#dev 2020-06-20

2020-06-20 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
re: lazy loading images, pretty sure release Firefox an Chrome both support it, good enough to use right?
Does anyone have experience or software or a service that (politely) crawls Internet Archive for a MediaWiki install and creates static HTML pages for it? E.g. https://web.archive.org/web/20200514144501/http://heroeswiki.com/Main_Page
jjuran, [chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Spiderpig maybe? It depends on there being a link chain from the homepage
My fork looks at archive.org, but it proxying through mention.tech because I already had that working.
I spiderpig'd my own mediawiki before i shut it down. I've never tried running it on an archive.org URL
Yeah just coincidence that I decided to rewatch the series a mere 2 weeks after the site shutdown 😕
I figure an archive.org crawl may require more gentle crawling
or maybe they have an API to explicitly retrieve archive data? like in WAF format?
[KevinMarks], does spiderpig have a commit to github option where you give it a repo and it commits the static files?
that would just be `git commit -a` or something after it's done
"just" and a command line don't belong in the same sentence 🤣
(omits context of directory, presumption of existing git check out etc. etc.)
that does bring up another curious option, a locally browseable version, does spiderpig have an option to turn all pages into .html versions and turn all internal links to their .html versions so you can literally double-click one of the files locally and the click and browse locally from there?
i just mean they are completely different problemsand likely should not be combined into a single tool
and yes that is what spiderpig does
geoffo joined the channel
↩️ and then I start looking at the options that support webmentions, and... I resent static site generators when I start being unable to understand the templating logic and am afraid of how quickly that might start (given very little FE experience)
↩️ like, I love writefreely because you can just blog and go, right? but I felt like replying using webmentions to someone, and that isn't supported yet. so I think, hey, you know, an excuse to buy another domain, i'll take it
that's confusing
good luck getting a static site to work with activitypub at all
but yes "go sign up for a service" is generally going to be a better experience than setting up a static site
why is the #indieweb so hard the activitypub world seems so simple relatively
to be fair
I want to "fix" that gap (the zero to commenting thread thing) for Webmentions
i mean micro.blog and pine.blog are already two great options
I'm looking to be the "disqus" of that space
which, tbh, is hard as hell lol
eww don't say that word
[schmarty] joined the channel
goes to do some homework reading on spiderpig
I attempted to implement AP statically
you can show up in the fediverse, but that's about it
I still get scanned regularly, I think there's no escape
is there a minimum set of redirect rules to make all the ".well-known" crap "work" without duplicating information?
I got it to work with an nginx rewrite to convert the query string into a path
and a symlink on disk to forward escaped to non-escaped
because I was seeing requests to both
for a while I had a very minimal inbox saving json blobs to disk but it's off at the moment
it was only collecting deletes
will get back to it someday, probably
I don't even want to serve metacrap JSON
websub is more urgent
is there something that converts an h-card to the metacrap JSON that it wants?
that's on my todo list :)
nice vilahalmer++
vilahalmer has 1 karma over the last year
the canonical form of my site will be html at all costs
vilhalmer has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
s/all costs/minimum viable costs
I just have so many projects
I need to get more invested in my site so I have more reason to work on it
now that I have indieauth working I'm getting closer to it being critical infrastructure
I think I even wrote some code to generate AP… where the heck did I put it
aaronpk, by "Query strings are ignored completely" do you mean spiderpig does *not* crawl links with query strings?
aha, I did! it can already generate a minimal Create activity
I'm trying to keep it split up so it could be triggered by i.e. a git post-receive hook
instead of needing a daemon
not static, but close
aaronpk, would you accept documentation improvement pull requests to spiderpig?
Yes please!
IIRC by "ignored" it will not use the query string to determine the filename on disk
vilhalmer: I am impressed you got that far with activitypub
uh so query string URLs are still crawled? but might overwrite files without the query string?
still confused about how a link to a URL with a query string is treated.
is it crawled or isn't it?
KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] you might also try `wget --mirror` and compare. aaronpk did a good job of describing the differences, but none seem like dealbreakers per se
nah I like the explicit usability decisions that aaronpk made with spiderpig
I'm just trying to understand what happens with query string links 😂
zootella, nickodd, mattl, myfreeweb, jimpick, geoffo and jjuran joined the channel
↩️ I think, FWIW you might be able to forge webmentions, it's "just" an html POST with a source and destination attribute. this is what i do on my website, its an elisp. @jackyalcine has been talking about building more composable indieweb services, i think?
KartikPrabhu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
wget --mirror is not good for archive.org anyway. Wound up downloading an old site recently from archive.org. There are people who have made commercial tools to do the download, but essentially you want to stay within the same frame of time, I've not found anything good
wget has -1 karma over the last year
it's archive that has a problematic model
and they also don't need to lose karma
slack workaround bug?
I wouldn't mind those characters had a word attached
our work bot used to support precrement karma but we had to disable it because we paste cli commands too often :D
they should not have done that
I've always been against bots and this has shown me why
it's all fun and games until someone harms wget karma
vilhalmer: lol
see, bots are good
pats Loqi
Loqi is brick from anchorman
gives loqi a crumb
grabs the crumb
what are breadcrumbs
It looks like we don't have a page for "breadcrumbs" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "breadcrumbs is ____", a sentence describing the term)
breadcrumbs are /crumbs
what happens if I click that loqi link after its created
oh nice
clicks to find out
ah it's the edit page
Loqi is probably the most useful bot I've interacted with
arch's phrik is the most amusing
shrysr, KartikPrabhu, treora, jjuran, leg, DanC, gRegorLove, moppy, [fluffy], wombelix, [KevinMarks], [LewisCowles] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
I can't find anything either way, so is it generally a good idea for accessibility to add `alt="description"` to a `<video>` tag?
Darn it, I am Spartacus.
Thank you.
gRegorLove and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell snarfed...too soon for a Bridgy audio tweet issue?
tinfoil-hat, [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], nickodd and sknebel_ joined the channel
TFW you’re teetering on the edge between using the #microformats library to find h-cards and their properties and writing an entirely new wrapper to make finding #webmention comments “easy” (monkinetic txt-1ad3454)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ This is exactly the reason for OAuth, which moves the two-factor auth problem away from the app developer and into the account provider. IndieAuth is a way to do OAuth for independent sites like WordPress.
[jeremycherfas] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] never too early! feel free to file one
two key questions to answer in the issue: 1) are they definitely shipping it officially, to everyone? or is it still just an "experiment?" and 2) is there API support yet?
2) prolly not and never...good point
[tw2113] and [tantek] joined the channel
When are we renaming the Apache web server and foundation? Prime example of cultural appropriation by primarily white and male open source people
He is right Loqi
nickodd left the channel
oh gosh
and all for a pun
geoffo, [manton], nekr0z, vsasvipul and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
deathrow1 joined the channel
[non-binary] #660 Change LICENSE
General guess to tantek (likely rhetorical joke) is that it may not be any time soon
[tantek] joined the channel
Oh yes change the name of the Apache license too
[LewisCowles] soon or not, it’s worth raising the issue and having the uncomfortable conversations until it gets changed. Undoing cultural appropriations like that is perhaps one small part of dismantling white supremacy
i was surprised to see that was a very well researched and non-flammatory github thread
[fluffy] and gxt joined the channel