#dev 2020-01-09

2020-01-09 UTC
gxt and tbbrown joined the channel
Webmentions are so freaking cool and I've only dipped a toe in
mblaney joined the channel
hi jgmac1106
mblaney: jgmac1106 left you a message 10 hours, 3 minutes ago: love to schedule a call to see how we could use and test ihazawebsite this coming semester
sounds good, you've got my contact details yeah?
stevestreza and [tantek] joined the channel
snarfed++ thanks for the prompt fix, filed issue for tracking other possible terms/phrases: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/908
snarfed has 50 karma in this channel over the last year (90 in all channels)
[tantek] #908 Bridgy source should rename blacklist and similar offensive terms
gRegorLove joined the channel
Mostly wiki and chat results tho
treora, cweiske, simons, swentel, rivercat, [KevinMarks], Luisa35, [grantcodes] and [Rose] joined the channel; eleitlDiscord[m] left the channel
Can anyone recommend a tool for converting an airport code into a timezone? I think I'll need to connect multiple things together to achieve this.
What is Atlas?
Atlas is a set of APIs for looking up information about locations, including a timezone lookup, finding the name of a city given a latitude/longitude, finding the current weather at a location, and generating static maps https://indieweb.org/Atlas
I knew one part existed!
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I wonder whether FlightAware might be able to do this? I started playing with it yesterday and it seems to know the time zone of each airport, so maybe it exposes that somewhere.
[Rose]: i'm pretty sure i have a file i found somewhere which lists all airport codes and their timezones
ah that file it's using just has coordinates of the airports, then atlas looks up the timezone of the coordinates
Wonderful, thanks!
swentel: do you have a suggestion for how dries could get e-content on his site? it looks like cssgrid is conflicting with it
I've been asked to add TripIt integration to my bookings app, this requires a lot of work with timezones, but I think it will be pretty handy for my ownyourtripit project too
timezones are fun :)
I'm a little daunted by the scope of this. But fortunately(?), the way the current data is structured requires a new DB anyway to add pretty much all the other features I need (such as OAuth!), so I get to basically "do over"
Maybe it doesn't quite _require_ it, but it will certainly be easier in a relational DB
swentel joined the channel
ugh, got disconnected
↩️ This is actually a very good description of the benefit of IndieAuth's use of URLs as client IDs. https://www.w3.org/TR/indieauth/#client-identifier Every app is identified by its URL, so you can build trust that way across providers.
↩️ webmentions...that might certainly help transition folk away from these large platforms. I don't know enough about IPFS or DAT to know if it's feasible.
gxt, simons and [tantek] joined the channel
[Rose], aaronpk: I use the same data file for my location stuff and support lookup by airport
simons, [jgmac1106] and leg joined the channel
↩️ Huh, that’s annoying. Interestingly, camelCasing broke Webmentions via Bridgy, so might be worth also checking if connected services are healthy
gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
Does anyone do indie monitoring of their indoor pollution / particular levels (ala Air Purple but with indoor sensors) ? Here's why: https://www.vox.com/2020/1/8/21051869/indoor-air-pollution-student-achievement
I hooked up a prototype recently! Need to figure out a permanent solution for it
snarfed: Hacking the `features` manually seemed to work, so now I'm onto the next problem. There's no ability to link to my website from Meetup.com! So there's no `rel=me` link possible (although you can use i.e. Twitter)
↩️ The rabbit hole is deep and beautiful! https://indieweb.org/Webmention See the back-and-forth between Steve and me as an example: https://jeremyfelt.com/2020/01/06/now-supporting-webmention/
jjuran joined the channel
`sources = source_cls.query().filter(source_cls.domains == domain).fetch(100) not sure how this works, given there's nothing in the database entry for `kind=Meetup` that contains my domain?
(from `publish.py`) ☝️
I managed to get a link back to my domain via the tumblr social link, but as above it ain't working
swentel, jjuran_, gxt and jjuran joined the channel
so, I wonder, when you receive a webmention, I now go and parse the the source and then find out for instance that it's a reply. I think it all cases it's always because of microformats, but are there other examples of markup that could work too?
[KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
jamietanna hmm! good point. that's a new one.
domain in solo profile isn't really necessary for interactive publish, but it is right now for automated publish, since the webmention trigger doesn't include the specific silo account
jjuran joined the channel
target is just brid.gy/publish/[silo]
do Meetup profiles have a description or bio or other plain text field that would be appropriate? we also pull web sites out of those for Twitter and other silos
So you think I should try just sending a webmention manually and it may work, instead of doing the preview?
Yeah they have a text field, and you can use the tumblr field to put a url to your site, although it's not ideal
gxt, jjuran and [Rose] joined the channel
right. telling people to use the tumblr field is kinda confusing and poor UX, so I'm reluctant to use that, but the text field could work
depends, is the Tumblr field auto-linked and clickable?
we should consider the UX of the result of what we tell people
jamietanna oh and no, webmention trigger will require domain (web site) even more than interactive
I agree
Sounds good. I've managed to remove the `.filter(...)` and that (and maybe some other tweaks) made it work up until it verifies the link to Brid.gy
I'll push a change to the site to get it the link to `localhost` temporarily
tantek: let me just get you a photo 1 sec
ah yeah and we need to keep that filter anyway, it's how we figure out which silo account to publish to 😎
That's fair, it just helped me validate the rest of the stuff! So now I'm failing with `missing an in-reply-to` although there is one? https://php.microformats.io/?url=https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/01/kkdvk/
hmm true. maybe it's looking for meetup.com, without www?
https://media.jvt.me/aifmn.png is what it looks like when a Tumblr link
oh also just fyi i never got the API key email. which addr did you send to?
Oh weird - the one you said to, `"public" <public@ryanb.org>`
huh ok, odd indeed
I can try resending, or send i.e. on Twitter DM?
Ah so there's not an `inReplyTo` in the ActivityStreams object, so may be something I need to tweak in Granary
Could it not be picking it up because I've got a child `h-event` in there?
hmm, maybe?
Nuve joined the channel
might be easiest to debug granary's microformats2. object_to_activity() in the python shell interactively, it similar
(something like that. sorry, on phone right now)
Yeah doing that has definitely proved that `json_to_object` doesn't parse it correctly
[Calum Ryan] Attending IndieWebCamp London 2020 yes to https://2020.indieweb.org/london
Hmm, it does parse it, but it parses it into the `$.object.url` does that sound correct, Snarfed? My understanding of ActivityStreams is poor!
That's how the existing parser works though, so likely an error in how I implemented the Granary code
hrm, this is all mf2 -> AS1, ie unrelated to Meetup code at all
i may need to be at a computer later to be able to help more
Correct - but it looks like when I implemented the Meetup glue code in Granary, I got it wrong
I was looking for `$.inReplyTo`, not `$.object.url` for the RSVP `in-reply-to`
ohh got it! yes, that sounds likely. feel free to compare to other silos' create methods
Think I've got that bit now, it's now trying to create the request, and I've got something else wrong - just digging into it now
[calumryan] joined the channel
snarfed OK, so within Granary I've assumed that the `actor` is going to be the actual user on Meetup.com, but in Bridgy's case, it's my profile URL - I'm guessing I should refactor to use the URL as the actor?
That's apparently worked 😱
Yep that's worked 🙌
I'll raise a PR shortly for the Granary changes
[schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ Haha yeah, I got mine from @kentcdodds, but I feel the same way. I would love to add webmention support like @mxbck, but just haven't gotten that far yet. https://mxb.dev/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
snarfed: Granary fixes here https://github.com/snarfed/granary/pull/181 which then mean my existing Brid.gy PR works with no tweaks!
[jamietanna] #181 Fix: Meetup library defects
(this still does it via Tumblr - unless that's something fairly straightforward we can resolve?)
@kmelve Just came across your post about Gatsby + Webmentions and am pumped to get it working on my site! Thank you for writing this! https://www.knutmelvaer.no/blog/2019/06/getting-started-with-webmentions-in-gatsby/
nice work, jamietanna! will look tonight
Awesome, thanks!
Did you want me to try resending the API key for Meetup?
please do!
if it still doesn't work, we can try Twitter DM or whatever
Also what is the likelihood that you think we'll be able to put it live this weekend?
Cool, will do
and yeah, you'll probably also want to extract web sites from the text field. see examples in other sold, eg Twitter. there's a helper utility fn in util
Would that be withing Granary or Bridgy?
I'm guessing Granary?
granary, user_to_actor()
i think
Yeah I see it now, thanks!
weekend may be possible. I'm on a ski trip today through Sun so I'll only have bits of time at a computer in the evenings, if any, so may be sometime next week
Okey dokey!
jjuran joined the channel
With the help of http://snarfed.org I've now got http://brid.gy running locally and syndicating RSVPs from my website to http://Meetup.com - hopefully it'll be live next week for the rest of the #IndieWeb to enjoy… https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/01/mdlpt/
gxt and KartikPrabhu joined the channel