bekoDiscord[m], Kongaloosh, dmcweeney, HexDiscord[m], [schmarty], [chrisbergr], KartikPrabhu, uniquerockrz, [chrisaldrich], FordDiscord[m], gRegorLove, cweiske, vilhalmer and krychu joined the channel; FordDiscord[m] left the channel
#gRegorLoveWelcome, mblaney are you new to the indieweb? ;)
#Loqi[David Shanske] Just hacked up a script using Tasker for Android that extracts the location from the Southwest inflight wifi and posts it to my location tracking server… which is queried by my website. Fun
#GWGIf I could have thought of a way it fit into Indigenous I might have asked
#swentelI don't really track myself, so never thought about adding it - although it would be fun, and actually relatively easy as I have most of the location code in anyway
#swentelfor my geocache post (or checkin, but don't use that one much)
jeremych_ joined the channel
#swentelok, updated my brainstorm on 'read later'. An api addition to move posts from one channel to another would be fine too :)
#aaronpkI think someone has suggested a feature to move posts between channels before. that seems simpler
#mblaneyjgmac1106 yes you can change the front page. Try clicking tools->edit buttons at the top, then borders will appear around areas you can edit. Click anywhere in those for a toolbar.
#@miklb↩️ @draftsapp allows you to use Actions which is just JavaScript under the hood. I use micropub to post, and deeper under the hood webmentions & to syndicate. Then likes & replies on Twitter backfeeds to my site. It really does feel like magic. (
#@miklb↩️ @draftsapp allows you to use Actions which is just JavaScript under the hood. I use micropub to post, and deeper under the hood webmentions & to syndicate. Then likes & replies on Twitter backfeeds to my site. It really does feel like magic. (
#swentelaaronpk, add my thoughts on that issue, will ping back when I have code and a working implementation server/client (drupal/indigenous)
#@janboddez↩️ I’m going to use Micropub (both the protocol and the WP plugin) for posting, and have a filter hook in place to set the right post type based on whatever mf2 properties are present. (Next up is getting some more feeds into that Microsub aggregator.) (
vika_nezrimaya, jbove, [jgmac1106] and BigDuckEnergyDis joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Oohh just had random thought given I am using php to call up my urls with /<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
#[jgmac1106]Can I write that with php math to either -1 for rel=prev and +1 for rel=next? My url structure is date+note number
#[jgmac1106]Maybe not echo the file but echo date and X+ or - 1...hmmmm
#gRegorLove[jgmac1106], You probably could, but you also shouldn't echo PHP_SELF like that without some sanitizing. That can allow XSS
#[jgmac1106]Okay since I don't even know what CSS is I will just go back to manually adding the url... Trying to automate as much as possible with my limited skill
#[jgmac1106]Thank you... I had no idea... Google is a dangerous place for those lacking skills
#gRegorLoveHeh, especially with PHP code snippets, yeah
#[jgmac1106]Not so bad on dekstop manually adding url but the more I can automate the easier to publish on mobile...
#[jgmac1106]gRegorLove if i just echo a date at end of url do I face same issue?
#[jgmac1106]Need to set up some basic sanitation as next goal no matter what me thinks now
#gRegorLove[jgmac1106], Is this in WP, Known, or plain ole PHP?
#gRegorLovehtmlspecialchars is pretty solid to protect PHP_SELF, I think: but if you're in WP or Known there's probably a method to get the permalink URL
#gRegorLoveI know there is in WP; guessing Known has something too.
#gRegorLoveGotcha. That htmlspecialchars is what you'll want then
#mblaneygRegorLove: The token endpoint returned a profile URL with a path. URL paths are not currently supported. Profile URL:
#Loqimblaney: gRegorLove left you a message 3 hours, 51 minutes ago: Can you try IBC again? I updated that error message to include the returned profile URL.