[tantek]that's the important part IMO. you can keep new (and old) headers as "simple" as you want from my read, and avoid having to define a grammar by linking to the section of this document that you want to re-use
[jgmac1106]Tantek moving to here. Basic idea foe the chatbot was to look at frequency of specific HTML tags like headers, blockquotes and maybe some microformats as a writing tutor
LoqiRuxton: [schmarty] left you a message 11 hours, 18 minutes ago: I _finally_ wrapped up my bestnine mods. Details and link to updated source in my post. Apologies for not making it into nice PRs! https://martymcgui.re/2020/02/03/151833/
swentelbeko[m], hmmm you'd have to start an adb session for that I'm afraid - or if you report the crash, I can see it my reports in google (less ideal of course)
beko[m]Anyway I can not define permissions on that location. It does have already tho: "Search accounts, use accounts, create accounts, set account passwords, add accounts, delete accounts"
LoqiThis TOC needs postprocessing.
Smartypants stuff
A “smartquotes” heading
This heading has “smartquotes.”
Em-dashes – not just for fun — perhaps
This heading has an en-dash – and maybe an em-das...
[fluffy]I was originally just going to do the header permalinks but then I realized, hey, might as well refactor the way I handle a bunch of stuff so that I can do the TOCs too
[Rose]!tell aaronpk Have you considered subevents? E.g. an event which uses another event as its parent? Use case: the demo times for IWC Online, and possibly keynote and demo times for all IWCs.
Loqiaaronpk: [Rose] left you a message 2 hours, 4 minutes ago: Have you considered subevents? E.g. an event which uses another event as its parent? Use case: the demo times for IWC Online, and possibly keynote and demo times for all IWCs.
aaronpkfor example do they appear on the home page as their own events? Nested under the main event? Do they only appear on the event permalink? etc etc
[LewisCowles]Do you want a deploy button as an installer for experts, as a get started for avoiding service setup (meetable approach) or something else. Also do you have compatibility goals?
[KevinMarks]Having a feed of events is useful - ics served over the web provides that. AFAIK ics doesn't support nesting, but you can define day and individual events in the same file.
Loqi[Rose]: [LewisCowles] left you a message 1 hour, 45 minutes ago: Happy to help and do my best to explain. Would communication via GitHub issue make it easier?
[KevinMarks]We did spend some time trying to turn grids back into parseable calendars in the original hCalendar work but it needed lots of extra stuff to deal with getting times and locations from rows and columns.
[LewisCowles]Cool, I have a background task on Known installatron (mostly understanding installatron), so I could maybe pair or give guidance on putting Known into Heroku if you’d like to spread the knowledge
[KevinMarks]A session grid tool seems like a useful thing, given that we end up doing it by hand on the wiki each time. See also the calendars that Tamas made for xoxofest
[Rose]I think putting the sessions in Meetable would be nice, but we should also bear in mind how often we adjust the times of events, a grid by its nature has rows which in this case represent parallel events - if someone has to update every parallel event then something is likely to go wrong. Which is why I would start with keynotes and demos.
aaronpkI have this nested event challenge on my website as well, since I post "trips" which are an event that spans multiple days, and within the trip I might have a flight or a conference, and within a conference I might have one or more speaking sessions
aaronpkI'm reasonably happy with how it works on my site (with the exception of how multi day events appear in the ice export which I should just fix right now)
ZegnatI have been playing a lot with this for my life tracking experimentations. Where I would give almost anything a being and end time. Checkin to a restaurant can then tell me when I entered and left, while my eat post tracks when I ate as a subset of the first. A single visit may have multiple eat posts.
aaronpkHm I vaguely remember seeing some sort of QS iPhone app that supported multiple timers nicely. No idea what it did with the data, I think it just stored it locally
[jgmac1106]any sublime users know if I can do a global find and replace in a folder for all files at once? I want to find rel="canonical"> and replace it with class="u-url" rel="canonical">
Loqi[Ruxton] Thanks for your updates Marty, I’ll get them into the app. I just wanted to touch on one thing you wrote in your post, and that’s:
but I don’t consider e.g. /2019/01/ to be a “feed”,
Because it is a feed.
h-feed is a simple, open format fo...
[schmarty]i have been trying to think of a citation to support "for the sake of implementing spec and having tools that ‘just work’, it should be a feed." 'cuz i think currently it's more a matter of opinion.
aaronpkyeah i dunno about that "just work" part, i don't think there are that many consumers of h-feed specifically, especialyl ones that will break on a list of h-entrys
[schmarty]agreed. h-feed is definitely still a draft specification. but even according to the draft page at http://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed, "archive page" is only listed in the summary, not in use cases.
ZegnatI would say they can “explicitly” do so when it makes sense (e.g. consumer is expecting a feed to poll), but I would not implicitly do so in general
Loqi[tantek] The issue name “micropub for bridgy publish” sounded a lot like what I was looking for in <https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2018-02-26/1519669277072200> but this issue is clearly about adding Micropub support as another API to Bridgy Publish, rather...
aaronpkI added a parameter to xray "expect=feed" to tell it that you are looking for a feed. there are some pages that are impossible to tell whether it "is" an h-card or an h-feed, it could be both depending on what you're looking for
[snarfed]i was just wondering if anyone had a real world use case for the latter. ("syndicate to another micropub site" is a bit abstract.) if we don't have anyone with that desire for real yet, totally ok, just useful to know either way
Zegnataaronpk: that parameter pretty much matches my idea of explicitly assuming h-feed, there it is requested :) Maybe I was thinking of XRay subconsciously.
[tantek][snarfed] for Bridgy Publish -> micropub -> ??? I *think* the possible use-case there may have been silo.pub, which has a few more destinations that Bridgy IIRC
aaronpkit requires storing date, time, and timezone separately. that was the mistake I made on my site, storing just the start date as a full date+time+timezone string
aaronpkyou can kind of cheat by overriding "all multi-day events have no time". but you have to make a judgment call on single-day "full day" events then, to say that "I know you said this event starts and ends at midnight, but probably what you meant was that it's a full day event"