#dev 2019-08-31

2019-08-31 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
alright indie event add to calendar folks, I am learning how to make an Add to Google Calendar link, and in the process of learning, documenting it as a "how to" (haven't actually tried to do this yet). In progress in the Brainstorming section here if you would like to review: https://indieweb.org/Add_to_Calendar#How_to_make_Add_to_gCal
next step is for me to try following my own documented steps (manually first, then writing code to do it) to verify it works with an actual event
[snarfed] joined the channel
so I've been looking at webactions again because I want to reduce the 'effort' needed for a social interaction on my site
like it _can_ be as easy as clicking "like" to use your preferred platform
but I don't want the default 'action' to be Twitter
I'm thinking about pointing to a place on my site that works as a stand-in for the intent page for twitter (in case they want to like it from AP or something)
has an idea and will build a mockup
↩️ Achoosneezed was me. I have multiple accounts. I do see that you have webmentions active and installed which is awesome :D Not seeing much indication of say "Post Kinds" yet, but i may be wrong. Other parts may be active yet.
↩️ I'm still learning as well, it's all a work in progress. I know I subscribed to your RSS feed earlier this week, ;). I was using my 5FTF time to contribute to the WebMentions plugin, though no major features yet.
so far so good with the intent page
should have it out before 8 PM PST
↩️ @tElizaRose should have a webmention pending for this one ;)
↩️ as power to the 5FTF contribution day idea...I found out that that site of mine was actually blocking successful webmentions because of spam blocking. It's been resolved now, or at least I hope :D
hmm this didn't go the way I wanted, lol
like twitter has intent URIs
but that's the only practical place
Mastodon requires making an API call (which is dumb imo lol)
welp experiment failed
at least I tried it out
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
throwing this out there for pointers to existing browser addons or for ideas for a potential browser addon: Firefox addon that detects if a website has #webmentions support available. Sure, Chrome can come along too, but I am looking for Firefox.
[fluffy] joined the channel
toying around with mock code
thinking about how I'd present a invite in my microsub reader
[frank] joined the channel
Hey all, what was the URL again of (I think) [sebsel]’s tool to create your own Indieauth token?
nevermind. Yay Firefox Browse History. https://gimme-a-token.5eb.nl/
I try to get the Micropub plugin from [pfefferle] working on my Tiny Tiny RSS instance. When I use my demo-site (WordPress driven) and use the author-URL from it (https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz/author/frankmeeuwsen/) as an identity I first get a message the state parameter is missing. I added it to the URL and I get to the authorization window of WordPress. When I click authorize I get an error _"me" parameter missing_. I add this as well to the
identity URL in tt-rss but I still get this error. The full URL I use is https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz/author/frankmeeuwsen/?me=https%3A%2F%2Ffrankmeeuwsen.xyz%2F&state=123456
What am I doing wrong?
Are you able to log in to other things using your author URL?
indielogin.com is a pretty good test
also the state variable is set by the thing that you’re logging into
Also the me parameter is set by various things along the chain, they aren’t anything you specify in your identity URL
Yep, Indielogin works. The state variable should be set, I know. But it doesn't, that's why I added it manually to see what would happen
I think specifically your IndieAuth plugin’s handler sets it on the URL sent back (via your browser) to the indieauth consumer
okay so what’s giving you the ‘state parameter is missing’ error?
like what’s the URL when that happens?
gRegorLove joined the channel
The _state parameter is missing error_ is happening when I just use https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz/author/frankmeeuwsen/ as an identity URL for tt-rss. Let me log out of WordPress to see exactly when it happens.
okay so for some reason your indieauth authorization endpoint isn’t providing the full callback URL, but it looks like the tt-rss callback itself expects to have a bunch of other query args in the URL and I’m not sure if that’s even valid
the error: "parameter absent" and error_description "Missing parameter:state"
okay so it looks like tt-rss isn’t setting a `state` value in its indieauth request
OAuth doesn’t require it (although it’s highly recommended). Not sure if IndieAuth requires it.
I’m checking the spec now
okay the indieauth spec doesn’t make it explicit but it implies that it is, in fact, required
so this is a bug in the tt-rss plugin, and I’m guessing it was tested against an indieauth endpoint that doesn’t require a state for some reason
OK, so I can't use it for now. Thanks for helping out
yeah. consider submitting a bug report. anything that’s doing indieauth *really should* be sending a state.
personally I find having a state makes it a lot easier to handle some of the fiddly bits with the transaction in the first place, so the fact tt-rss isn’t setting one is a bit weird to me.
KartikPrabhu, jeremych_ and leg joined the channel
Does anything have a screen 800 x 600 these days? Going crazy trying to do a responsive layout that treats it different from 768 wide and 1024 wide.
In essence, 768 has "sidebar" at bottom, while 1024 has sidebar at side. 800 seems too narrow to have sidebar at side.
I'd just treat all below 1000 or 900 the same
Interesting; I was thinking of treating all above 768 as the same.
I haven't started on the final typography yet, so will need to see how readable it is in rality. But easy enough to change now that I have made that decision.
I'm leaving typography till last. Next problem is a hero image that doesn't get in the way.
I will say, I am appreciating Tailwind.css in all this.
lnh^, [jgmac1106], [pfefferle] and [frank] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Devtools in Firefox and chrome have Responsive Design Modus, you can develop pretty goo with those
I'm using those; the big question was whether 800 was worth a different structure from either 768 or 1024.
I decided it wasn't.
And honestly, I think Safari's responsive is better than both of those. Or rather, I haven't found anything in which FF is definitely better.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Sorry, I read too fast. It depends which you prefer to work. For a previous site I worked on, visits were mainly mobile. So we started with mobile sizes & decisions and worked our way up. From bigger tablets on and up everything stayed the same.
Do you have stats on screensize from your visitors? This can help in decision making ;-)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Cheap tablets can have screens like that.
The sub $100 7" android tablets set children get
jamietanna[m]: haven't looked at the markup, but it is a property on the top level element, not on an hcard, so there's clearly something wrong there
Ah OK, that's my bad then!
dopplergange joined the channel
Thanks [frank] This is for my personal site, and to be honest I'm not that bothered about stats for types of browser (although I could easily look). My main goal is to simplify a Grav theme and make it IndieWeb mf2 compatible.
[Nicolas_Hoizey] joined the channel
So the idea is to get presentation correct, and then add mf2 goodness.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Not as easy as I thought. I have stats for operating system. Unknown is top, then Mackintosh, then Unix. If unknown includes iOS then I may need to rethink.
ingoogni joined the channel
jamietanna[m]: did you update the markup on that post since publishing to indienews?
Aaronpk yep I have now - so hopefully it should be fine. Do I need to resent the webmention to update it on indie news?
Ah perfect thats sorted now!
dougbeal|mb1, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106] and gRegorLove joined the channel
I'd like to get started on adding Webmentions to the version of my website that I was recently working on, but at the moment I can't be bothered. Interest is slowly returning though.
[Michael_Beckwit and [fluffy] joined the channel
I generally treat 800px as the threshold for “desktop” vs “mobile” layouts. Of course it varies based on how exactly the “desktop” layout looks. I also tend to design my sites such that it doesn’t matter much.
Probably my fanciest responsive layout is the main page for beesbuzz.biz and also the responsive layout for my soon-to-be-former day job website at Mullinslab.microbiol.washington.edu
justme and abaiste^ joined the channel
Thanks [flu
Oops. Thanks [fluffy] I am treating 768 as that breakpoint. Essentially “phone” vs “computer”.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
If you want really perfect responsive design you shouldn't really pay attention to the specific numbers. Just expand / shrink tubing your viewport until it doesn't feel right and then change that section. Not the entire site needs to change at a single breakpoint
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
yeah like, 800 is just my usual starting point. Usually if I care deeply about it I’ll go into the Safari responsive mode and see where the transition point makes the most sense.
800 is just usually a good-enough first-order approximation.
I don’t really care about “mobile” vs “desktop” so much as “it fits” vs “it doesn’t”
like with an 800px boundary, you get the desktop view on an iPhone XR turned sideways.
you can use relative units rather than using pixel width
that way your responsive layout can also adapt if someone "zooms" or changes their browser font size
gRegorLove joined the channel
nvm, guess it's showing up correctly on indienews now
I feel like if someone zooms, it’s to read something closer, and changing the layout on them would only be confusing.
gRegorLove: he updated the markup and re-sent the webmention
Relative units in media queries don't change if you pinch zoom, but if the user has a different default zoom set for accessibility / readability reasons or zoom on desktop I think.
also adjusting the layout with font size helps with readability
[KevinMarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel