#dev 2020-02-08

2020-02-08 UTC
As was predicted in the OAuth 2 spec
haha yes
who could have seen this coming
[fluffy] one way to do the cite is with a fragmention link to what you are quoting, though that works better when it's part of a longer post.
But that gives you the "preserve what I was quoting" part of the problem
[fluffy] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] yeah that’s not the use case I’m talking about though
I’m not “quoting” a thing, I’m propagating a link that someone else shared.
But I don’t want to share their share to the link.
Because that is both bad UX and also leads to link rot.
sounds like a /repost tho
I think your like of their share post makes sense then
Yeah, but would it make sense to have that like on the same post that’s the same share?
And yeah it is sort of a repost
don't override "like" for this please omg
But like, there’s UX to consider, like how to make it appear when it’s on a page like https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/chatter/
But what if I like their sharing it? 😛
The 2 posts involved will see different meanings of their webmentions because they have different labels on the links
sure, but if i see a notification that someone liked my post, i'm not going to go click through to find out if there's anything else there
I’m not overriding “like,” I’m saying “I like this post, and I am also sharing what was being shared”
right and I’m not adding anything else to it, I’m just resharing the link
i thought you were also adding commentary about it?
I mean that’s certainly a possible use case but that would be a reply or mention
so it's strictly a copy of someone else's post?
that sounds like a repost
but their post is just a sharing of another link
so like it might be a u-bookmark
is that bad/
Right, that fits the fragmention case where you're citing part of it
so how do I indicate that my copy of the post is both a u-bookmark and a u-repost-of?
yours isn't a bookmark, yours is a repost of a bookmark
yes but when I repost the bookmark I want it to appear like a bookmark
appear to who?
the original post?
appear to people looking at my notes page
or appear to indieweb.xyz or whatever
there’s multiple UX factors at play here. they have conflicting needs.
That still works. There are 2 links in the post, so they can interpret the webmention differently
It’s very easy to give a definitive answer to one aspect of it, but that conflicts with the definitive answer to another aspect.
i'd say if your goal is that readers should see that this post is from you, then you don't want to use repost
I want readers to see a post that links to the original thing, but also where I got that link from.
this also gets back to what is the consuming case of this particular "via" text that you've got
If that’s a repost of a bookmark, so be it.
if it's just human consumption you can just put that text in the "content" of the post and be done with it
the consuming case of the “via” is notifying the other person that I reposted their link
The original link can see a mention, the via link can see a like or a repost, depending on what you mean
and I mean with all this said I have already done a thing which I think I am happy with and satisfies my usage case, and I’ve linked to it a few times in this chat already but nobody’s commenting on that particular maybe-solution
in that my note post adds an h-cite in the content
but h-cite feels wrong because that seems like it’s more for, like, reference/academic/whatever purposes and not “via”
so anyway there are two UX aspects: people reading my site (I want them to see where it came from so maybe they’ll consider checking out the site I got it from) and the person running the site I got it from (I want them to see that they played a part in spreading something hopefully-nice)
i guess you can use both a "repost-of" to the "via" url and "bookmark-of" to the post that both yours link to, but that's going to take some updates to /post-type-discovery in order for people to interpret those webmentions correctly
But that's always the way - you mark it up to express what you mean, and others interpret that through their lenses
[KevinMarks] I realize that. I mean I was hoping to find out what other people have been doing and I’m just feeling like this conversation is going in endless circles.
right now post type discovery assumes a post is a single thing, you're effectively talking about a post appearing different depending on who you've sent the webmention to
Which is fine
yes, I want it to appear differently depending on who sees it
that’s the entire point 🙂
it does sound like we don't have any existing patterns for this
I think one of the aspects that I keep on butting my head up against is that IndieWeb stuff is sort of designed like how social networks are, rather than like how blogs are/were. Each event/note/whatever is expected to be a separate entry, but that feels silly and redundant to me when one post can be multiple things.
In which Jessica Roy does sterling work in explaining the parallel meanings of a single click
Like I find it really annoying how on Twitter and Tumblr, if someone likes and reposts a thing, I see it as two separate notifications.
as opposed to, like, “such-and-such liked and reposted this”
Also the “like” verb feels a bit weird in that it comes in the form of another standalone post, like it feels like “this post liked this post” and not “this person liked this post”
but that might be my own animism encroaching on my worldview
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
There is the lost nuance of star versus heart
but then also there’s a mismatch between how indieweb makes each event a separate post and how twitter/tumblr/etc. at least give the appearance of the events being different sorts of things. A post/reblog is very different than a like; a like just appears on the notes for a post, rather than being a thing you can navigate to on its own.
Obviously a lot of that has to do with how the data model has to work in a distributed/decentralized context.
And I think ActivityPub also does a similar thing to h-entry in that each event is its own object that is… sorrrrrta visible at least as a JSON-LD or whatever.
But h-entry is the only one I know of where you can actually browse to the like/bookmark/etc itself as a thing that stands on its own with some semblance of visible UX.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
anyway star-vs-heart is exactly why I make bookmark use ⭐️ and like use ❤ in my templates 🙂
and RSVPs are 📅 with a subscript of ✅/❌/💭 for yes/no/maybe (“I’m thinking about it”)
I like it
I had a thing with my colleagues where I made a quick histogram using emoji, but they're on some retro windows version so they get a low fidelity single color version
I feel like emoji is simultaneously the best and worst thing that ever happened to Unicode.
and text in general.
TGiske, miklb, [jgmac1106], cbzen and [snarfed] joined the channel
[[snarfed]] so yes, this sounds like a reasonable new consuming use case. it'll take a while to get wm receivers to support it, but sure, go for it
Giske, petermolnar and deathrow1 joined the channel
Just remember everyone likes bookmarks but nobody bookmarks likes
petermolnar joined the channel
[fluffy] at the same time I have the hardest time trying to navigate through tumblr threads to get to canonical posts or to figure out who did they actual first thing
yeah that’s an entirely different Tumblr UX failure unfortunately
Most templtaes do put a “originally by such-and-such” at the very bottom (for some reason)
ActivityPub, form my outsider perspective seems to follow the basic logic of English grammar subject, verb, object..without realizing that rule only works...never
and always...okay I am being to chatty for dev..time to sign off
[snarfed] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: omg 😆
"everyone likes bookmarks but nobody bookmarks likes"
jacky, JKing, Freiner, gRegorLove, vika_nezrimaya, nickodd and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Is it actually defunct? As in no longer operational. I mean, you’re using it and I think I’ve seen it elsewhere too. My own capturing has taken a turn for the worse lately and I need to understand why.
chrisaldrich joined the channel
I suppose I was talking about their website and their javascript bookmarklet. The concept of what they were trying to do is obviously alive and well.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I've been thinking more about [fluffy]'s question and specific example. Perhaps we could use the prior art of /person-tag which uses the combination of existing microformats `h-card` and `u-category` .
I might suggest could use the pre-existing microformats `h-cite` in combination with a `u-repost-of` , but that's already a pre-existing format for the general idea of reply. Instead, maybe we could use the combination of `<cite>` and `u-repost-of` or something similar?
For me, [fluffy] ‘s point about every post raises something interesting that I definitely share with respect to bookmarks. If I only bookmark something, I am adding it to my collection of “raw data”. If I write something myself about it or extract a quote it becomes something else that ought to include the bookmark.
Every post being just one kind of thing, I meant.
[fluffy] joined the channel
I wasn’t expecting my random question to turn into a full-on ontological discussion
Why ever not? It is important.
I’m not saying I’m displeased with this 🙂
Giske, [Michael_Beckwit and gRegorLove joined the channel
I've noticed that one of the originators of the Curator's Code uses a class="via" on a HT in this example: https://www.brainpickings.org/2011/10/03/charles-eames-on-design-1972/
Charles Eames on Design: Rare and Wonderful Q&A from 1972
This seems an odd pattern given their clear definitions of via and hat tip.
But it's also a solid example in the wild for a potential new microformat perhaps?
Giske joined the channel
Just bookmarked (and replied to) @adactio s post on Hydration on my blog, using both 'u-in-reply-to' and 'u-bookmark-of' classes on one <a href > pointing to his url. I wonder if this works or is even supposed to work - can one webmention be two things? #indieweb
skatkov, swentel, zumid, vika_nezrimaya, [Rose], JKing and [AlisonW] joined the channel
Well, this is frustrating, somewhere my correct SSH setup is missing so I have locked myself out of my server
vika_nez` joined the channel
Eek! Physical access possible?
No, it is a VPS
(aka btdtgtts so had to travel to colo)
Oh poo.
I just need to backstep through a number of computer backups and figure out when I messed it up
I am pretty sure I got the right key. Maybe it is the wrong passphrase or username
It's (too) easily done.
Some day I'd like to understand the various keys I have created by obeying instructions.
Accidental Caps lock?
jeremycherfas, you are not alone
Found an old SSH config file, fingers crossed!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Success, access restored!
Zegnat: You know that you can store ssh keys in KeePassXC and even let em automatically load using ssh-agent, don't you?
I don’t use KeePassXC, that that definitely is interesting
I am usually fine with my .ssh directory and a clear naming scheme + config file, something just went awry
it's _local_ :D The only cloud thing involved is my own share :D
I use 1Password specifically because I also juggle a couple of shared password vaults (work team, family, etc.) And while I have a local vault in there, it never felt like it would make sense to run two password manager
https://fedoramagazine.org/managing-credentials-with-keepassxc/ fyi. We do so too but with Keepass. It can also autoopen various vaults seperated by tab. If a tab is closed or locked keys are automatically unloaded too
Oh and it deals perfectly with updates in the background via cloud sync or whatever.
The problem is having to migrate everyone off of one application onto another one
ah, wasn't making you. Just thought this may be of interest. Managing ssh keys manually is a pain at a certain point.
Maybe your tool has a similar solution, no?
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
I don’t know, but will definitely check it out now!
[Sadik_Shahadu] and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
chrisaldrich++ I have finally learned that h/t is supposed to mean "hat tip", not "heard through"
chrisaldrich has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
[LewisCowles] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
is of an age where h/t means High Tension (450V+)
DeltaWhy[m] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[Christina_Hendr, jackjamieson, Scott1, [scottgruber], [jackjamieson], [cheukting_ho], m2creates and [Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
↩️ Scott Gruber is going next, first #IndieWeb event in Portland three years ago. He demos http://scottgruber.me he is using @getperch and hasn't added webmention plugin yet but is adding a "now" page and pulls in his tweets and experimental art sites (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/KvnNW)
lalilulelo and geoffo joined the channel
↩️ Then @jackjamieson went and showed off his Wordpress site and how he uses the microsub reader. #Indieweb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/5hg2i)
nickodd joined the channel
webmention-cli (1.0.0): A command-line interface for Webmention. https://rubygems.org/gems/webmention-cli
sivy, [KevinMarks] and nickodd joined the channel
How would you indicate a feed is a tag archive?
I would use its name
I meant in markup
rel="tag feed" ?
Aah, hmm.
Well, "alternate home" is supposed to be the homepage URL
Zegnat: I thought so. What other combos might there be?
Nuve, [Aaron_Klemm] and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
so, part of my new blog software is an indexer to move posts in markdown into a sqlite db
but this week I was messing around and nuked about 15 posts from the git repo
so now I just wrote "persister" to take the db contents and write it back out the filesystem :)
swentel: Whatever you did, 0.56 fixed my account issue 🎉
sivy: nice to be able to support both directions!
beko, woot
good to know for future apps if I need to access accounts
It requested a bunch of new permissions and my firstborn (no refunds!) and now it's fine :D
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
beko, oh, like account/contact permissions?
I guess it was the "identification" thingy.
could be, anyway, glad that one is out of the way :)
expecting bugs now from the photo editor ;)
gonna disappoint you on that swentel. Snapseed is my to-go solution for this. Anything else is passed to Darktable later.
oh that's fine
…and piped through mogrify -strip :D
wow darktable looks nice
still messing around with gimp
although I don't do /that/ much with design/photo's anyway
me neither :D It's like a truck when I need a bicycle :D
[fluffy] joined the channel
wow, trying it out now, way to many options haha
I found out how to assemble favourite options hiding the rest on default :D
There's also this new Photoflare kid in town: http://photoflare.io/ - first contact wasn't that great tho.
snapseed is pretty crazy too, didn't know that app
good to know if people request more features, I can point them to that one, or others
It's now Google - mixed feelings on that.
it's hard to get rid of them .. almost completely freed myself, need to migrate contacts/calendar to my nextcloud, then I can close my account :)
contacts/calendar is the easy part!
Heh. Never fell in that trap :D
well as long as you don't need calendar invitation support, then it gets tricky with nextcloud again
hmm, no just need to share a calendar with my partner, that's all
I used Zarafa for years. Even got a shiny certification somewhere. Zarafa is dead. Long live Kopano :)
moving discussion on non-chronological/non-oldest-first feeds here from #indieweb-meta
so yeah, like, reading order is definitely a thing for some things, and being able to support that in the context of a reader gets really difficult, especially if you’re trying to mingle stuff between different feeds.
I always set my reader to do oldest-first and only show unreads, because a lot of the content I subscribe to is intended to be consumed oldest-first, and I don’t know of any content that actually is intended to be completely consumed AND read newest-first.
newest-first always struck me as only useful for in-the-moment ephemeral stuff.
w/ newest-first anything that i actualy want to catch up on, i ineviteably end up scrolling thru its archive (if available) to find point where i last left off
I have thought about ways of making a reading interface that allows a mixture of content, though, like ordering things based on “when it should be read” where the sort key is publishTime ASC for oldest-first, and now-publishTime ASC for newest-first
yeah and that works fine for things where it doesn’t matter what the reading order is, but for things like serial webcomics where major plot points happen and affect later things, that can make the experience way worse.
like, seeing the big reveal to a subplot before you even know it’s a subplot.
agreed RE newest-first useful for ephemeral. eg. I probably don't care about all the tweets someone sent while i was on vacation and will just resume checking their feed when i return (in the hypothetical world where i use twitter)
yeah and like, most blogging stuff is very much newest-first/ephemeral. The canonical example of that for me is LiveJournal.
yeah, it's no fun to land on "Big Climax 3/3" and have the emotional impact spiled
LJ was of course a lot of peoples’ first exposure to blogging, and was definitely where I first experienced a newest-first, no-unread-tracking timeline.
I think one thing to do in this space would be to make some test h-feeds using HTML ordered list to permalinks, with listing order NOT same as date order, and see how indie readeres display it when slurped up
Scifi space operas need some rules on ordering books...
Conversation today made me think back to Martys distinction between archive and feed
Maybe the archive is where you dont worry about publication date
the conceptual problem I run into with the mixed-ordering feed is that, like, how do you make it efficient? I guess implementation-wise you could have it as two database cursors, one perusing oldest-first content and one perusing newest-first, and it does a merge at presentation time.
so okay never mind I just solved that problem, phew
ty for mentioning unread-tracking. I think that's the right answer for serial content where read order is crucial, like comics/stories - i imagine that's typically done with cookies, or user DB automatically tracks it or something)
ty for mentioning unread-tracking. I think that's the right answer for serial content where read order is crucial, like comics/stories - i imagine that's typically done with cookies, or user DB automatically tracks it or something)
ty for mentioning unread-tracking. I think that's the right answer for serial content where read order is crucial, like comics/stories - i imagine that's typically done with cookies, or user DB automatically tracks it or something)
gah! sorry y'all
happens :)
[snarfed] joined the channel
^ this is jameysharp's pet issue, he advocates for robust paging and RFC5005 support in everything. eg https://github.com/snarfed/granary/issues/152 . he's not wrong!
[jameysharp] #152 Atom/RSS feed paging
snarfed++ thank you! [chrisaldrich] mentioned a relevant RFC but didn't recall the number
snarfed has 51 karma in this channel over the last year (88 in all channels)
what is next?
It looks like we don't have a page for "next" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "next is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is rel-next?
It looks like we don't have a page for "rel-next" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "rel-next is ____", a sentence describing the term)
yeah Jamey got me on board with 5005 and I made a big point of supporting that in Publ
so all of my website templates support it
well, all of my atom feeds, obviously
I think I also have robust rel=prev/next on all of my index templates
but there’s probably some places where that’s slipped
what's the diff between paging and rel-prev/next? is rel-prev/next about moving from one post to its successor/predecessor, while paging is about loading only some number of things at a time?
yeah, pagination is the concept of having pages of things, prev/next is the relationship between those pages.
RFC5005 is fundamentally an explanation of both things together.
Most RSS/Atom feeds only display the most recent page of content, with no ability to use the feed to traverse the entire archive. 5005 specifies how to make that doable.
ty. I am not at the point where I have enough stuff loading on one page (eg blogfeed) to use prev-next for that, am only using it for links between posts atm
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
A big part of the context for why Jamey got into this is his site Comic Rocket tries to be a comics-oriented reader, and most comics’ feeds are useless for the archival purpose so he had to write a rather fragile scraper to try to find the archive via common patterns that a lot of comics CMSes use.
[Rose] joined the channel
Comic Rocket also provides an “archive binge” function where someone can build their own rerun feed that provides comics from oldest to newest with a specified number of updates per day. With 5005, such a thing isn’t necessary, because feed readers can support that themselves.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
getting all that info into the feed as metdata, making hte feed more self-contained
oh! fluffy! IIRC you have strong AWS knowledge - would you be willing to spend a little time tomorrow helping me figure out why my S3 redirect(s) aren't working? I swear I've followed the docs to the letter but neither method (per-file or routing rules) has worked and it's been frustrating me for dayz
[jeremycherfas], TrondGiske, chrisaldrich, [Michael_Beckwit, KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel