[frank]Is it correct to say the only third party app that works with indieauth authentication is Github? twitter, Instagram and micropub all fail when I test this.
[frank][aaronpk] When I go to IndieAuth I get this screen. Micro.blog is "not a supported authentication provider". I tried to test indielogin but I need to change the URL in my Twitter bio to frankmeeuwsen.xyz (my test site). But Twitter doesn't seem to accept xyz-domains....
[frank]Hmmm... maybe I should first connect another domainname with a more regular tld to my test site. Since Twitter still doesn't support .xyz domains
[frank]I logged in to the wiki with my regular domain (https://diggingthedigital.com/) with WordPress IndieAuth plugin turned off and I get an error for Twitter, Instagram and Microblog..
[aaronpk]I just tested and I don't have any issue entering a .xyz as my profile url on Twitter so I don't know what "doesn't support XYZ domains" means
[aaronpk]indielogin.com doesn't even look for the rel=me attribute on Twitter anymore because that's what was breaking all the time. Now it uses the API to verify that direction
[aaronpk]having rel=me links both directions is a noble goal, but as soon as you need to use a silo api to authenticate then you don't need that actual markup in that direction anymore
jamietanna[m]Has anyone set up back feed for their Twitter to their site? Ie if I publish a tweet, can I get it sent via Micropub back to my site, so I can own both POSSE and PESOS?
LoqiBackfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indieweb.org/backfeed
[aaronpk]It looks like switching to no-JS icons in monocle totally fixed the issues I was having with it! Sometimes when I opened a page it used to block on all interactions like marking things read or favoriting for a while. I didn't realize that it was the icon JS that was blocking it! Now that the icons don't require JS, it's free to start handling user interaction sooner and I can scroll and mark read even before the rest of the assets are loaded!
LoqiTwitter (also known as Twitter.com) is a popular content hosting silo most well known for originally limited to 140 characters text notes https://indieweb.org/Twitter
[jgmac1106]In pixel 4 (the apk leaked and can be installed on pixel 3) is a new apk for the recorder app. You get indexable and time stamp transcripts for every recording
[jgmac1106]As long as Trump keeps fighting with China I should be able to get a Pixel 4. My Pixel 2 is Huawei so can't be legally replaced. Keep trade war going until 10/15 please
aaronpk[jgmac1106]: then as far as I can tell everything is configured properly. what error do you get in monocle? usually if something goes horribly wrong it gives you a huge debug dump of info
jamietanna[m]Snarfed it's only in the last month or so it came out - when raising a PR there's a little triangle to the right of "create" that has a drop down for it
sknebelaaronpk [snarfed] re blocks, I guess one issue with static sites, assuming they load webmentions directly from webmention.io's API, is that they can't hide any processing for blocklists since it's just client-side code
@kisik21↩️ Wouldn't you be Лилиан? Or Лиллиан? I'm not sure about double Л in foreign names...
Don't worry, this stuff gets easier with practice. Maybe I should post in Russian sometimes so people reading me could practice Russian if they want.
Does your blog have #webmentions enabled? (twitter.com/_/status/1179898084966445056)
@anomalily↩️ Crap, I'm not sure! I'm positive you know better than I do. I think Lillian has a Russian form too. My middle name is easier cuz there's definitely been a Russian with it: "анастасия"
http://anomalily.net does have webmentions. But I don't PESOS/POSSE from twitter anymore. (twitter.com/_/status/1179900795845672960)