[jgmac1106]The way Known handles it you can have as many characters but it is way drastic in stripping html, only plain text and hashtags and links get converted automatically
[jgmac1106]sivy here is a note I published on Bridgy, https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1227409276232179713 in the note the link is there but not in bridgy. if I want the link to work I do it like <a href="link.com">link.com</a> Twitter turns the link into working link
[jgmac1106]and add blankspaces...as someone who writes a lot of poetry I want note entry to not remove blank spaces and respect line breaks not stick p elements everywhere
[tantek]Now that I've updated the Bridgy Docs lets see if I can check the Bridgy source to see if it has an allow list for specific reacji that needs to be expanded!
[LewisCowles]as long as they display in a browser there will be ways to get data out of instagram / facebook. They just might be less unattended friendly
[LewisCowles]being logged in doesnβt mean itβs not possible, it means you need to maintain a presence and cannot scrape others data. Itβs probably the most GDPR / CCPA friendly implementation, which I hope now people will see wasnβt about freeing your data, but walling it up now they have it
[jeremycherfas][tantek] Youβre right, I too can no longer see the images there. The originals are on Instagram or Twitter, and I still see them there. I also have the originals locally. I imagine the Twitter ones where backfed by Bridgy, and the IG ones by ownyourgram, but I am not sure what Known has done to make them unavailable. [benatwork]
[jeremycherfas]First photo posted to this instance of Known was apparently 2017-02-10 (I missed that anniversary) and, ironically, is still available at the silo. https://www.instagram.com/p/BQWLtTgg16X/ although not at the site I own.
[jeremycherfas]Looking at the source, I can see that `img="https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/file/e7b28d89fd5bb416defcaf5d63816f39/igSXaDM6.jpg"` but I do not know how to see whether that is in the Known database.
[LewisCowles]wink, the benefit of an API is merely consistency. If the API has last minute changes or closes down functionality; that is unfortunate, but not a deal-breaker. I was always very specific that I wasnβt talking about their API, but countering the need for it to be accessible, by pointing out that there is a vector to get information from.
[jgmac1106]PHP question, if I use this <a class="u-url" href="https://jgregorymcverry.com<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8"); ?> to get the url of a current note is there a way to n +/-1 The url ends in YYYY-MM-DD-note# but that is all one string? Can I do math?
[LewisCowles][jgmac1106] prev next can be done using the current primary key (or anything that always increases in value such as a timestamp + primary/unique key) and either prev or next.
Loqi[tantek]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 4 hours, 2 minutes ago: anyone using WP and post kinds publishes a single photo stream and not a grid: https://david.shanske.com/kind/photo/
Loqiphoto stream is (AKA photo feed) a page showing a series of photo posts, sometimes presented as a photo grid, typically for the purpose of showing and catching up with that photos someone has taken and posted recently, without their other posts interspersed https://indieweb.org/photo_stream
[manton], petermolnar, [xavierroy] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed][LewisCowles] wink you'll probably be interested in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/886 . i spent a substantial amount of real world effort trying to scrape FB while logged in. the scraping itself was fine, but their anti-bot detection consistently foiled me. never really got past it.
winkthanks, but actually no. I've left FB behind and I don't care if some comments of mine are stuck in there forever. I knew it was a walled garden and never invested a lot of time there.
[snarfed]sorry if i was unclear on the issue! i didn't mean it as asking for comment or feedback, but as a real world example/evidence of how even with logged in and scraping, you can't always consistently get programmatic access to data inside a silo
[snarfed]it wasn't CSS classes, it was bot fingerprint detection, ie a combination of lots of factors like user agent, IP, timing, and many others i'm probably not aware of
[snarfed]if i banged on it long enough, _maybe_ i could get past it - not at all sure - but then they'd inevitably catch up within days or weeks or months, and i have little to no interest in that arms race
[snarfed]huh, ok. sorry if i'm coming off as rude or offensive, i definitely don't mean to be! definitely open to discussion. i've just spent a _lot_ of time and effort actually working on this, for both FB and IG. if i'm unhappy with anything, it's them
aaronpkfwiw I've been having similar struggles with Instagram lately too, enough that I closed ownyourgram.com to new signups because it's just not reliable right now
aaronpkscraping seems to work at very small scales still, but their bot detection starts blocking requests very quickly, and i have too many ownyourgram users to do it reliably at all anymore
aaronpkrelatedly, i'm hitting Swarm's actual API rate limits too thanks to ownyourswarm, and that's a totally above-board API with OAuth and everything
[snarfed][LewisCowles] understood! the code is open source, and i mentioned much of what i tried, but i definitely haven't comprehensively documented all of my attempts and the results
[snarfed]i also don't personally think fighting these arms races is a very productive use of the community's time, so i'm definitely not asking or encouraging anyone else to try. but i'm happy to answer any more q's about my attempts if you still want to, and i'd love to hear the results!
tantek!tell aaronpk,ben_thatmustbeme,mattl,rhiaro,strugee,[KevinMarks],[BenAtWork] tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of the closing of the W3C Social Web Working Group! https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg if you have any particular updates regarding SocialWG/IndieWeb specifications that you worked on or implemented, consider this a good time to post about
[KevinMarks]the client updated, then sulked because my host didn't have the version of python they wanted and gave me passive aggressive error messages
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 8 minutes ago: tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of the closing of the W3C Social Web Working Group! https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg if you have any particular updates regarding SocialWG/IndieWeb specifications that you worked on or implemented, consider this a good time to post about
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "ordering" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ordering is ____", a sentence describing the term)