sivylet goldfrog's indexer chew on that for a minute
mblaney, nickodd, superjen96, sivy, gRegorLove, simons, Nusi, jenelizabeth, swentel, [Michael_Beckwit, [jeremycherfas], cweiske, geoffo and [LewisCowles] joined the channel; Nusi and nickodd left the channel
[LewisCowles]I have my tweets, my facebook, instagram and medium. I don't think I want to publish them, I'm just interested in the data they report they keep. It all seems so useless; it makes me wonder if they are deliberately under-reporting the amount of data they have
[tantek]so you could use Indigenous, point it to NYT to discover their Microsub server, request the default anonymous reading list, and then use Indigenous to read NYT articles in a feed stream like way
[tantek]swentel, for default posting, you could also consider as a default micropub server, and allow folks to pick a silo destination like their Tumblr
[tantek]It would be kind of amazing if you could even just read a bunch of Tumblrs, Twitters etc. all in Indigenous, and then use Indigenous to reply to them all
[tantek]makes it much easier for folks to try IndieWeb like interactions (across sites / silos) and then understand the value in owning all their posts, responses etc. all in one place
[tantek]just like we are extolling the virtue of account-less for onboarding / using / trying out an "app" and its UX before committing your identity to it, there is something to be said for site-less onboarding / using / trying out of any IndieWeb "app" (like Social Readers) before committing to setting up a site / service like etc.
[tantek]you could also curate a set of feeds as "IndieWeb community" picking from current active folks here who post a variety of content on their own sites, definitely photo posts as that seems like a strong attractor
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "microsub equivalent of OPML...copy a channel" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "microsub equivalent of OPML...copy a channel is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgmac1106]swentel can indigenous work with mblaney's unicyclic as a microsub server. I want to use it it again but I will never be able to figure out my token problem with Known, it just stopped workign one day and won't work again no matter how many times I deltete tokens and reinstall plugin
jeremycherfasSyncthing installed on both machines with no great fuss, but actual syncing has been stuck at 0% for a long time with no indication of why nothing is happening. I'll try to be patient and let it go through an entire scan interval without touching anything.
wakest[m], [manton], gxt, tsrt^, [Rose] and jjuran joined the channel
[jgmac1106][manton] just wondering if is the first service doing webmentions driven by JSON and not microformats. Plurality and all.... I do try to keep the metadata proper in themes, but many people delete "unused classes" it seems as they customize themes
[manton]And I agree, actually makes a really nice Hugo site even if it's not a blog. My site is hosted on and has no blog posts.
[jgmac1106]okay I just got confused with the photo and POSSE tweet conversation from your code channel, that was example of zero microformats but the issue was unrelated
Loqi2020-02-07: Dammit, I don’t know what I’m doing. Can anyone help?
Redirecting from the no-longer-existent poems file to the new poems/ in the “Static Website Hosting - Redirection Rules” section of the S3 Console is not working at all: I get ...
TGiske, geoffo, [KevinMarks], [schmarty] and [benatwork] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]here is my tutorial...after all my hemming and hawing I may stick with Known over WP...let see if I can get it running on up and connecting database scare me
[jgmac1106]yeah it is more for not displaying my author info on notes and using <href="/"> so I have a link to an h-card on in my footer that points to my homepage. I put a u-uid there.
aaronpkcurrently creating events on my website for dates after DST and I keep getting the timezone offset wrong. I need to fix Quill's interface for this
Loqi[[fluffy]] Is there a microformat that people are using for this? like u-via or something. The /credit page just shows like… how people are doing it in post bodies as old bloggy convention.
[chrisaldrich]The prior art that the now-defunct Curator's code did was fascinating. I need to find an easier way of collecting the data other than manually so that posting it to my site is easier and more frequent.
[chrisaldrich]I've been debating doing either some of that or iterating on some of my 2015 WordPress theme work this weekend for the Online IndieWebCamp.
[fluffy]but yeah this might be a good session for IWCOnline this weekend. I’m not sure how awake I’ll be though, it’s pretty darn early on a Saturday for me 🙂
@JoeBuhligI’m looking to add microblog and webmention support to a Wordpress site. Any plugin recommendations for doing so? I’d rather not build it as it looks like I need a Custom Post Type. (
[fluffy]and like what even sent me on this path is I wanted a means of basically reposting someone else’s link to a thing without linking just to the someone else’s link which might succumb to link rot
[chrisaldrich]Curator's code had an interesting way of distinguishing between the ideas of hat tip and via. Though I'm not sure that the distinction is broadly distributed.
[chrisaldrich]I often use them as a means of reminding myself where I found a particular piece of information, which can often be useful in backtracking my own footsteps. The forward looking piece to give credit is also valuable in it's own right.
[chrisaldrich]I also think about these things for our future selves when some enterprising person decides to pick up our work and create an indieweb discovery engine.
[chrisaldrich]I've got to run to pick up a monkey from school, but let's all keep thinking and iterating on this. If there's a convenient time during camp, post it on one of the planning pages and we'll circle back on it.
@JoeBuhligI’m looking to add microblog and webmention support to a Wordpress site. Any plugin recommendations for doing so? I’d rather not build it as it looks like I need a Custom Post Type. (
[jgmac1106]yeah we can add a session on h/t all it takes is two people...I wish we stuck with the 24 hour session window...rather than looking for magical UTC block...and just letting facilitators choose what works best for them
[jgmac1106]okay, I updated to latest Known version, deleted the IndiePub plugin, and still can't log into any microsub client...strangely the micropub side works, can anyone point me to anywhere I should begin to read up to try and sort this out?
aaronpkaaand this is why i dislike using libraries for OAuth... uses the omniauth library, so i'm going to have to update that library, but i suspect the version it uses is so old that the updated library will have breaking changes so this is going to cause a cascade of updates
aaronpklike by all means use a library for the signature calculation of oauth 1 or JWT validation in openid connect, but the mechanics of the oauth exchange are a GET request and a POST request and trying to encapsulate that in a common way across all oauth providers is just too much of a pain