ownyourgram
xray...isn't on google? is?
and OYG uses it
xray.p3k.app that is
interesting ok. granary still fails. maybe user agent + IP
ok we all know it's a complicated weighting of hundreds of facotrs
[manton] and [jgarber] joined the channel
↩️ @mrejfox i haven't used it but i think http://brid.gy tries to solve for this.
^ that thread basically describes indieweb
There is no reason that your personal website couldn't ping my personal website when you post an awesome new photo, and yet the entirety of some artists' work is held in an Instagram profile- these are choices we have made as developers, creators, and as a society
Was going to say, someone could respond to this tweet with a POSSE reply invitation. https://twitter.com/mrejfox/status/1167181611340849155
To both show & tell simultaneously
I.e. not just tell by only @-replying on Twitter
(Not that anyone here would do that ;) )
Bio says Brooklyn to the Bay so maybe [schmarty] [jgmac1106] could reach out with a IWC NYC invitation?
[aaronpk] joined the channel
Apparently he's following me
[pawel_madej] joined the channel
↩️ @MetalArend @krakjoe Have you heard of webmentions though?
always hesitant now to @ mention a blue check that doesn’t follow me…think it takes many (2) unsolicted @ mentions to trigger the harrassment bots
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Feedparser has a few thousand test cases
Mastodon atom feeds have images as enclosures I think
Any of those test cases have a photo as attachment?
[asuh] joined the channel
[pawel_madej] plenty of folks here use Jekyll
what is Jekyll
Jekyll is Ruby software that helps you create "Simple, blog-aware, static sites" suitable for static domain hosting https://indieweb.org/Jekyll
^^^ lots on that page with advice about tools and services to help indiewebify your Jekyll setup