#dev 2020-03-19

2020-03-19 UTC
I see it. I removed the parallax and it fixed that issue - Now all I need to figure out is how I get the background image to fill all the way until the boxed end
okay, found it. indeed, changed package.json syntax -.-
KartikPrabhu, [Michael_Beckwi], chrisaldrich, simonprickett, genehack, katherine and [gRegorLove] joined the channel
↩️ [Drew] This is the line where I think you should add `parallax` back
[scottgruber] joined the channel
[drewm] check out some of the links below. It’ll take time to get through them, but some of the free courses are excellent https://github.com/congo-basin-institute/web-design-workshop
[congo-basin-institute] web-design-workshop: CBI and IBAY Web Design Workshop — Nov 5-7, 2019
[Drew] here are couple of courses that I went through https://www.edx.org/course/css-basics
KartikPrabhu and [Simon_Prickett] joined the channel
✍️Twitter as Universal Meta-Commentary Layer https://www.swyx.io/writing/twitter-metacommentary Twitter has enhanced my Internet experience in 2 similar ways recently - Webmentions & Twitter Links. I think these things point toward something we want as part of the permanent fabric of the social Internet.
beko and wagle joined the channel
what are twitter links?
It looks like we don't have a page for "twitter links" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "twitter links is ____", a sentence describing the term)
oh it's just searching twitter
swentel, nickodd, loicm, sscarfe, dietricha, danyao, inkjama, [jgmac1106], statu, jeremycherfas and Mikaela joined the channel
A PR sent to me caused me to go down the rabbit hole of dependency updating on multiple plugins.
hs0ucy, omz13, loicm, inkjama and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
@GWG was it acorn related?
I'm guessing not, if there is a question on it. I have a Gutenberg plugin which is complaining about acorn, which seems to be a dev-dependency that needs updating anywhere I used eslint 6.x
I don't do Gutenberg
I thought you showcased something Gutenberg at IWC London
Perhaps I've misattributed
Guest50166, [KevinMarks], inkjama and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel; Guest50166 left the channel
Is anyone willing to talk me through a git/dev thing?
There’s a major new release of my CMS, Grav, which I would like to explore.
[g33kcentric] joined the channel
If I can be of service I don't mind :)
I had an old repo of my entire installation, but I gave it up 3 years ago in favour of mainting a repo only of the bits that change, i.e. my `/user` folder
That would be great.
So now, my local install is not even a repo, although it contains the `user` repo.
And I’m wondering, is there a way to turn it into a repo and then push it to the long abandoned repo on Git?
Or is that a waste of time, to involve github.
Because I could also just turn it into a repo locally and play with the new version locally, until such time as I might want to push it out to github and production.
Not sure I am explaining myself well, but that’s the problem I face. Turn the local install into a git repo, and leave it purely local
Or turn it into a git repo and push that to the remote, long out of date version.
In either case, I would then create a branch for the new version of Grav to play with and make sure nothing is broken.
[LewisCowles] and [Rose] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] `git checkout -b backup-2020-03-19-working` and then `git push` then you can trash master all you like
I would not worry about checking out the CMS to put into your own GitHub
Well.....what I would do in that situation probably, is to clone the old repo down to your machine, branch off so you have everything that's there incase you need to refer back to it and then delete everything in master and copy across the the files you want
I would be concerned that the user folders may not be compatible over 3 years
I woudl check it out, check out the user folder from your own repo (Grav has this ignored so it should work fine), and go from there
Rose has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (63 in all channels)
[g33kcentric] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
Did they finally hit 2.0?
OK, can we back up a bit [Rose] and all. When you say check it out, do you mean check out Grav 1.7?
Nah, still on 1.7
Yes, because it's only a release candidate, so if you check it out then you can git pull later
Though their auto updater did get a lot better, so you might not want to involve Git in that
I’m trying to avoid the mess I got into before, where I checked out Quark and then ended up copying back and forth. But you’re saying checkk it out, which would be into its own new install, effectively, and copy my existing user into that install?
Because I run locally under MAMP, in the past, different versions were in different folders, and that is what I was hoping to avoid.
chrisaldrich, hs0ucy and davepeck joined the channel
Why did you put different versions in different folders? By default it should just call the directory Grav (at least from memory)
Because I didn’t want them over-writing one another when I was trying to build my own theme
Also because I downloaded rather than cloned.
Downloading doesn’t prevent you overwriting things if you want to, and I hope your theme is in the user folder 🙂
inkjama joined the channel
Yup. And the very good news is that everything looks fine under 1.7 One or two little things I need to fix, probably by changing the flavour of Markdown, but nothing major that I can see.
[tantek] joined the channel
Pretty sure Appoint.ly could be reimplemented as a single PHP file (no frameworks) and a single flat calendar storage file on the server
(Follow up from #indieweb)
Open source it then “anyone” could have their own Appointly on their own site
With this one neat PHP file
geoffo, [chrisaldrich], nickodd and leg joined the channel
I've started a #TiddlyWiki stub on the #IndieWeb wiki for those using it as a website. It would be cool to see it add Microformats v2. I've noticed that http://Sphygm.us has hers set up with at least incoming Webmention support, which is awesome! https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769388/
[schmarty] joined the channel
tantek: oh that's neat
(lol "this one neat PHP file. discovered by an IndieWebber. silos hate it!")
[snarfed] joined the channel
↩️ I've been watching a few people use public-facing TiddlyWikis for "hyperchat". One of them also has it set up with Webmention functionality so that other sites can send it notifications (though they're not yet displaying them). To me this looks [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769390/
inkjama joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[schmarty] yessssss!
It's been around since 2018 apparently
at least per the out of date copyright on their page
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Tiddlywiki is much older than that
Oh wait, cross purposes
Is anyone in Indieweb using Tiddlywiki?
I don't mean have used it. Like is anyone actively making it a core part of their day, week month?
[LewisCowles] see the examples section in the page [chrisaldrich] jut created
[jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ Next we'll want the Webmention Plugin (+Semantic Linkbacks) which will let our site communicate with other websites as well as to receive replies and reactions on Twitter with the help of http://Brid.gy. Install and activate both. #PressEdConf20 https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769398/
↩️ Next we'll want the Webmention Plugin (+Semantic Linkbacks) which will let our site communicate with other websites as well as to receive replies and reactions on Twitter with the help of http://Brid.gy. Install and activate both. #PressEdConf20 https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769398/
↩️ Next we'll want an account on http://Brid.gy for Twitter. This will allow us to publish from our website to Twitter; it will also allow us to reverse syndicate reactions  from #PressEdConf20 on Twitter back to our posts using Webmention. https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769400/
↩️ Next we'll want an account on http://Brid.gy for Twitter. This will allow us to publish from our website to Twitter; it will also allow us to reverse syndicate reactions  from #PressEdConf20 on Twitter back to our posts using Webmention. https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769400/
aaronpk: doubled up Loqi messages?
↩️ Others at #PressEdConf20 with Webmentions can reply to your posts on their sites. Replies will show up in comments depending on settings. Bridgy will also find responses to your content on Twitter & syndicate those back to your website automatically. https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769405/
↩️ Those who are paying attention at #PressEdConf20 will see the value in webmention for allowing cross-site interactions without the need for "social media". WithKnown, Drupal, Grav, and other CMSes are capable of doing this too. https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769406/
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
uh weird
but not all of them?
seems so? somehow triggering two rules?
or maybe the API had a hickup
yea i thought i handled deduping when multiple keywords match already
[tantek] joined the channel
Is there a term for single-file open source "solutions"? Like just include/install this one file and you get this awesome user-feature?
Or more broadly, you get this "framework" / library (dev-feature I suppose)
Like sortable.js you mean?
what does it do?
I mean cassis.js would qualify as the latter (single-file framework/library)
If I packaged everything into it, my pay.php could qualify as the user-feature bit, though it'd need a config UI (more than "edit this PHP with your own config variables) to really be a *user* feature
IMO any requirement to edit a code file disqualifies something as "simple" or as a *user* feature. It's a developer/hacker/tinkerer feature
Apparently there is a new thing with the same name that has bloated
Ah sorttable vs sortable
You include the js file and all your html tables can be sorted by clicking on the headers
hs0ucy joined the channel
Yes that's a good example!
[luruke] browser-2020: Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️
Jamstack is the trendy term, these would be the J in jamstack - js that runs clientside to enhance the static Markup
Another related term is Decorator - code that embellishes part of the page - sorttable and various webmention tools do that. The twitter lib that turns blockquoted tweets into twitter ui is one of those too.
Is there a categoric term needed for this?