#dev 2019-10-12

2019-10-12 UTC
[KevinMarks], [tantek], KartikPrabhu, jfoster, [aaronpk], gRegorLove_, [Lewis_Cowles], [fluffy], bengoDiscord[m] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
↩️ Official spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/ Known software: https://indieweb.org/Webmention#Publishing_Software SaaS: https://indieweb.org/Webmention#webmention.io My inherited take on implementation: https://github.com/Ryuno-Ki/webmention-tools AFAIK no implementation in Racket. But you could use a CLI for it in interim.
[Nicolas_Hoizey], deathrow1 and djmoch joined the channel
Hm.. getting ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED for Monocle 🤔
There. works again 🙂
iburnmycdDiscord and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
playing with Terminal and printing files to figure out easy way to mantain a list of my music collection: https://jgregorymcverry.com/musiccollection.txt
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [jgmac1106] I'm not sure PHP is the best language for creating graphics. I've looked at r but it seems like overkill. Creating SVGs from scratch seems way too difficult. I'd use something like Numbers but I do not want to go through manual for both data capture and storage AND image generation.
Capture and storage more or less have to manual, because I'm getting the data from a variety of places. I'm happy to create key pairs for each data point.
I wabnt to learn how best to generate the kinds of images I want from those data.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Svg isn't that hard - it's like html. You can use a template model, or just write code to generate it. You have to make it xml compliant, to be standalone, but you can inline it in html files, so php works quite well.
What kind of images are you trying to make?
Time series lines from, say, average steps per day by month.
Bar charts
My thought was that I don't really need the images to be dynamic, just generate fresh each month and each year.
deathrow1 joined the channel
jeremycherfas, if you want to cheat, you can make it a number of empty DIV elements, give them all the same CSS, and then with PHP or JS set an explicit height on all of them.
Sounds like an awful lot of work.
And I don't want to cheat. I want to learn how to do it. My latest monthly report makes that clear to me.
Depends on exactly what end result you are going for. If you can just do something where the height is `$steps * 3px` it is super easy.
People like exist.io have to be using groovy packages to do what they do. That's all dynamic, but must be doable.
I ended up using https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/ for my weight graph. Not doing anything fancy with animations or anything, but I did find it relatively easy to add points to the graph and have them handle drawing the lines
Hang on, this is not supposed to be my user name!
So funny; didn't even notice.
Chartist.jc is going onto my research cheat, pronto.
Also feel free to borrow any of the code I use on my weight chart. Most of it is actually for pulling the numbers out of the HTML table and calculating all the averages. The actual graph code is super slim.
So do you think that it is efficient enough so that if I want a chart in each month, for example, I could just make it dynamic and limit the series from which it pulls?
Probably, yes
[Rose] joined the channel
I probably need to take a step back too and learn about using an API properly.
I use chartsjs at work and feed it data in JSON format for pretty data sets. People seem happy with them and I know the data is right.
!tell zegnat,[Rose] See you in Brighton!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
But yeah, Chartist is pretty easy and the results are fine. People are still impressed by my weight chart after all this time
It's the "feeding it JSON" that's a bit of a mystery to me. I've done it with leaflet.js but in a very cargo cult way.
Weight is the one thing I don't feel any need to graph.
The low-level nuts and bolts of things like chartist.js scare me. When they talk about installing and integrating dependencies, I get lost quickly.
The question is usually “do you need to understand it?“, obviously it’s a good idea, but sometimes the thing to do is to ignore that part and just use it, as that helps
I don’t really understand Chartist. I just give it an array of data points and it plots away *shrug*
Have you got it installed, zegnat, or are you using the CDN?
CDN. Same thing though. There is no “installing” when it comes to JavaScript or CSS files.
You either drop them onto your server and add the <link> and <script> elements, or you use the ones from the CDN.
Well, if I have time I will play so that I can at least ask intelligent questions in Brighton.
Unless you want to get fancy, like their SASS alternative, when you want to mix their SASS with your own SASS and you need a compiler etc. I opted to skip all that. Didn’t need a full integration.
Suits me fine. I do though want to understand how to feed it data from a file rather than have the data in the HTML.
The trick is usually “get the data with JS, and then give it that variable”
I use jquery and usually just do a `$.get('/path/to/data/', function (data) {$.createChart({data: data})});`
Or something along those lines, the createChart bit is pseudocode, the rest is real code.
Yep, that definitely does the trick. I only go the long way ’round because the entire graph is basically a progressive enhancement. If the JS breaks, you just get my tabular weight data ;)
Wow, I just checked and my brackets match. For something typed in Slack that’s amazing
So many ideas
You could do a polar of you distance and bearing from home.
Bar and line charts are pretty easy with php or any templating language - you're calculating width and height, and you can scale in a couple of ways.
Drawing axes and labels is usually more annoying
Thanks again for that [KevinMarks] I have used it to track spam on my site.
I'm one of the unknown comments.
The most recent one, in fact.
[aaronpk] and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
Looks doable
Google showed me this: https://www.openhak.com/
Oooh, this looks interesting: http://www.getshimmer.co/
Shimmer doesn't look like hardware, it just connects to Fitbit and such
Yes, I like the idea of that - get the data out into something easy to manipulate
Yeah that's my preferred method too. I don't really mind that the Fitbit hardware isn't something I can tinker with
OpenHAK looks awesome tho
Shimmer seems interesting. Sadly Fitbit failed me, their Bluetooth didn’t seem compatible with my phone :(
dhanesh95, dhanesh95_, dougbeal| and [grantcodes] joined the channel
is loving <details> and <summary> but finding it hard to style them.
I know what you mean - I used them in a table layout and it makes it do weird things
But a super easy way to hide inessential material and yet make it easily available.
BenLubar, dougbeal| and [dougbeal] joined the channel
Agree as well. Be really cool if the summary box could live outside of details... But I guess that is what javascript is for
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
You can do the equivalent with css checkbox tabs if you want more control
[Rose] joined the channel
I have progressed with my programmable name badge! I can now create a message for it in Python and fail to put it on the badge
At least I have the message, unfortunately I am stuck at “Access denied (insufficient permissions)”
what badge is this?
Sertronics LED Name Tag
hm permissions sounds like maybe it can't access the USB port?
did you try that udev thing in the readme? (are you on linux?)
I’m on my Mac, not Linux. So I’m trying that anyway
[Rose]: I am curious to see what you make it say
I was aiming for my name
dhanesh95 joined the channel
And a few extra messages (it can store 8 ) - so “Help me!” was going to be there ready for Sunday
Hahaha, I like that one!
I wonder what it'd take to control that from a raspberry pi so that it could do things like receive webmentions :D
While wearing it?
that looks a little beyond me tho
IBurnMyCDTRTLDis left the channel
Nothing is beyond aaronpk
darn if there were 7 segments then I could make it display "aaronpk" https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/microdot-phat
oohh, I should try to do something fun with one of my electronic badges too
Ooh, the first one you found has the same program as controls my badge. And I have some Pi Zero Ws around.
Problem is the wifi
I have my Pi set to connect to my phone's hotspot, worked great during XOXO :)
Yup, something like that is simple enough.
I waa thinking captive portal
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
phone hotspot is a good idea
lets see how long the battery holds when the ESP is connected all the time
mine definitely drained faster. normally I don't need to charge my phone during the day, but I definitely did during xoxo
also kind of worried aobut the battery of the badge
woohoo my e-paper badge is back up and running :)
does a happy dance!
My badge is fully charged
nhoizey_, [tantek], [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Gotta link to IndieAuth when you mention it [KevinMarks] - lower the barrier for interested parties!
indieauth.net preferably plz
[jgmac1106], [Michael_Beckwit and gRegorLove joined the channel
Need to experiment. When I throw some WordPress blogs into inoreader I get choices of different feeds people publish.
Trying to recreate that with my site. Not sure if the all the rss feeds have to be in <head>
Either that or I need to publish a "how to follow" page like @chris
[jgmac1106]: Too many feeds confuse.
I sort of like the WordPress methodology. All pages link to the main feed, individual archives link to the local archive as well.
Most of the feeds I follow are WP. Discovery works better. I have to seperate my feeds. No one should touch the firehose
I know a few folk but they make my feed it's own channel
Some follow poetry, some bookmarks, others articles. I am trying to determine... Drop url into reader and here are choices of rss feeds
there's also /feed/ and then also /feed/atom/
There are advantages to atom feeds over RSS2
in august or so, i read up on differences and settled on favoring atom more than RSS2
Simultaneously learning how to use granary. In my ignorance I was adding mf2, going to granary, copy pasting xml, adding it to my server
i'm also still needing to look into the atom spec so that I can make sure i'm creating an atom feed from a custom db table
So using xml+atom granary...just saying rss because that is what my community uses and/or says
unrelated, but i have your "My URL is" episode queued up next [jgmac1106]
h-feed has best advantages, all the flow but no plumbing, just trying to figure out rss
Oli love that one. [eddie] needs to resseruct that show
Aaron "needs" to do more Percolator eps as well,
Really ignoring ny children, trying to finish up cleaning the garage zand trying to figure out my feed discovery
That reminds me, [Michael_Beckwit. Haven't heard from him lately
SoreGumsDiscord[ and [dougbeal] joined the channel
Or gwg and [Michael_Beckwith] need to hop into a chat, press record, and brew up their own ideas
valid, but i don't have enough content in me for a show, so i just patiently wait for what Aaron feels like recording 🙂
Moving to chat
Webmention is a W3C Recommendation, not a “proposal”. Hmm I’m not seeing the W3C recommendation graphic (the spec phases one)
(On iOS Safari)