#Loqi[graphhopper] map-matching: Map Matching based on GraphHopper
#jackyI track my location when I walk to be more precise and when I'm in faster modes to be less so and my last stroll looked like I attached a tracker into a stray cat and chased them down the street lol
#Loqimblaney has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (17 in all channels)
#jamietanna[m]Snarfed makes sense - gonna be quite a big upheaval - I'm guessing it has to be big bang migration rather than moving modules to it slowly?
#[snarfed]oh i did lots of the latter. runtime and environment are still a single switch though
jgmac1106, mattgorecki and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
#vika_nezrimayaquick question for aaronpk: does Quill support passing body for editing in a ?query parameter like the ?reply=<url> query string?
#vika_nezrimayaprefilling, thanks for reminding me this word
#vika_nezrimayaany generally available web clients that do?
#aaronpkshould ics feeds include past events? i'm not clear on whether calendar apps will delete old events if they disappear from feeds
#[Rose]Usually calendar apps have a limit on how many months of old events they download
#[Rose]I am firmly on the side of "don't remove past events", I know I often go back to find out when I did something and if the event is gone then I can't do that.
#[tantek]http://microformats.org/wiki/dtend - we made the conscious decision to *change* the HTML semantic of "dtend" (and thus "dt-end") to be what *people* expect it to be / work like instead of the ICS insanity
#Loqidtend (end-date) is a property of hCalendar.
Retrieved from "http://microformats.org/wiki/dtend"
#[tantek]dtend is a great example of why usability matters in *all* technical design, not just stuff the user directly sees / interacts. developers, web authors etc. are also users
#[tantek]also why plumbing-centric design is wrong wrong wrong
#[tantek]as in, results in more errors when humans try to use it (build on it) etc.
#[tantek]of course maybe it would have helped if there was a public ICS test suite (still isn't AFAIK, e.g. one that you can use to file bugs on Apple iOS Calendar app etc.), or a public ICS validator
#LoqiICS (AKA iCal or iCalendar file / feed) is a format for calendar files (a form of feed file) used by many programs such as Apple Calendar and Google Calendar, and can be used to share and subscribe to calendars across different systems https://indieweb.org/iCalendar