2019-12-06 UTC
# 00:08 mblaney which is similar but not the same as what I was saying, end result is the same though visitor information is discoverable via js
# 00:10 mblaney GWG the visitor needs to tell the website who they are, but that could happen via a form and page reload so yes it is possible.
# 00:14 GWG mblaney: Think people would use it?
# 00:17 mblaney not sure GWG, people seem pretty happy putting webmention url forms on their sites, so maybe?
# 00:21 GWG mblaney: I wonder how many people use them
[tantek] joined the channel
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# 03:32 takev[m] [snarfed]1: Is bridgy using python2 or 3? I'm setting up my local environment to play around with adding silos.
# 03:41 Loqi tantek has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (149 in all channels)
gRegorLove and [manton] joined the channel
# 04:07 [manton] [aaronpk] Great, I've enabled the Webmentions. (It's actually set for each feed, and you have 3 feeds configured.)
# 04:47 gRegorLove I'm working on IndieAuth for ProcessWire and was wondering if I should add a setting to set expiration time on tokens. Do any other implementations handle expiration/refresh?
cweiske joined the channel
# 05:08 jacky gRegorLove: I asked this before and AFAIK, expiration isn't meant to be a thing in IndieAuth
# 05:09 jacky However, my clients _do_ support in the case of force logging the user out / flushing sessions
# 05:09 gRegorLove Interesting. I saw it's not in the spec so figured it was "extra"
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 05:19 aaronpk Defer to OAuth guidance on token lifetimes and refresh. There's nothing special about it for IndieAuth
[fluffy] joined the channel
# 05:43 [fluffy] [tantek] I saw the thing about the pypi thing yeah. Fortunately it sounds like it didn’t have much reach and it’s good the pypi folks are on top of it.
# 05:46 Loqi [EdwardHinkle] #17 Dealing with Expiring Tokens
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 06:34 jacky I'm looking into things for Fortress to help enhance auth flows and PKCE looks like the move
# 07:09 jacky but usually things like this requires me to test it / demo it in a particular language
# 07:09 jacky that said, it looks refresh tokens look very straight forward to implement
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# 07:09 jacky1 is curious if I can chat via Web
# 07:18 gRegorLove I might be convinced to do refresh tokens if any clients start supporting :)
cweiske, vika_nezrimaya and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 07:41 vika_nezrimaya Are there any MF2 parser web services with CORS headers? python.microformats.io doesn't seem to have them
asymptotically, [Rose] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
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# 11:04 GWG !tell gRegorLove, jacky I support expiring tokens, but by default all tokens do not expire. I wouldn't mind refresh or expiring as a feature
# 11:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:14 [jgmac1106] I think it maybe ling height but I was using viewport for that size: line-height:3.5vmin; so I thought it would adjust
# 11:24 [jgmac1106] I always struggle with responsive text, thought viewport sizes would eliminate media query but maybe not
[Rose], [Khurt], vika_nezrimaya and marinin[m] joined the channel
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# 13:40 [davidmead] [jgmac1106] FYI - the links under the notes are really small and hard to read. Make be scaling those fonts too much
# 14:09 [jgmac1106] good call David Mead, I left a property on the element so I can go back and add some rules
# 14:15 [jgmac1106] should be fixed, not sure if a monthly view will work, may just have to go with a number like 10...worried a monthly view would get too big. Probably publish 40-50 notes a day if I count all my Known posts
# 14:15 [jgmac1106] maybe combine a monthly and day view with a calendar...not sure...will fool around
# 14:16 [jgmac1106] or just convince snarfed that bridgy shoul dpublish link fragments so I don't have to copy and paste every note, then I would arrange by day by default
inkjama joined the channel
# 15:02 GWG I am trying to parse a return from an API, but it is failing because inside one of the json strings is a double quote... \" and it's picking it up as the end of the value
# 15:02 GWG I don't know the js functions to reencode
# 15:15 GWG aaronpk: stringify converts a json object into a string
# 15:16 GWG I have json in a string already that I pulled from JetBlue
# 15:16 GWG It won't parse because there's a quote inside one of the properties
inkjama and asymptotically joined the channel
# 15:40 aaronpk That doesn't sound right, JSON can contain escaped quotes
# 15:44 GWG There are \" in the description properties
# 15:45 Loqi jacky: GWG left you a message 4 hours, 41 minutes ago: I support expiring tokens, but by default all tokens do not expire. I wouldn't mind refresh or expiring as a feature
# 15:48 GWG Then why is it failing at the exact point of the quote?
rustik, [tantek], vika_nezrimaya and marinin[t] joined the channel
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# 16:59 marinin[t] GWG: were you trying to parse a literal string?
# 17:00 GWG I had to learn to use Xmlhttprequest to retrieve over the built in function
# 17:00 GWG marinin[t]: Something on the Tasker side was messing up the output
# 17:02 GWG Unfortunately, this means I can only track the flight from Utah to California. But there's always the return
[Rose] joined the channel
# 17:15 Loqi [WICG] ScrollToTextFragment: Proposal to allow specifying a text snippet in a URL fragment
# 17:16 jacky it's like anchor linking but way less precise
# 17:16 Loqi A fragmention is an extension to URL syntax that links and cites a phrase within a document by using a URL fragment consisting of the phrase itself, including whitespace https://indieweb.org/fragmention
# 17:18 Loqi [WICG] ScrollToTextFragment: Proposal to allow specifying a text snippet in a URL fragment
# 17:21 jacky I thought WICG === w3c which is more community than corp?
# 17:21 aaronpk they've been working on this themselves for a while
kemyd joined the channel
# 18:19 GWG Okay, a little more automation going on here.
gRegorLove, jeremycherfas and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 19:23 [schmarty] does anybody have a command line utility set up to run the php-mf2 parser on a local file?
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# 19:47 [schmarty] haha, uh, it seem to not be parsing anything. just getting empty items, rels, and rel-urls... 🤔
# 19:55 [schmarty] replacing that fgets(STDIN) with file_get_contents("php://stdin") did the trick. 😂
# 19:55 Loqi [schmarty] has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
# 20:28 Loqi gRegorLove: GWG left you a message 9 hours, 24 minutes ago: I support expiring tokens, but by default all tokens do not expire. I wouldn't mind refresh or expiring as a feature
[benatwork], wink and chrisaldrich joined the channel