JKingThere's another fork <https://github.com/nicolus/picoFeed> which has fixed at least some of the tests. It has some pretty big changes (and pretty severe bugs as a consequence) besides test fixes, though.
[jgmac1106]well this looks kinda like the way I want, the audiopoem was supposed to span 1/3 nut it just goes one, nit sure why so I moved everythignelse over one: https://jgregorymcverry.com/mypoetry
aaronpkstarting in php 7.2 there's an error with phpunit and in order to fix it i'm going to have to upgrade to a new phpunit but that's going to break eeeeverything
Loqi[snarfed]: jamietanna[m] left you a message 4 hours, 6 minutes ago: I think we're pretty much done now 🙌 I've got it working from no-authZ to publishing, the main thing left is the doc updates and the ability to disable it - unless there's anything else you think that needs to be done
[snarfed]so jacky evidently when you use bridgy publish, elixir sends four identical webmentions to bridgy for it, each just 100ms or so after the last, and bridgy publish's transactionality is a bit brittle. it doesn't do anything wrong, it only POSSEs once, but occasionally the contention makes one of the wms 500
@swyx↩️ i tried setting up webmentions today. one thing that felt broken was the crawling only turned up like 40 things and it didnt feel like it was going to scale to 1000's of webmentions (more likely the real number)
is there a trick to get bridgy/webmentionsio to crawl everything? (twitter.com/_/status/1226742112626057216)
[jeremycherfas] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
@schnarfed↩️ right. bridgy doesn't send webmentions for everything in history. it's mainly designed to monitor and send webmentions for *new* tweets and reactions, as they happen. (twitter.com/_/status/1226752663854862336)
LoqiThe Open Graph protocol (OGP) is an open* standard developed and controlled by Facebook for expressing the primary subject of an HTML page in custom <meta> tags for the purpose of Facebook showing link previews; in practice only a couple are even sometimes necessary for that use-case, and you can use existing open standards instead https://indieweb.org/ogp
GWGswentel: I only did a minor test. I spent hack day enhancing my Parse This library (my xray equivalent) to support turning the WordPress rest API into a feed and importing opml
[jgmac1106]don't use the experimnetal x in a u-read-of post, there are enough people playing it isn't necessary, gRegorLove doesn't do that with indiebookclub
[jgmac1106]talking to inoreader dev he did say he looked into h-feed when adding support to micro.blog for inoreader but the h-feeds were so malformed he had to drop...which is true the mf2 can be quite messy in micro.blog themes, so went with json feeds instead
LoqiZegnat: jeremycherfas left you a message 21 hours, 53 minutes ago: I like the way Pinboard unobtrusively tells me I have saved something before and asks whether I want to edit or replace.
[snarfed]jacky i think i've fixed the bridgy publish 500s you were seeing, you should get 429s now instead. feel free to leave elixir as is and see if that change helps.
[snarfed]sivy re replies, are you asking about UX? most of us either use social readers like indigenous, which let you reply via micropub within their UIs, or use bookmarklets or browser extensions to open a reply authoring page on your site with in-reply-to the current page
[tantek]would it be too bold to suggest "Bridgy Backfill" as a service that went through and gradually sent webmentions for *past* responses (obeying various limits etc.)?
[tantek]anyway if it's even remotely interesting to you (as opposed to way out of scope 🙂 ) then I'll gladly file an issue to describe, brainstorm etc.
@seaotta↩️ Thanks for the feedback A.J., adding @AaronGustafson who works with me on the project and setup the voting.
The site uses webmentions so if you share out on Twitter, for example, that counts as a vote. (twitter.com/_/status/1227018667537268736)