#dev 2019-12-14

2019-12-14 UTC
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Unmung will prettify recipes, if you have some to try
That was for [LewisCowles]
www2Discord[m], [randyl2004], KartikPrabhu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Thanks KevinMarks, this was about me seeking to [ab]use the recipe format for software tasks. I’ve been given my orders so I won’t use microformats for it
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
Anyone know if there's an API to LinkedIn to change your bio there?
I'm now thinking about bio POSSEing
mattgorecki, KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
man that’s interesting. jacky++ again
asymptotically and swentel joined the channel
you might not want blurhash on the web (unless it becomes natively supported by browsers).. the size of data: URIs with tiny webp images for these blurry placeholders will be less than the size of the wasm/js implementation of a blurhash decoder. of course you could cache the implementation but still, it has to be executed and stuff.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
tantek for LinkedIn you need to do a token refresh every two weeks, most of the POSSE tools built using the older API, they would need updating,
and you need to refresh tokens in the apps every two weeks. I was POSSEing to LinkedIn from Known but plugin not updated to new API
found this o hacker news..good tool: https://www.happyhues.co/
[Sadik_Shahadu], wgirl and wgirl_ joined the channel
hmm for micropub to post a drink or food
there's no real distinction there? or can I add a property to really tell it was a coffee or a burger for instance?
looking at teacup I only see h-food
but wordpress postkinds has a eat and drink post type
so wondering how it sees the difference from a micropub post
asymptotically joined the channel
I use p-category for that
In the known plugin
oh right
could work too
h-drank-beer isn't right
Thought I fixed the plugin so the p-category was beer, food, cocktail.... Add to the to-do
My plugin could also be out of date from my last commit as well...
[Aaron Parecki] tacos
[Aaron Parecki] tacos
I think for the Known plugin we stayed with h-entry and added a food category since there was no agreement h-food
fwiw I'm regretting the extra h- object there
it's not necessary for how I am handling the data
I have a property "ate" and "drank" and I should have just made the value a string
ate and drank sound logical indeed
just looking to maybe add some more 'experimental' post type screens in indigenous
even if the drupal plugin doesn't support it yet, I'm fine adding it to the client
and it's always nicer for a new release to say hey, look new post kinds. PKCE and bug fixes are boring :)
Known as ate, drank beer, drank cocktail, drank coffee... I just need to fix drop down
[tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk yeah it makes sense to start with a string which can be extended to an object if/when structure is needed
Like we did with u-in-reply-to and then added h-cite to it
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
would it make sense to show channels from all accounts in the reader? e.g. indigenous allows multiple accounts, but you have to switch for reading (and posting to micropub endpoint too).
I think having that as an option could be great
↩️ @TheGreenGreek and @mxbck — my apologies for my questions. I now see this is a @Netlify thing: https://community.netlify.com/t/common-issue-using-environment-variables-on-netlify-correctly/267 (Still doesn’t answer why I can’t see webmentions locally with any consistency, but that’s not as important.) Thank you both again for your great tutorials!
the idea is that for micropub a widget shows at the top if you have multiple accounts so you can select where to post to
and render all channels
that way you don't have to switch accounts at all anymore
I don't know if some consider switching a feature, that's why I said option, but sounds good
sounds reasonable. that's effectively the same UX I have in monocle it's just wired up differently. yours is better because it doesn't need server side support like mine does
wgirl_ joined the channel
↩️ one more thing to note (not sure if it's what is causing your issue), but the eleventy webmentions filter per default only shows webmentions of type "in-reply-to" and "mention-of". if you want to show likes, reposts, etc, these get filtered out here: https://github.com/maxboeck/eleventy-webmentions/blob/master/.eleventy.js#L40
okay I need to change the drop down still in the latest build
swentel has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (32 in all channels)
[jgmac1106] #7 Remove Incorrect h-property
anyone know if Twitter has an API for the bookmarks? Couldn't find one now, but maybe I just missed it
↩️ Env vars query may be solved, based on https://brycewray.com/posts/2019/12/packing-up/ — at least **one** of my #webmention instances now appears (thx, @mxbck; it **was** the filters), which indicates env var is getting through from Netlify UI. Still would appreciate an answer to TZ question.
[davidmead] joined the channel
@swental having an issue logging in to indigenous on my phone. I keep losing the GitHub screen (entering security code) when I switch to Gmail to get code they send. I'll add screenshot etc. when I get home
swentel having an issue logging in to indigenous on my phone. I keep losing the GitHub screen (entering security code) when I switch to Gmail to get code they send. I'll add screenshot etc. when I get home
mattgorecki and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
swentel joined the channel
Did somebody invent a play by #webmention #game like #indieweb chess? If not, I want to be the first one to implement it! Markup: `p-chess-move` - a move in some sort of a universally accepted notation. And a service you can mention so it’ll record the game and check rules.
myfreeweb: where did you see that? https://github.com/woltapp/blurhash#how-fast-is-encoding-decoding mentioned an approach to make it a bit faster (which is what I use a image proxy for in Lwa)
[woltapp] blurhash: A very compact representation of a placeholder for an image.
probably going to go the lazy route and use NIF/FFI to bind this to Elixir
jacky: i didn't say it was slow, i said you have to run a script in the browser to show it
and the download size of this script could be larger than the difference between each blurhash and its data-uri-webp equivalent
but really all these download sizes are tiny, the real benefit of data uris is just the simplicity
the delta changes depending on the page's forseen image count though, no?
and whether it's a repeat visit (cache)
I guess it also depends how quick to paint you'd want a page to be
swentel joined the channel
↩️ I would happily play a game of webmention chess powered by websub. I could see syndicating moves to a shared board, be neat. I did try to do a roleplaying game webmentions vs zombies: http://wmvsz.glitch.me/ (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2eI9ng)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[davidmead] on your Known site or WP? I have been having token issues with Known for a long time with aperture
[davidmead] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I'm now using Eleventy, but the issue was more switching between apps on my phone lost the GitHub auth page in indigenous
gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu and [dmitshur] joined the channel
I had a thought recently. I think it'd be helpful to try to create a suggested icon/branding that can be used on websites that support IndieAuth (as clients)
some prior related examples. Apple recently shipped https://developer.apple.com/sign-in-with-apple/, and look at how the "Sign in via Apple" button has a recognizable Apple logo - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1924134/70855115-4ed79b00-1e93-11ea-9e67-5039f6fe1bd9.png
another example: the original version of Markdown didn't have any recognizable icon, until 2012 when Dustin Curtis made https://dcurt.is/the-markdown-mark which ended up popular and recognizable
so I feel having a recognizable icon that can be used with "Sign in with URL" buttons can be quite useful to increase chances of IndieAuth support spreading more widely.
is anyone aware of any previous work or discussion on this? I checked https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues and didn't see it there (but maybe it's outside of scope of the spec issue tracker)
[Rose] joined the channel
jjuran joined the channel