bekoDiscord[m], Kongaloosh, dmcweeney, HexDiscord[m], [schmarty], [chrisbergr], KartikPrabhu, uniquerockrz, [chrisaldrich], FordDiscord[m], gRegorLove, cweiske, vilhalmer and krychu joined the channel; FordDiscord[m] left the channel
Loqi[David Shanske] Just hacked up a script using Tasker for Android that extracts the location from the Southwest inflight wifi and posts it to my location tracking server… which is queried by my website. Fun
swentelI don't really track myself, so never thought about adding it - although it would be fun, and actually relatively easy as I have most of the location code in anyway
mblaneyjgmac1106 yes you can change the front page. Try clicking tools->edit buttons at the top, then borders will appear around areas you can edit. Click anywhere in those for a toolbar.
@miklb↩️ @draftsapp allows you to use Actions which is just JavaScript under the hood. I use micropub to post, and deeper under the hood webmentions & to syndicate. Then likes & replies on Twitter backfeeds to my site. It really does feel like magic. (
@miklb↩️ @draftsapp allows you to use Actions which is just JavaScript under the hood. I use micropub to post, and deeper under the hood webmentions & to syndicate. Then likes & replies on Twitter backfeeds to my site. It really does feel like magic. (
@janboddez↩️ I’m going to use Micropub (both the protocol and the WP plugin) for posting, and have a filter hook in place to set the right post type based on whatever mf2 properties are present. (Next up is getting some more feeds into that Microsub aggregator.) (
vika_nezrimaya, jbove, [jgmac1106] and BigDuckEnergyDis joined the channel
[jgmac1106]Okay since I don't even know what CSS is I will just go back to manually adding the url... Trying to automate as much as possible with my limited skill
gRegorLovehtmlspecialchars is pretty solid to protect PHP_SELF, I think: but if you're in WP or Known there's probably a method to get the permalink URL
Loqimblaney: gRegorLove left you a message 3 hours, 51 minutes ago: Can you try IBC again? I updated that error message to include the returned profile URL.