Loqi[Ryan Barrett] Fascinating: distributed systems techniques now also apply to performance sensitive applications on high end multi-core computers, eg AAA game engines on modern consoles, as well as to actual distributed systems.
Using the holidays for a 2-week codi...
[tantek]rando webmentions from one page to another will result in a very poor lowest common denominator UI, AKA a meaningless UX approaching the crap that was "Pingbacks" when listed on blogs - a UX that was basically a net negative and gave Pingbacks in general a bad reputation
[tantek]GWG, without clear documentation of the from and to URLs, and what specifically is the intended user-level effect, there is no justification for doing anything with the webmention
[snarfed]jamietanna yes, the tweet you mentioned is definitely the posse copy of the post on my site. bridgy backfed it because it has u-syndication links. https://brid.gy/about#link
mblaney!tell manton hey I was working on my Micropub config support and noticed you're using "destination" for your syndication list rather than "syndicate-to"? is there a spec change that I've missed?
[jgmac1106]Brining in the photo conversation from main channel, if you are on Android (its a PWA really so it may not matter unless Safari breaks it) Photostack has been awesome
[jgmac1106]Been trying FastHub, even boiught paid version, but it is a waste, only good fro reading, pushing to GitHub never works, nothing really works in the app
[jgmac1106]If I could get FastHub or any GitHub client working from my phone I could do all the publishing from my phone...haven't figured out a way to not use an FTP client, which isn't bad, but editing in sublime on my phone not always easy with my sausage fingers
deathrow1|absnt, [KevinMarks], deathrow1, [kimberlyhirsh] and [schmarty] joined the channel
jamietanna[m]snarfed I was wondering that and whether it would be possible to split a longer note across tweets, but thought against it as it's then difficult because the new tweet would reply to the original one (and send a webmention to it) so wouldn't quite work
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "split a longer note across tweets" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "split a longer note across tweets is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[snarfed]again, i don't plan on implementing this myself. and obviously we just plain don't like tweetstorming, which is an ok counterargument on its own
aaronpkI don't think automated splitting across tweets is a good idea at all. Tweetstorming works because each tweet is crafted to be a certain length so that each one sorta stands on its own
GWGI don't believe anyone has applied for it. Nor has anyone applied, to my knowledge, for application/json+feed which is the one they discussed adopted for jsonfeed, but I still look for it.
jamietanna[m]snarfed: https://github.com/snarfed/granary/pull/179 is my WIP for Granary Meetup RSVP posting, I've not tackled anything else from the GET side as I'm not sure it's required to get the Brid.gy support up-and-running?
ZegnatI just saw Simon has his Instagram stories somehow archived to his site (example: https://colly.com/journal/stockholm) … I wonder if that is an automated thing
deathrow1, EuS0u0Dan, [KevinMarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel