#dev 2020-06-17

2020-06-17 UTC
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, geoffo, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], dckc, nickodd, [tantek], [LewisCowles], [prtksxna] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Back to a nerd topic: implemented some of the #webmention server in my blog software this evening, and rearchitected the storage layer with an interface to make testing easier. #golang (monkinetic txt-7000606)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[Yohanes Bandung Bond.] I implemented WebMention for this site! Will make a post about this soon. This is a destressing side project because I’ve been stuck for a difficult task at work. Now continue working!
For starters, start a blog and enable Webmentions. Blogging can be a social experience: likes, comments, replies, reposts. We can do it all and without the platforms.
moppy and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Spent the morning switching from Python Geocoder to python googlemaps... So odd that Google keeps revising it's access credentials and that userland keeps falling apart
I wonder if the answer is to use vendor upstreams direct (didn't work for twilio who revise their client despite the HTTP API being stable)
Is openstreetmap not usable for your use case?
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove and swentel joined the channel
it might well be. The app used to use Google, so I was fixing it up to use Google
I could add OpenStreetMap. TBH I shoud throw the code away as I don't use it, but I like to flex on old projects, so that when it comes time to upgrade ones I need that are more complex, it's less stress as I've picked up little bits here and there along the way
other surprising things were the state of API's
from wtforms import EmailField
makes sense as that is where I was importing from for prior input types. No such luck
from wtforms.fields.html5 import EmailField
In 2020, or TBH in 2012, there was no reason to segregate html5 like this. It had pretty broad support
do I need an API key for OSM ?
KevinMarks has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
simplified lol
IIRC you do to avoid rate limiting
but that's for geocoding
not for rendering maps
For rendering maps leaflet is really easy. Like 3 lines of code easy.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
yeah I was using that and just went from 0.7.7 to 1.6.0
showed up as a rendering speed increase
I guess 7 years of updates can do that at times.
[tantek] and oodani joined the channel
↩️ Some of the indie web concepts around webmentions seem promising for having your own content but still interacting with things on platforms like twitter. But it's not exactly straightforward.
gxt, treora, [jgmac1106], dckc, tinfoil-hat, geoffo and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
@voxpelli Hello - I can't figure out how to not display broken avatars using the webmention endpoint. Any hints? Couldn't find the response on the website or github.
[saleh], [tantek], wombelix, [schmarty] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Webmentions in Goldfrog I might be hitting the wall on my Jekyll-inspired storage system for #goldfrog. GoldFrog uses Jekyll-style markdown posts as the “system of record”, but read into SQLite for serving/sear... (http://monkinetic.blog/2020/06/17/webmentions-in-goldfrog)
[jgmac1106], [Ana_Rodrigues] and [itsjustk] joined the channel
↩️ There's a "webmention-error" class in the failed images, you can apply CSS to it to hide it, that's what I do myself on https://webmention.herokuapp.com/
nickodd and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is theme?
what is color palate?
It looks like we don't have a page for "color palate" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "color palate is ____", a sentence describing the term)
theme is an interchangeable set of templates and front-end code https://indieweb.org/theme
ok, I added "https://mxb.dev/blog/color-theme-switcher/" to the "See Also" section of /theme https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=70390&oldid=70389
my French is broken before my first coffee....
What is color palette?
color palette is the set of colors used by a web page for the background(s), text color(s), border color(s), and link/visited color(s) typically chosen to be both aesthetically pleasing, and accessible, often in an overall light or dark theme https://indieweb.org/color_palette
gRegorLove and swentel joined the channel
what are colors
color palette is the set of colors used by a web page for the background(s), text color(s), border color(s), and link/visited color(s) typically chosen to be both aesthetically pleasing, and accessible, often in an overall light or dark theme https://indieweb.org/colors
that's how I remember it
dckc and b3u joined the channel
should I ask about h-cards here, or in #microformats?
sivy_ joined the channel
ahoy all
finally implmenting webmentions/activity on my wite
but strugglin to figure out how to store them
what's the stack?
(yes, I’m writing my own implmentation)
wombelix joined the channel
posts are stored as jekyll-style markdown, but loaded into sqlite for serving/search
so there’ just a posts table
ah, not my cup of tea. I use 11ty.
don’t know that one
https://11ty.dev It's like jekyll, but written in JavaScript.
googles *ah*
basically trying to figure out how to best store the activity
so it can be loaded easily
sure it will eventually come to me
I store mine in a json file on build. Easily done, but you can't update it without building again.
are you using a separate service for receiving
However, I'll try to schedule chron builds.
yeah, brid.gy + webmentions.io
yeah, i’m doing it the hard way, solving stuff myself
alreayd have my own webmention client for sending them
cool. I like keeping things simple.
and the server is 90% complete, once i figure out persistence
how are you hosting it? I like no-database stuff because I can host it for free.
i only have like 3mb of content
in my sqlite db / filesystem
i deploy with ansible, build app binaries iwht circle ci
nickodd left the channel
The challenge with markdown is that it loses classes, unless you store those bits as raw html
So your webmentions lose structure
[snarfed] joined the channel
agreed. for that and other reasons, sivy_ you probably want to store wms in their own top-level table, with the original (sanitized) HTML, not in your existing posts table
my current thinking is to store webmentions in their own data file, one per post
possibly with a table as well, not sure yet
is there a need to store html for a wm?
or s/need/good reason/
(i’m still at “just confirmed that the source links to the target” stage, I’m still figuring out what to capture from the WM, and how to figure out if it’s a like, bookmark, note, etc)
leg1 joined the channel
html, yes! they could have links, whitespace, other formatting in their content that you ideally want to preserve
hm. then storing in yaml has risks
well, might be fine
oh and figuring out the type is https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery , but you may already know that
oh, that is good background
on displaying
ARH, [grantcodes], [KevinMarks]1, genehack_, jjuran_, KartikPrabhu1, dopplerg-, strugee_, dietricha, jmac, j605, dckc-, ludovicchabant and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Open Street Map & Google started rate limiting and have not stopped since earlier.
I added a blank slate, but it would require more effort than I'd like to go to in order to surface a more useful message.
jeremy joined the channel
Osm has instructions on how to download the dataset and run your own geolocation
lol no don't do that
Is it to big?
it's enormous, and requires a huge machine to load it up, a huge amount of time, and then you have to be prepared to keep loading the incremental updates after the first time
unless of course [LewisCowles] happens to have a datafarm the size of a small school lol
[tantek] joined the channel
😂 no this is literally fixing up something I found. I shouldn't spend the time on it, but it was surprising to me that with < 100 requests all day I was hitting limits. Especially when that is split between two providers that say nothing about localhost. I can only imagine a lot of other people are using heroku and aws for geocoding locations to get lat & lng
note wikipedia. Not once given me a problem
jbove, peterrother and ludovicchabant joined the channel
It suggests some form of lazy IP blocking, or some hostname scanning. Some hot nonsense
themaxdavitt and gRegorLove joined the channel
yes I think we had consensus that the original HTML of comments etc should be stored (instead of only the parsed JSON etc.) because parsing rules change over time and you might get more content in the future.
or fix a bug in your parser 🙂
geoffo, [dmitshur], IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel