#dev 2019-10-16

2019-10-16 UTC
yeah, and I think that’s the gold standard for any UX.
but like a big part of what informed my decision in Publ was wanting to have image sets but that could be inline and maybe have multiple of them. i.e., articles.
like how Ars Technica does photo sets
but it’d be great to have that expressed in a way that other UAs can understand without al ot of ad-hoc stuff
like I guess you could detect, here’s a <div> with a bunch of <a href=“fullsize_image”><img src=“thumbnail”></a> and then try to present that as a photoset but that feels fragile and perilous and like, how do you handle text inside that etc.
or is that a case for having nested h-entry and have the inner entry be a photo post?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
hm, come to think of it, this means I’m still not doing things right in an mf2 thing for my photo posts - because the u-photo is associated with the thumbnail <img> and not the fullsize rendition’s <a href>
I guess I should add a link_class to my templates or something? and then do <a class=“u-photo” href=“fullsize”><img src=“thumbnail”></a> or something?
"is that a case for having nested h-entry and have the inner entry be a photo post" yes
what is a collection
A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/collection
what happens to e-content in the outer entry?
[fluffy] re: "<a class=“u-photo” href=“fullsize”><img src=“thumbnail”></a>" <-- that's what I do on my photo posts! (except I don't call it a thumbnail, it's just the lower resolution version for the stream)
tomayto, tomahto 🙂
http://beesbuzz.biz/art/photography/6914-Moon - the images on that page are what I’m calling the thumbnail, and the full-size images they link to are the, um, full-size images.
oh shoot I changed it and no I don't remember why
I use u-bridgy-flickr-photo on the outer link, and u-photo on the img inside
ah, well, that’s still a thing that’s supportable by this proposed publ change: https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Publ/issues/285
[fluffy-critter] #285 Add `link_class` to image renditions
right, you do want the ability to set the class on either/both, differently
yeah. I have div_class and img_class but no link_class because for whatever reason that never occurred to me
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I have been expirementing with photo collections. No promise markup is correct... In fact probably can guarantee its wrong
I don't do a smaller thumbnail size. Haven't figured out an easy work flow yet
Publ automaticlaly cuts thumbnails for me
And realizing I need to do something about panaromic on mobile
but back before Publ I had a couple of shell scripts that used imagemagick to cut thumbnails and generate HTML
I looked inot imagemagick. Trying the new imgbot by GitHub... My site does nothing automatoc yet...
Foursquare automatically cuts thumbnails for me 🙈
I *finally* serve resized images on my site
took way too long to get around to it. Sorry everyone for downloading 3mb images of my food
[dougbeal] joined the channel
Does anyone do webmentions with webmentions.io and Hugo using getJSON?
https://github.com/apps/imgbot files a pull request once img optimized... Only problem no GitHub API for uploading binaries so I haven't figured out perfect workflow
[tantek] not sure how to add the Voice UI for Google to make calendar events... Pretty intuitive, getting conversational
not sure how we wikify voice UIs in general
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I could link to screen recordings... But as a commuter.. I dream of posting through voice... Just made a calendar event at Cub Scouts... Blew me away
The ML getting really good at natural language
↩️ @mavrck @ericlbarnes We have events and rsvps fully spec'd and implemented with h-event and webmention
https://photos.app.goo.gl/rwpjexHraBQPdYcf8... Pardon the delay in video... Walled tonpart of kitchen with no wifi and no cell service
Hungry website club.... I want to go to that... Also doesn't allow you to record your voice once you use mic for search
1-2 more times and Homebrew Website Club wpuld be recognized... If I could just say "Add note to blog" "publish a listen post..." the Captain's log...
↩️ yep! and users can have a https://schema.org/RsvpAction on their own site and send a WebMention to the site with the https://schema.org/SocialEvent. :)
heh I mean kinda sure ^^
^^ is that true? Webmentions working in wild using schema.org vocabularies
It's theoretically possible
I don't know if anyone who has actually done that tho
Wonder what the schema.org metadata looks like in [pfefferle] themes... Or if events, carried in post kinds plugin, does not use RSVPAction and SocialEvent
Known events do not have either RSVPAction on rsvp nor SocialEvents on Events, but the schema.org seems like basic requirements for Learning Tools Interoperability (I think)
because they're not meaningfully consumed by anything
not really, no tests, no interoperabiliy
thx, what I figured but Tweet was written as you can do this now...and like you both said..I know of nowhere I could do that
it's twitter handwaving
↩️ @davidwbarratt @ericlbarnes Have you used schema with webmentions? Example url(s) please
↩️ not yet, but I'm not sure why it would be a problem? WebMentions just sends a URL to where the other is being mentioned, it's up to the reciever to expect a resource with http://schema.org metadata.
↩️ Totally! But check out what we've done with Webmention and Microformats for the last few years: https://2019.indieweb.org/summit#indie-rsvps All these RSVPs are via Webmention Microformats. Click thru the permalinks to see the original posts!
[fluffy] have a look at the ui of the buzzfeed editor - that's a model for prose sequences including images/videos with rich metadata.
It's an impressive list there
Ooh, sure, I’ll take a look when I’m considering things.
my initial notion for a tumblr-esque post editor would have just been like, here’s a rich text editor (that saves as markdown under the hood) and the “image” button lets you upload multiple at a time and that makes it a native Publ imageset instead
[aaronpk] can you supply two target= to webmention.io? Some have trailing / and some don’t
(Publ imageset = markdown image with added stuff for multi-image support)
[dougbeal]: target[]=
![](image_1.png “title 1” | image_2.png | image_3.png “image 2 had no title”)
and then some extended syntax for configuring both the set as a whole and the individual images
with default configuration specified by the page template
aaronpk++ for posting positivity
aaronpk has 50 karma in this channel over the last year (189 in all channels)
I'm trying. It's really hard
that one was perfect, showed love of what is rather than questions what isn;t
Also wow this was the fourth year of webmention RSVPs https://2016.indieweb.org/
IndieWeb Summit
they have no ticketing system but want to add IndieRSVP, said I can start with the h-events and h-cards but can't help with webmentions...
wow that is cool
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: Post Kinds has no schema to be honest
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove_ and [tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk, 4th year of webmention RSVPs to IWC. Pretty sure we got the tech working peer to peer in 2013
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
Is anyone experimenting with GitHub actions?
I'm going down the rabbit hole a little, mostly with old things I don't yet want to kill off, but also don't want to maintain a lot
It seems quite promising.
What does it do?
[Rose] joined the channel
It's CI, defined by yaml instead of scripts you own (you may choose to own scripts, it is in-fact hiding that it's powered by them).
This means that it is a robot that helps you perform automated tasks, given a bit of a script
The other thing is that it seems to be build on open technologies, so I'm going to do a bit of digging to see if it can replace two other technologies I use for similar ends
build -> built
!tell gRegorLove Yea, sknebel is right: I have an admin page that shows received homepage mentions, including private posts. But I never look at it, so I wouldn't call it "doing DM".
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Github Actions == Buildkite, in github
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Ah I see
We use CircleCI
We pay for Mac builds though
Maybe Github can do them for free?
you need build agents that support Mac, like a mac or an OSX vm
circle gives you the build agents
[grantcodes] joined the channel
!tell fluffy maybe something like http://examples.tpxl.io/ would be useful for you understanding mf2 markup (although it needs updating)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
kingpapa, treora, gRegorLove_, [tonz] and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
Github auto-builds in mac, it was one of the first things I checked
ad windows
Did not know about buildkite though
is it really literally that with a ui, or was it analogous, possibly not 1:1?
[Rose] and kingpapa joined the channel
Huh. Interesting
gxt, [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I wm using GitHub Actions... Or will....statred working on the Fyp yml file last night
Not an action but using the imgbot for img optomization
They have a php local dev environment action as well but I just push live, test, maybe fix, push again... Maybe I try the action
https://imgbot.net/ that one?
there is another https://www.imgbot.ai/ which emphasises with parenthesis “visually lossless”
perceptible colours most likely
I modified https://github.com/Lewiscowles1986/jpegoptim some years back to get a similar benefit. None of these lovely services existed back then
there were a few proprietary solutions, but I never got suitable answers or efforts. I also wanted to understand some of the techniques used
[tantek] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Yeah imgbot free for any openly licensed project. Works well.. Does make a mini CSS stylesheet(s) that isn't clear in documentation
But it works very well. As soon as img are uploaded I get the PR.
[dougbeal] and [Rose] joined the channel
[Lewis_Cowles] I github actions to zip up a ghost theme as a build step, seems cool.
The dream is using it to test wordpress plugins
90% of the work isn’t coding updates, it’s throwing them at a machine and testing them
5% effort to curse out broken API’s
I’m largely wasted
I don’t know how much cpu usage they let you get away with
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I guess they have Azure, so maybe they just burn excess capacity?
TBF I’m on pro so maybe they’ll bill me and I’ll have to quit GitHub
[tantek] joined the channel
I forgot to mention that I released a new indieweb ruby gem yesterday, indieweb-authorship (https://rubygems.org/gems/indieweb-authorship), an attempt to implement the Authorship algorithm (https://indieweb.org/authorship). I use it for webmentions, and it seems to be doing the… https://deeden.co.uk/notes/2019/10/16/134737
kingpapa_ and kingpapa joined the channel
!tell aaronpk Has something changed in Telegraph? I find myself having to login every time now. I'm sure I didn't used to.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
No nothing changed
aaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 6 minutes ago: Has something changed in Telegraph? I find myself having to login every time now. I'm sure I didn't used to.
Sometimes I forget to tell it to set long lived cookies but it hasn't changed recently
Strange. MAybe I changed something in FF.
accidental incognito?
Nah. This has happened repeatedly over the past couple of days.
as example of imgbot optimization: photos/iwcnyc2019/TeoneHackingNYC2019.jpg was 5,030.63kb is 1,656.59kb reductions 67.07%
now to get the GitHub action going so I ca push right from repo rather than uploading all the imgs, downloading the imgs, uploading img to server
What happens with the original image if you use that in a repo? It just directly replaces the image?
imgbot sends a PR that replaces the image
[schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk,tantek: removed u-photo, u-video from my inline photos and videos in longer posts. i think i'll go back and make it easy to add a (few?) u-featured images at some point.
Ah ok. That's pretty cool. Think I'll stick with having that sort of stuff in a build step in most of my projects though
[schmarty]: yay!
my thinking behind marking images/vids in longer posts with u-photo/u-video has me wondering if there's something to capture to the wiki, here.
like i want to use my indie reader to view a channel of all photos from the feeds i follow.
*all photos* rather than *photos from photo posts*
really though? I don't think seeing out of context photos that were embedded in blog posts would be a very good experience
my last three long posts are literally photo essays
with photos that anchor events and memories and some words to give them context.
that sounds like something different from both article and photo posts. maybe the thing to do is iterate on that specific idea
what is a photo essay?
It looks like we don't have a page for "photo essay" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "photo essay is ____", a sentence describing the term)
if one tried to capture all IWC NYC 2019 photos, you'd have to dig into my photo essay posts because i don't create individual posts or a separate feed for each photo
the fact that you're even calling it something else makes me think this might be a new post type and require special consideration for marking it up
it'd be great to collect other examples of similar posts
maybe! i am not confident about my use of the new term, tbh.
"photo essay" seems to be pretty broad according to wikipedia, and this definitely falls under it
the fact that most of my "photo essays" include at least one video is also troubling 😅
Interesting. Together has a gallery view of photos & videos but they don't include images from post content
multi-media essay 😂
I could see that being somewhat similar to a collection. If there are separate sections that relate specifically to the media
yep that was my thought too, but I didn't want to jump to markup conclusions before first collecting more examples
grantcodes: my read on collections is that they are usually discussed as collections _of posts_ (e.g. assumes that each sub-thing has a permalink of its own somewhere)
[schmarty]: remember how you "hacked" the concept of permalink by using fragment IDs? 😉 :D
hahaha, fair enough.
I think usually but I don't why they couldn't just all be embedded in the same document and do that ☝
heck that'd be a nice setup for CSS :target selector to show a nice shadowbox w/ the selected media item 😄
Heh talking of this I just opened together and noticed adactio has all images in an article marked up with u-photo so it looks a bit funky
oh yep I see that too
i think i'd consider (some of?) tantek's trail run posts to be photo essays: http://tantek.com/2019/244/t1/august-distance-running-pr
[Tantek Çelik] ⛰🏃🏻‍♂️ 15km & ~2k' in #Marin 8/31 to finish #August at 216km & 7116m. Grateful for a month of consistent training at home. Traveling a lot soon — HMU to #run in Portland @XOXO, Fukuoka @W3C #TPAC2019, Amsterdam @IndieWebCamp #ViewSour... https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_g23JMxDi600PGMoiLcXG1gcZWMXy3MkU094mPl_0cwU.jpg
tantek's is slightly different because the text isn't interleaved between photos, but yeah it's a fine line
Although he references them by number in the text
I'd be interested to know if he does that so it fits with instagram or it is his preference
Aaronpk I’m working on post types for Permaweb
You mention articles and photo posts above. Is there like a spec for post types we can use to make our posts more standard?
ShokuninDiscord[: this is kind of the inverse of it: https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
as in, that talks about how to determine post type from markup, not how to mark up specific post types
hm looking through my own posts, I can't find any examples where I do this "photo essay" thing. whenever I use images interspersed with text it's to illustrate something i'm talking about and the photos really don't stand alone on their own at all
so there is definitely some difference here
So for example if we want to write notes or status posts or blog articles or public photos
Is there some kinda semantic structure, or standard we could use to be compatible with more things out there
ShokuninDiscord[: that second link has a list of the commonly recognized post types, and each links to the wiki page for that type which (should) have suggested markup
Suggested markup doesn’t sound like an established standard
the markup is suggested because microformats gives you many options of markup to produce the same parsed JSON structure
Shokunin, how do you evaluate “established standard”?
the parsed microformats result is standardized in post type discovery, but you can accomplish that with many different combinations of HTML tags
for example <a href="/" class="u-author h-card">Aaron</a> will result in the same microformats JSON as <div class="u-author h-card"><a href="/"><b class="p-name">Aaron</b></a></div>
that's why the markup is "suggested"
Shokunin, the short answer is use h-entry. If it’s a specific /response action from the user, use the respective property for that. For the others it depends on your posting UI
aaronpk has 51 karma in this channel over the last year (190 in all channels)
aaronpk++ thanks for capturing those photo essay examples to start.
reads scroll back dialog between [schmarty] & aaronpk
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[schmarty] I think there’s a range of /photo, /multiphoto, /article with illustrative images, and perhaps a photo essay as you put it, and the lines are sometimes blurry between some of them
[aaronpk] been kin of trying to do photo essays but I am putting my e-content in the <figcaption> but I am following examples on /collections and using child h-entries
Yeah I been using id to make unique permalinks for each img in my collections...Goal is to do single photo posts eventually... And then building collection.. Just working backwards
matyas_mustohaDi joined the channel; competentcuttlef left the channel
[schmarty] with my multiphoto posts I try to curate the photos so they tell a story visually even just on their own (which also helps with writing alt text), and then the text part after is kind of an expansion, additional context etc. primary subject tends to still be the photos
I do admit that that “format” (in a visual / IA sense) has likely been heavily influenced by the IG multiphoto UX
Even with my multiphoto posts, despite the amount of time it takes, per photo, I think I’d still prefer a UX where I could post (and selectively POSSE, like to Flickr only) each photo on its own with its own pressure location and tags, *and* post a /collection or /multiphoto of the whole “set” after which I would POSSE to Twitter & IG
precise location not pressure 🤦‍♂️
KartikPrabhu and [manton] joined the channel
Thanks everyone for your feedback about domain reselling a few weeks ago. I've been working on this for a while and just about ready to launch it, so that Micro.blog can register domain names for people and automatically configure all the DNS settings. It's working really well. Here's a screenshot: https://www.manton.org/uploads/2019/c7d9dfb3a8.png
[manton] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
That is going to be a game-changer, I suspect.
[manton] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
[manton]++ yet again
Having talked about it earlier, I just updated http://examples.tpxl.io/ with a few more examples. Maybe that is useful to Shokunin figuring out post types.
[tantek] kind of what I do with Google Photos, take a ton of img but only use my favs, or those that tell the story in multi-photo posts
jfoster and [dougbeal] joined the channel
So could post kinds be used to select a post template?
Kind of how post kinds works but using the taxonomy feature rather than the narive custom posr types in WordPress
Custom Post types are theme specific so if you make new templates and move themes you lose them
The way GWG built post kinds is so they can be theme independent
Custom post types should really go in a plugin. They don't have to depend on a theme
[grantcodes]: Post Kinds can work without an aware theme but it works better with one
[KevinMarks] and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
tomorrow I am working on adding microformats to this: http://braziljs.github.io/conf-boilerplate/ by comparing to this: https://2019.indieweb.org/nyc
there are multiple h-events on the page, how do we handle the rsvp going to the correct h-event?
if there are multiple h-events on the page then it's more like a feed than an event
and you don't RSVP to feeds
but we send out RSVP to https://2019.indieweb.org/nyc and it has an h-event on the body class and then nested h-events for schedule
IndieWebCamp NYC
maybe the child events are ignored or you smart folks figured out a way to send the RSVP to the parent h-event and ignore the the childs
maybe an h-feed on body makes sense then people could follow a conference page and if new sessions and speakers show up they would be in your reader?
I suspect the code just treats RSVPs to that URL as to the main event. I don't think it's doing complex parsing of h-events on the page
gRegorLove: sebsel left you a message 11 hours, 16 minutes ago: Yea, sknebel is right: I have an admin page that shows received homepage mentions, including private posts. But I never look at it, so I wouldn't call it "doing DM".
h-feed of h-events makes sense and there's some examples
Ideally I think each event would have a permalink, with one h-event, that RSVPs go to.
sebsel: cool!
[snarfed] joined the channel
manton++ for domain registration in micro.blog! that is _huge_ for usability!
manton has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
krychu joined the channel
Yeah gRegorLove thinking that as well. I will play with my fork tomorrow, then if there is an h-event and permalink for each session people could rsvp to what they go to
manton++ very cool!
manton has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
But I wonder would people add a conference page to their readers?
grantcodes++ example.tpxl.io is awesome
grantcodes has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (49 in all channels)
manton++ ooh this is great. Just became best blogging CMS out there
manton has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (46 in all channels)
If anyone is around and has Hugo experience would love help fixing the mf2 on default microblof themes. Also on agenda
Yed joined the channel
jfoster, raucao, [frank], [Rose], [fluffy], [Lewis_Cowles], [snarfed], [dougbeal], [KevinMarks], kingpapa and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ugg i'm running in to swarm rate limits now too
at least they're responsible about it, like publishing their rate limits and returning reasonable HTTP response codes
[grantcodes], [jgmac1106], vika_nezrimaya and [Sonny] joined the channel
can't find any issue with my implementation 😞
hey there, I implemented IndieAuth, it works fine with OmniBear but I'm getting "Your IndieAuth server did not return a valid response. Below is the response from your server." from https://indielogin.com
what does it show below? is it blank?
omnibear and other micropub clients do a slightly different flow since their goal is to get an access token
indielogin.com doesn't need an access token, so it does the "authentication" flow here https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#authentication
i'm guessing your site didn't implement this part, which is why the response indielogin.com shows is blank: https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#authorization-code-verification
ah - right I missed that it seems, thank you
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
yes!! this so cool. A little slower then my ftp client but with img optimization automated in GitHub and now the FTP action working: https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2019-10-15-4
This is so awesome! Got GitHub actions working and this should be first note I push live instantly by saving in my text editor....bad news I wrote over my repo trying to get all my different local versions on point.
but it is slow, fixing a link and FTP-Deploy-action almost two minutes, be instaneous with my client