[asuh]The thought I had was pointing people to a clearly written article explaining some of the differences from people who understand it better than I do. Could make for an interesting read, similarly cited with examples like Kevin’s post
GWG!tell snarfed Can you look at the logs for https://brid.gy/twitter/willtmonroe - I'm not sure why it seems to be retrieving something other than the site intended.
Loqi[snarfed]: GWG left you a message 39 minutes ago: Can you look at the logs for https://brid.gy/twitter/willtmonroe - I'm not sure why it seems to be retrieving something other than the site intended.
[pawel_madej]Thx for tips I will look at it and share when something will be visible. One more... Indie webring is a good thing for trafic creation? Or just minor addon?
[jgmac1106]gwg, snarfed, willmonroe yes any Reclaim Hosting account needs to delete cookies for comments, they put in a 1px by 1px img that trips up parsers
[pawel_madej]And how to easy way add posse links to sindicated content for example on twitter to post on jekyll based site? The only way is to update post with gathered URL from twitter?
aaronpkNo, I was about to, and then realized I need to push a change to XRay first that either allows the caller to include a cookie or just bake the cookie into XRay
jgmac1106why is an html validator telling a ul can’t be nested under a ul, isn’t tthat how everyone makes nested lists and dropdown nav bars? “ement ul not allowed as child of element ul in this context.”
jamietanna[m]It's partly to make it so when I RSVP via Micropub, it can pull the relevant info for the RSVP and publish that to my site (so I can then render the calendar entries)
jamietanna[m] aaronpk that's a great shout, that'd make it much better for everyone! Currently mine doesn't handle the rate limiting / throttling (but will at some point)
Loqi[Jacky Alciné] As much as the Web community would love to tell us that the Web is completely ready for the mobile landscape, it doesn't come close to the speed of native code running on a consumer device. Not a vanilla emulator but a two-year (or older!) device wit...
[tantek]e.g. all my notes have an "empty" title element like this: <title type="xhtml"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14"/></title>
[tantek]avoids getting into another RSS argument on Twitter, because no amount of claims of rising can stand up the fact that the format is dead (from a bug-fixing / evolving standpoint).
[tantek]the only thin that would resurrect RSS would be if someone pulled a WHATWG on it and rewrote a new RSS spec from scratch that documents what is *actually* supported in feed readers today, and then starts proposing new "social media" features like likes, replies, reposts, photo, video etc., just as WHATWG added the <audio> and <video> tags to HTML
[tantek]without acknowledging UX has moved on (like a lot), then people will quickly get bored with the quaint olde thinge and go back to the feature rich modern UX they take for granted
[fluffy]I thought RSS died off in the user case because people conflated RSS as being “Google Reader” and when Google discontinued that they were just all “wellp 🤷♀️ ”
[fluffy]and people switched to facebook and twitter instead, because at the time both of them still presented everything you were subscribed to in chronological order
[jgmac1106]Kartik correct I did use a US centric analogy my apologies...though a Swiss noodle company popular in southeast Asia and now owned by Nestle....has some value as a metaphor, will keep searching
[fluffy]Focusing on the actual syndication technology is an easy way to get confused. Which is related to why I don’t care so much about differentiating between RSS and Atom.
[tantek]which if someone did decide to do, I'd suggest an informative appendix that documented RSS backcompat parsing for Atom consumers that did a more formal job of specifying RSS than the "actual" RSS spec
@tomcritchlow↩️ Yes! The indieweb is trying with webmentions and RSS etc but it's a surprisingly difficult problem to solve.... My spidersense says *something* new is around the corner though. (twitter.com/_/status/1167527333479288833)
@schlagetown↩️ Yeah & I feel like it's a hard problem not just technically but conceptually.
I'll admit I haven't dug into http://indieweb.org too thoroughly to learn about e.g. webmentions but my impression = great efforts to codify goals/protocols; not super accessible for typical users (twitter.com/_/status/1167529859511398400)
@fluffy↩️ There are plenty of tools to make webmentions work with publishing systems like Jekyll that don’t support them directly. It’s definitely something that could be made easier though. (twitter.com/_/status/1167533521776234496)
[aarongustafson] and [schmarty] joined the channel
@schlagetown↩️ For sure. One thing I'm thinking about is "blogchains" and what could make that sort of thing easier. A way for us / a few folks to exchange short blog posts + automatically have each other's replies auto-embedded on our respective blogs. Maybe webmentions would help here? (twitter.com/_/status/1167536780431826945)
@tomcritchlow↩️ yeah - (aside: I'm trying to start a cross-domain blogchain with @itsbdell but he hasn't posted his post yet!)
I think some ripe ideas:
- Blogchains across domains
- Blog-replies (webmentions def trying to solve this)
- Easy, simple aggregators / directories that are alive (twitter.com/_/status/1167538782272442369)
[snarfed]...so my only good way of checking usernames case-insensitive is to update all those usernames in the db, and consuming code and external services, etc. ugh