KartikPrabhu, [Michael_Beckwit and [fluffy] joined the channel
#[fluffy]Good to know. I generally don’t specify a font size except in relative terms or using the `medium`/`small`/etc forms since I want to respect peoples’ font preferences.
#[fluffy]I have really good eyesight (especially for my age) and even then too many websites use too-damn-small text.
[tantek], tsrt^, KartikPrabhu, jjuran, [timothy_chamber and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
#[tantek]jacky++ glad to hear about new ideas for webaction fallbacks!
#Loqijacky has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (86 in all channels)
#[tantek]I don't understand the Mastodon interaction (or problem with it). Would be interesting to see a step-by-step user-flow of what you'd like to see work (perhaps add to /webactions#Brainstorming ?)
#jackyI was hoping it was something on par with Twitter Intents (pushing a URL to be posted on one's mastodon account)
#jackybut that seems to require a network request and I didn't want to make one in the browser
#[jeremycherfas]I’m pretty sure it will all have to be tweaked again once I have the typography in place, but at least this way I think I have the structure working as I feel it should.
jjuran, gRegorLove, [pawel_madej], [KevinMarks] and leg joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]I use 768 or 800 depends on who I am copying, doing my darnest to build sites with fewest media qeuiers possible
#jgmac1106confused why I am struggling with these css animations on figcaptions, should be just stack the figcpation in the same grid row, and columns, set z index, make opacity 0 and then make opacity 1 on hover....maybe I should try with one photo first
#jgmac1106I want to be able to just add photos and not worry about grid selectors based on photo size or orientation but still have the figcaption display nice, fun challenge
#jgmac1106and I am just copy/pasting way to glory and mucking about, still think nesting a grid inside each photo rather than flexbox is what I should do
#jgmac1106gwg thinking about it a webmention being sent directly to media would be a nice way for a content creator to kind of track the reach of their media, know when other people use it and such
#GWGjgmac1106, that's what I am thinking. Also, cut down on useless webmentions if you don't want to send for every link
#sknebelwould have obviously been the other part, if we'd decided to go with hotlinking there
#sknebel(which the prototype did, but might not have been the final design)
#sknebelI know there's been a bunch of discussion about that, many people see hotlinking as bad, others seem to prefer it in some cases, e.g. to get listener numbers etc
#GWGThe other question is how people are generating their outgoing URLs.
#GWGsknebel, WordPress has attachment pages for every uploaded resource. I started out with the idea of directing any webmention for the resource to the attachment page.
#GWGThen I started thinking about all the outgoing webmentions I must be sending. Both to local resources and remote ones
#sknebelthat sounds like a good idea for it, yes. similar to having a special page for the homepag WMs
#GWGI wonder if that is worth an issue on the spec
#sknebelThere isn't much done with the target, so I'm not sure special rules are necessary - especially not for media types that don't have a way to embed a rel=webmention
#jgmac1106well I tried to switch from flexbox to a nested grid where I put the caption at the top and the photo at the bottom but messed it up: https://precious-hearing.glitch.me/ going back to flex as it was more than good enough
#jgmac1106changed the url, I am pretty happy with this, if I knew all the grid math stuff I might be able to figure out how to use different size images to not have white space but it is a good start: https://cssgrid-photogallery.glitch.me/
vika_nezrimaya, [tantek], gRegorLove and strugee joined the channel
#jackyanyone got ideas of interfaces of subscription flows that they like?
#[jgmac1106]Joking, meaning been trying to cull subscriptions, sorry
#[jgmac1106]If a site did have a list of feeds (as I do) I would like a checkbox of what to follow
#[jgmac1106]If Koype does notification a toggle for on/off or maybe that is better at channel and not source level
#[jgmac1106]Maybe the cancel button would be cool. Drop in url - >"you are already subscribed to this feed. Would you like to remove it".... Better than hunting through so many channels
gRegorLove, [Michael_Beckwit and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]If everyone is self contained in system with correct mf2 you could juat use post type discovery and toggle on and off poet typers per user on subscription
#[Michael_Beckwitalright, i'm still a bit confused by indiebookclub and some details of its implementation