2020-06-18 UTC
geoffo, [chrisaldrich] and beko joined the channel
# 03:30 sivy_ huh, microformats parser i’m testing also exposed some broken microformats on my site
[tw2113], gRegorLove_, KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
[LewisCowles], cweiske, gRegorLove, strugee and moppy joined the channel
# 08:02 jacky trying to bring this 1 second load time down
# 08:03 jacky but I don't think I can tbh (I can split out font loading into a separate CSS file or move the fonts to be lazy loaded so the page can paint sooner
# 08:03 jacky but I think a first time one second and subsequent sub second speeds are okay!
# 08:03 jacky that said if I did want to reduce the payload, just cutting out fonts alone would help
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 08:04 [LewisCowles] sort of damned with webfonts and progressive enhancement either way. it's block time vs repaints
# 08:05 dansup system default fonts are getting better, sometimes thats enough
# 08:06 dansup we all have that one font we wish we could use everywhere, Inter is gorgeous imo
# 08:06 jacky hmm is micro.blog not loading for people?
# 08:06 dansup yeah dude, typography is def an obsession of mine lol
# 08:06 jacky I wanted to see what they looked like again, they use system fonts (but it targets macOS so that's kinda moot)
# 08:07 dansup its not loading for me
# 08:07 jacky aaron's projects lean on system sans-serif fonts so they good look
# 08:09 dansup it gets tricky with licensing too, esp in open source. I need to find a permissive webfont library before I open source FediDB
# 08:10 dansup using a single use font awesome pro license atm
# 08:10 dansup i accidentally committed that in pixelfed one time lol, the pro version is so better though
swentel and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 08:23 jacky what I'm slowly doing is seeing if I can take the Sentry approach ("open core") with licensing
# 08:24 jacky so I can make patches for the hosted solution (of which anyone should be able to do to via the Web) and the OSS models would use regular forms
# 08:24 dansup yeah it started out as a kickstarter, i got the pro version because I was an early backer
# 08:25 dansup now they are moving to a $99/year model for v5
# 08:25 dansup or v6, cant remember lol
# 08:28 dansup yeah, there are lots of options tho, bootstrap has some nice icons
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
wombelix and michael-lewis joined the channel
# 11:11 jacky random: can anyone else with indieauth on their site trying signing into https://lighthouse.black.af? I know it works for me (and two other people) but I need more edge cases for sign in
# 11:12 jacky can't wait until indieauth.rocks is up lol
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
# 11:16 [Ana_Rodrigues] I can try
# 11:17 [Ana_Rodrigues] I did it but I got an error… I can DM you
# 11:20 sknebel (also, clicking hte error to select the text makes it go away - please don't :D)
# 11:21 [Ana_Rodrigues] mine said forwarded to “Internal Server Error” page but the url seems to been built with a callback code
# 11:21 [Ana_Rodrigues] mine forwarded *
# 11:25 jacky thankfully this app has a lot of tracing so I can figure this out
# 11:27 jacky (your being [Ana_Rodrigues], hit Enter too fast)
# 11:27 jacky sknebel: I can't see exactly why that happened tho
# 11:28 sknebel I use indieauth.com currently, which is why I suspect its not that being the problem
# 11:30 jacky no, that should be fine; I check for those
# 11:31 [Ana_Rodrigues] ah great! I can test again whenever you’re ready
# 11:33 sknebel and then to /posts. I might be relying on some ambiguity in representative h-card there, would need to double-check (don't have time right now)
# 11:33 sknebel (i.e. I think I remember being convinced I'm right there, but I might be wrong :D)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:35 jacky tbh I think I might change this to resolve the rep hcard _before_ going to do the indieauth flow (like a little confirmation that this is who you'd want to sign in as)
# 11:36 jacky but that doesn't necessarily give me the 'correct' URL because it could change with the 'profile' scope
# 11:37 Loqi sknebel has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (46 in all channels)
# 11:37 jacky [Ana_Rodrigues]++ for testing and getting me to have a new patch!
# 11:37 Loqi [Ana_Rodrigues] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 11:40 jacky hmm actually curious if known gives some sort of hint
# 11:42 jacky yeah couldn't find an authorization point for the glitch site
# 11:44 jacky it looks like the app itself isn't working; not glitch
# 11:44 jacky if it was glitch; the page would be a black space-y looking one
# 11:45 jacky the dashboard is _very_ vanilla; for sites not using lighthouse for their site, it'll just check and show if you have an endpoint for now
# 11:46 jacky I want to extend it to run a small set of those tests over at https://webmention.rocks just to make sure the endpoint is working for things people would expect (sending and receiving)
# 11:51 jacky which makes my earlier statement about doing a pre-resolve for h-cards more of a hard requirement
gxt joined the channel; hamnox[m] left the channel
# 12:39 Loqi Christopher "Chris" James Willcock, MIEEE
# 12:40 cjw6k I haven't got my routes to do an optional trailing / (yet), but the authorization_endpoint is /auth/ so would have expected that
ben_thatmustbeme, geoffo and DanC joined the channel
# 14:50 nekr0z I'm lazyloading images on my site, and I started wondering whether <img class="u-photo" src="/svg/loading.svg" data-src="/actual_image.jpg"> was legal from MF2 point of view...
# 14:51 aaronpk i thought there was a built in browser api for this now
# 14:51 swentel yeah loading="lazy" should work (apart from IE11)
# 14:53 nekr0z Hmm... So there's basically no way to tell the parsers what the actual image is?
# 14:53 aaronpk Use a regular img tag and the loading=lazy attribute
# 14:54 Loqi aaronpk has 63 karma in this channel over the last year (228 in all channels)
# 14:55 aaronpk if you insist on the loading image in the img tag and swapping it out in javascript then you'd need to move the u-photo class elsewhere to some element that the mf2 parsers can find like using a data element for it
# 15:04 nekr0z That's a cool idea, too, seeing as how not all the browsers support loading="lazy" yet.
# 15:06 nekr0z Hm, what if I put the 'real" image in srcset? Shouldn't that supercede src?
# 15:08 nekr0z No, that won't work, it would also supercede the lazyloading thing.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel; michael-lewis left the channel
# 15:30 [LewisCowles] loading=lazy will literally show nothing until the image is loaded. Maybe there is some CSS you could use with JS events setting the background to a single loader image, which onLoad has the HTML class removed?
# 15:30 [LewisCowles] you would need dimensions set, but AFAIK that is beginning to be advised to avoid page re-flow
# 15:31 [LewisCowles] I think images are loaded into the foreground, so as long as an element has no padding, the image loading should cover the background loader image
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 16:03 [snarfed] jacky just fyi i got "couldn't determine who you are" w/snarfed.org, uses indieauth.com
# 16:17 [LewisCowles] what was I saying here... loading=lazy is css matchable, no js needed. it does look like loading=lazy isn't applied if all the images have the same url 😞
gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 17:16 [chrisaldrich] jacky, I was able to login into Lighthouse with my wordpress site using the IndieAuth plugin.
nickodd, oenone and [Ramiro_Ruiz] joined the channel
# 17:35 [Ramiro_Ruiz] Hello everyone 👋
# 17:35 [Ramiro_Ruiz] I’m trying to separate my twitter accounts for each language and I’m seeing that brid.gy is having problems to send webmentions from the other account. I think the url might be the problem since is the same site just with a /es/ at the end for the spanish website. Is that the problem? that it detects the site to be the same and already in use?
Ramiro_Ruiz and oenone joined the channel
# 17:43 [snarfed] [Ramiro_Ruiz] hmm, sorry for the trouble! bridgy publish doesn't support multiple twitter accounts for the same site, but bridgy backfeed should
# 17:43 [snarfed] can you give me an example of a reply that should have been backfed but wasn't?
# 17:53 [Ramiro_Ruiz] I’m using a feed link on the spanish homepage
wombelix and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# 18:48 Loqi [Ramiro Ruiz] Parece que ya regresaron los tráficos de siempre en Monterrey ☹️
# 18:49 [snarfed] (tweet id is the same, but username should be ramiroruiz_ES)
# 18:54 [Ramiro_Ruiz] 🤦 Wow you’re right! I forgot to update the template for the new account. Sorry for the troubles! and thank you so much!
treora and shrysr joined the channel
# 19:44 Loqi [snarfed] has 51 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
# 19:46 Loqi [chrisaldrich] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (38 in all channels)
michael-lewis, [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, shrysr, xsteadfastx, [KevinMarks] and dopplergange joined the channel; michael-lewis left the channel
# 23:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:50 gRegorLove !tell manton would it be possible to get a test micro.blog account so I can update theme mf2 and try them out?
[chrisaldrich] and jeremy joined the channel