#dev 2019-11-23

2019-11-23 UTC
uniquerockrz joined the channel
[manton]: I actually use the word "via" for webmentions recevied through Bridgy!
i.e. if the source of the webmention does not match the u-url or u-uid, then the source goes into a "via"
I also use "via" when the source url domain doesn't match the domain of the url of the object of the page
my reason to do that was 1) It displays data that I already have in a visible manner 2) it (maybe) promotes tools like Birdgy
mine was more that I don't want people to be able to fake webmentions from each other as comments on my site
sunk8180255[m], uniquerockrz and stevestreza joined the channel
needs to do that URL normalization thingy for fortress
just noticed he already solved it in his shared indieweb library 🤗
uniquerockrz and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
what is a hat tip?
It looks like we don't have a page for "hat tip" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "hat tip is ____", a sentence describing the term)
uniquerockrz joined the channel
what is via?
I've apparently asked too many questions....
What is a via?
Loqi? Are you awake?
ManualUntilItHurts has 2 karma over the last year
[manton] there's also /giving-credit in addition to /via with some common patterns. I sort of wish I had a simpler way of doing this in WordPress and have even considered building a small plugin similar to Syndication Links for doing so.
uniquerockrz, awesomesarthakDi, ay2306Discord[m], gRegorLove, fauno, [tantek] and jjuran joined the channel
[manton] if it’s common then step 1 is to document examples of it (as plain text) in the wild to see if it’s worth formalizing
Next would be to come up with a consumption use case
There needs to be a UI use case eg in a reader that would do something special with the information, and frankly some level of intent to implement something by a reader implementer.
Otherwise you’re just cluttering up the format for no user benefit
[chrisaldrich] there’s a difference between via (I got this from this post - link) and hat-tip (I got this somehow from this person, maybe verbally, maybe in another chat etc)
via could be useful if any reader actually bothered with providing a good UI for citations or provenance but no one does that now AFAIK
[Rose] joined the channel
both hat-tip and via could be useful for discovery of new folks to follow, though again, not sure of any readers that bother with kind of UI like that at all, even just for plain mentions of people in posts
I’d expect to see at least that kind of general UI interest before bothering with something so specialized as via or hat-tip
^^^ not sure how to capture that as methodology or where regarding “should I add something to this format” but I’d like to because this kind of question comes up a lot in dev circles and the default dev instincts (“structure all the things!”) are typically wrong
(Bad for open format complexity and longevity)
uniquerockrz, [KevinMarks] and [Caspar] joined the channel
A silo example of via is twitter tracking retweets of retweets
uniquerockrz joined the channel
For example
worth adding to /via
krychu, uniquerockrz, asymptotically, KartikPrabhu, [Rose] and misterwhatever joined the channel
What is via?
uniquerockrz and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I’m not sure that the distinction between via and hat-tip is that clear for everybody. Sounds very prescriptive.
[jeremycherfas] nope not prescriptive. that's my observation of the patterns on Twitter
*posting patterns
may not make the video session so I wrote up my recent efforts into a post: https://jgregorymcverry.com/buildingvideopage
uniquerockrz, testy and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
There's definitely a difference between the two but there's also some subtle overlap as well. Via is more often toward the neutral while hat tip generally has a more positive, honorary connotation. I didn't mean to conflate them, but they're certainly related concepts.
There was sort of a bloggers standard for that a while back. I think I added it to one of the wiki pages
The Curator’s Code. But looks like their site is down.
goes digging for a Web Archive link to add to the wiki
chrisaldrich and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: https://web.archive.org/web/20181207213253/http://curatorscode.org/ has a via vs h/t section at the top of the page. How well do you think their description of differences matches with yours?
via is a stop word in MySQL search
Their definition for hat tip: “HT” ↬ tends to stand for indirect discovery — something for which you got the idea at your source, but modified or elaborated on significantly when sharing with your audience.
Interesting and generally rings true to me but doesn't have the the chivalry related thank you implied as much
Thanks for the link zegnat I had bookmarked the wiki page specifically to look at that particular section..
Thanks for the link zegnat I had bookmarked the wiki page specifically to look at that particular section..
Interesting that slack seems to have dropped a lot of the other conversation. I had to switch to
Web to see the full context.
uniquerockrz joined the channel
Some of this seems related to the Mt from Twitter as well.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Do parsers and consumers ignore an h-entry if it is in a <pre> or <code>?
uniquerockrz joined the channel
would the quotes not still be converted to &rdquo; and &ldquo; ? I just checked it out on codepen, maybe they are doing some magic, but a pre-tag and a code tag render content within them still
it's just whitespace aware AFAIK
gives Loqi some food.
Thanks, chrisaldrich!
Glad to see you back Loqi!
[jgmac1106] my last comment was towards parsers
okay I am trying to figure out what i did wrong on this https://jgregorymcverry.com/buildingvideopage that threw an error message on indienews about multiple h-entries
ugg and then looking I see I used an ND image in my remix, gonna have to redo that
uniquerockrz and [Rose] joined the channel
canonical link has no space between attributes. It's moaning about that
firefox is moaning about that
[jgmac1106] what are you using to parse? https://pin13.net/mf2/ chomps through the html
uniquerockrz, imsky, krychu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Ohh yeah I forgot that was in my header. Will remove.
uniquerockrz, KartikPrabhu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
it says it's valid now, but also you deleted the canonical header.
uniquerockrz, fauno and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I know I delete the canonical header, but I am still getting the no link found on indienews..oh well
uniquerockrz, imsky, [Rose], [Michael_Beckwit and krychu joined the channel
I'm not sure about indienews specifically
fauno and [tantek] joined the channel
try parsing the page with xray
imsky, krychu, uniquerockrz, fauno and jjuran joined the channel