#dev 2019-10-03

2019-10-03 UTC
[jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, imsky, [tantek], mblaney, Matt1, [Lewis_Cowles], [manton], treora, [Rose] and [frank] joined the channel
Is it correct to say the only third party app that works with indieauth authentication is Github? twitter, Instagram and micropub all fail when I test this.
[aaronpk] joined the channel
do you mean IndieAuth.com?
Twitter and Instagram don't work there. Micro.blog should.
Indielogin.com should work with twitter and micro.blog
[aaronpk] When I go to IndieAuth I get this screen. Micro.blog is "not a supported authentication provider". I tried to test indielogin but I need to change the URL in my Twitter bio to frankmeeuwsen.xyz (my test site). But Twitter doesn't seem to accept xyz-domains....
Looks like you're running Wordpress on that domain. Have you installed the IndieAuth plugin?
Yes I have but I want to take it step by step. I just deactived the indieauth plugin on my main WP domain to test. I get the same result
What I try to find out is, if you don't use WordPress, you need to have a Github profile to use indieauth on your domain?
If you are not that technically advanced to make your own indieauth server 😉
What exactly are you trying to test?
[fluffy] joined the channel
(Side note, it's my fault this is confusing because I named that site IndieAuth.com)
I want to see if you can use a domain with WordPress without using the IndieAuth plugin but with just rel=me links
The simplest thing to test is trying to log in to the wiki
Or any domain for that matter
What if you don't have a Github account, no WordPress but want to use your domain to login on the wiki. How would you move forward?
If you log in to the wiki you will end up on indielogin.com
You can use the form there to test. You shouldn't ever end up on IndieAuth.com in that case
OK, I will try this and then get back to work 😉
Indielogin.com supports twitter too
I think there's a way to connect micro.blog too but I'm not actually sure and tbh I don't think I'd recommend that anyway for the simple case
BenLubar joined the channel
Hmmm... maybe I should first connect another domainname with a more regular tld to my test site. Since Twitter still doesn't support .xyz domains
I am working on Dutch how-to's for non-developers and want to take it step by step
Thanks anyway
Twitter doesn't support XYZ??
How so?
#askjack 😉
I mean I don't understand
Does it like error out when you put an XYZ domain in your profile?
I want to add my frankmeeuwsen.xyz to my profile but it doesn't accept it as an URL
I logged in to the wiki with my regular domain (https://diggingthedigital.com/) with WordPress IndieAuth plugin turned off and I get an error for Twitter, Instagram and Microblog..
Hmm...wait. Maybe I have to revole the original key on Twitter as well?
I have meetings now. I will check later.
krychu joined the channel
I just tested and I don't have any issue entering a .xyz as my profile url on Twitter so I don't know what "doesn't support XYZ domains" means
Is this maybe a case of RelMeAuth no longer working with twitter because of the t.co thing?
No I worked around that long ago
indielogin.com doesn't even look for the rel=me attribute on Twitter anymore because that's what was breaking all the time. Now it uses the API to verify that direction
having rel=me links both directions is a noble goal, but as soon as you need to use a silo api to authenticate then you don't need that actual markup in that direction anymore
Has anyone set up back feed for their Twitter to their site? Ie if I publish a tweet, can I get it sent via Micropub back to my site, so I can own both POSSE and PESOS?
That's what bridgy is for! Do you mean without using bridgy?
Oh wait do you mean your tweets not the comments?
What is backfeed?
Backfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indieweb.org/backfeed
That threw me off because "backfeed" usually refers to just the responses, not your actual content
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
maybe of interest about testing auto-fill on forms https://cloudfour.com/thinks/an-html-attribute-potentially-worth-4-4m-to-chipotle/
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I hope they buy his lunch. That's a great writeup
It looks like switching to no-JS icons in monocle totally fixed the issues I was having with it! Sometimes when I opened a page it used to block on all interactions like marking things read or favoriting for a while. I didn't realize that it was the icon JS that was blocking it! Now that the icons don't require JS, it's free to start handling user interaction sooner and I can scroll and mark read even before the rest of the assets are loaded!
[Rose] joined the channel
Ah sorry - my bad, yeah thinking the content not the interactions, so maybe PESOS?
Yeah. So like ownyourgram for Twitter
What is Twitter?
Twitter (also known as Twitter.com) is a popular content hosting silo most well known for originally limited to 140 characters text notes https://indieweb.org/Twitter
What is PESOS?
PESOS is an acronym/abbreviation for Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site https://indieweb.org/pesos
[snarfed] ownyourresponses: Creates posts on your web site for your likes, replies, reshares, and event RSVPs on social networks.
Not sure if the exact scope of it
[frank] joined the channel
[aaronpk] really weird. I just tested the xyz domain in my profile and now it saves. The internet: for all your tiny things loosely coupled....
And logging in to the wiki works perfectly
mblaney, krychu, [schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
!tell jacky, swentel, gwg the recorder apk coming our sounds amazing. Wonder if there are micropub possibilities
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106]: I don't understand
GWG: [Rose] left you a message 3 days, 16 hours ago: same as Media Endpoint? Sorry, I’m not logged into GitHub here.
GWG: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 minutes ago: the recorder apk coming our sounds amazing. Wonder if there are micropub possibilities
In pixel 4 (the apk leaked and can be installed on pixel 3) is a new apk for the recorder app. You get indexable and time stamp transcripts for every recording
Closer to publishing posts through voice like Captain's log
As long as Trump keeps fighting with China I should be able to get a Pixel 4. My Pixel 2 is Huawei so can't be legally replaced. Keep trade war going until 10/15 please
eli_oat joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell aaronpk can my aperture account be fixed or is it a reclaim hosting problem not loading my channels?
I don't know what your aperture account problem is
aaronpk: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 minute ago: can my aperture account be fixed or is it a reclaim hosting problem not loading my channels?
ooh my bad, thought you were aware. seems I reverted back to https://jgregorymcverry.com instead of https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com you had switched them for me, but now I come up with blank channels
did some poking with [grantcodes] and together, my aperture number showing my main domain again
which one are you trying to use as your identity when you sign in to a reader?
you had switched it for me but at some point it reverted back, not a huge deal at all, just if you get a chance
I don't see that it reverted back
I do see a "forbidden" error from your micropub endpoint in the logs though
as long as you're typing in that URL when you log in everything looks fine in aperture
Aaronpk yep ownyourresponses looks like a good candidate, thanks!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
weird as I get no channels and together shows my endpoint as jgregorymcverry.com
[snarfed] joined the channel
hey jamietanna[m] on a related note, how's progress on meetup?
Snarfed: unfortunately haven't had much time to progress since IWC AMS, I should get some time over the weekend to continue
I've got oauth dropins written, just haven't yet been able to validate, so don't want to raise the PR yet
Granary is what I'm doing at the moment, so writing the pytest to drive through the functionality
Then hopefully shouldn't be too long till I can get a local brid.gy working for it 👍🏽
hm together isn't loading on my airplane wifi
[jgmac1106]: and you're entering "https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/" when you log in to Together?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I see nothing with quicktoughts
and indigenous
is there anything in https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com settings that might cause it to say your URL is https://jgregorymcverry.com? I don't remember how Known works
jamietanna cool! that's definitely progress. feel free to send PRs etc early, even if you're not ready to merge them! happy to give feedback
eg oauth-dropins
weird logging into together all I did was log into my website
[jgmac1106]: if you log in at indielogin.com by typing in https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/ what does it say?
I'm looking at the logs just now, and it did send the redirect url
Snarfed thanks, will do! I may make use of the "draft" PR functionality to do it so they're clearly not ready to go
oh interesting, didn't know that existed. i usually just say something like "In progress, not ready to merge yet" at the top
"Error loading channels 😢"
[jgmac1106]: then as far as I can tell everything is configured properly. what error do you get in monocle? usually if something goes horribly wrong it gives you a huge debug dump of info
Now I'm seeing a token endpoint issue
"header": "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\nServer: nginx/1.14.0\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nX-Powered-By: PHP/7.2.7-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1\r\nCache-Control: no-cache, private\r\nDate: Thu, 03 Oct 2019 14:06:20 GMT",
whispers "how can we automate these checks in a friendly way?"
monocle error, good error reporting
But it looks like it found all your endpoints this time
[tonz] joined the channel
maybe I will turn off the indiepub plugin, I didn't get choice of using Known or GitHub
All I can really see is your token endpoint says "unrecognized code"
wait no don't do that. you need a token endpoint
need to track down *why* the token endpoint is returning "unrecognized code"
from what I can tell between [grantcodes] and me, it's a problem with Known and it's not returning helpful error messages either
Known, has deep token issues....@cleverdevil would know more than me
Can you see the tokens it has stored in known? I could send you the one together has stored, and you could at least see if it exists
Snarfed it's only in the last month or so it came out - when raising a PR there's a little triangle to the right of "create" that has a drop down for it
yeah one sec
Oh I was just meaning if there was an admin ui
duh, found it
darn doesn't show entire token: Token: 6421a…
that's good because it prevents people from accidentally pasting the token into chat this way ;-)
oops you mean like that?
was able to use the inspect element and find the token in the value of the revoke button
I will revoke that one in a bit, but that was my last token for alltogethernow.io
lol yeah you better revoke that, but it does match
revoked, thanks for help both of you,
[New]mapkyca/known-akismet Akismet filtering of incoming comments and webmentions. https://github.com/mapkyca/known-akismet
off to get ready for IWC NYC
[jgmac1106] Have fun at IWC NYC, looking fwd to following online.
[dougbeal] and [Rose] joined the channel
!tell rose when you get a chance love to pick your brain about the folder approach to removing file extensions.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
M3baidDiscord[m], M3baidDiscord[m4, M3baidDiscord[m7, krychu, t-mo and [snarfed] joined the channel; M3baidDiscord[m4 left the channel
aaronpk [snarfed] re blocks, I guess one issue with static sites, assuming they load webmentions directly from webmention.io's API, is that they can't hide any processing for blocklists since it's just client-side code
yeah that's a big difference between bridgy and webmention.io
webmention.io is more a core part of their site in that case, whereas bridgy really is just a pipe
[snarfed]: does bridgy also respect the mute list?
that wouldn't "send a message" to the twitter accounts they want to exclude, as long as they're fine with not interacting with them
Is the dev of bridgy here?
[schmarty] joined the channel
ShokuninDiscord its [snarfed]
krychu joined the channel
hi shokunin! right now bridgy only handles block lists on twitter, not mute lists
[kylewm] #473 Twitter: do not backfeed from blocked accounts
[frank], [KevinMarks], AngeloGladding, KartikPrabhu, krychu and Evert[m] joined the channel
Not sure if interesting, but there might be some overlap with indieauth: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pot-authentication-link
Feedback super appreciated!
Oh snarfed I had no idea you made bridgy
Great service
thank you!
Where are you based?
We’re in SF
me too!
strugee and krychu joined the channel
Oh cool
Didn't see you at the Indieweb meetups
sethforkDiscord[, [mapkyca] and krychu joined the channel
What's a good way to dm you? Are you on discord or matrix?
no, sorry. i can get on IRC, or feel free to email, https://snarfed.org/about
snarfed, krychu and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ Wouldn't you be Лилиан? Or Лиллиан? I'm not sure about double Л in foreign names... Don't worry, this stuff gets easier with practice. Maybe I should post in Russian sometimes so people reading me could practice Russian if they want. Does your blog have #webmentions enabled?
↩️ Crap, I'm not sure! I'm positive you know better than I do. I think Lillian has a Russian form too. My middle name is easier cuz there's definitely been a Russian with it: "анастасия" http://anomalily.net does have webmentions. But I don't PESOS/POSSE from twitter anymore.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel