#dev 2020-06-22

2020-06-22 UTC
Hmm, interesting. I'd agree with Tufte (that looks great btw, thanks for sharing) but Shoelace feels more like a bootstrap or similar. It's got a bunch of utility classes, a whole class-based grid system, and even JS bundled with it; it's way more than just creating a consistent theme for "default" HTML layouts
geoffo, wombelix, cjw6k_, beko, j and nickodd joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, leg and [fluffy] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
tufte-css makes me realize that I should add configuration to publ to let folks use sidenotes instead of footnotes, although gosh that would be hard to architect with the particular markdown parser I use.
I already had to do a bunch of other crap for handling footnotes correctly in a multi-article blog context, though, might be worth looking into further.
swentel joined the channel
[fluffy-critter] #395 Allow for sidenotes instead of footnotes
jjuran and moppy joined the channel
(plumbing topic warning) because of some cursed desire, I want my site made to work with old or less feature-full browsers. One of the troubling point of this is SVG and SVG support across browsers. Those of use who use SVG: are those as image or inline? Do you have some kind of fallback, either to text or to images?
KartikPrabhu, treora and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
It varies; I mostly use as images, but if I'm graphing something inline works. With images alt text is good.
↩️ Eine Übersicht über Ansätze das Web zu öffnen. Stichworte: OpenWeb, Federated Web, Dezentrales Web - Interoperabilität für Websiten (JSON-LD, http://schema.org, Microformats..) - Interoperabilität für APIs (Webmentions, Mastadon ActivityStream,ActivityPub, DAT, Scuttlebut)
jeremy- joined the channel
↩️ Wait to teach with webmentions. Sharing the cheating is soo much fun. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1DXx5B)
[jgmac1106], [itsjustk] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
also lol I would so do this “I also find myself mixing template languages within the same file: there’s nothing to stop you including nunjucks tags in a markdown file, or swapping out yaml-based frontmatter for JavaScript, but this can can break syntax-highlighting, linting and autoformatting.”
I have that problem a lot at work but it's just because of the terrifying nature of current orchestration tech
so many levels of template
I did one with my son where js code was generating one template inside another one for email sending orchestration
I generated PHP from Python from jinja2 templates...
↩️ Yeah you read botton up on tweetdeck and top down on twitter. but all my poems originate on my site and I POSSE to twitter with webmentions. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/laMDY)
[grantcodes], KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
Haha confusing syntax highlighters, I think I have to rename CASSIS with file extensions to see the JS vs PHP paths
design << Apple design principles presented in an uplifting video: https://twitter.com/schlaf/status/1275047612215889921
ok, I added "Apple design principles presented in an uplifting video: https://twitter.com/schlaf/status/1275047612215889921" to the "See Also" section of /design https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=70464&oldid=70332
douno, geoffo and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
You could create a cassis linter ruleset in VS
[KevinMarks] I think you managed to word a classic curse that'll bring sorrow for those case upon.
s/case/cast wtf is wrong with my typing
just because you can doesn't mean that you should, as this video demonstrates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6bo_mIOto0
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
I don't know if this is a focus in the indieweb but I'm looking into message integrity (namely if I share something with a particular reply context, how can a third party viewer insure that it's the actual message being shown)
click through to the original?
right but how do you know if the clicked-through link is the original content that was posted
phrased differently, how do you prevent (or at least warn when) someone changes up-stream content? (the whole thing against editing posts on Twitter)
oh that's a different problem
and there are arguments on both sides about whether it should be allowed
I figured the label "message integrity" was a short moniker for it
i think "non-repudiation" is the term you're looking for
oh this is entering the land of PKI lol
[snarfed] joined the channel
the fact that this is technically a user feature, but we're still (correctly) discussing it in #-dev, is just...brilliant. love it
made my morning
aaronpk: lol
ideally, would salmentions help this? the source would send wms downstream when it changes, so you'd get a chance to update (or clear or whatever) your response?
doesn't help the malicious case, but still
caveat, i don't actually understand salmentions
re-reads salmention page
iirc more of the salmention work was on upstream though, not downstream
oh salmentions are like when you like a reposted page, no?
like I don't intend to like someone's repost but the content they were reposting
well if i make a post, and you reply to it, then I go and update my post, without some sort of signature there's no way for you to prove that you aren't faking the content of my post in your reply context
^ that's one thing I want to prevent
tbh this might be work within a reader more than one's site
but that then begs the question of whether I actually want to sign posts in a way that can be used fto prove i said something in the past
KevinMarks++ those GAN examples are getting more and more impressive, but seem to be currently limited to static images, using what looks like a 90's face-morph
KevinMarks has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (67 in all channels)
If they ever do become much more mature and people can get a randomly generated thing, I think I might make fake people and seed social media and the web with them, just to mess with those who fetishise data
maybe I _want_ to be able to revoke things
hahahaha aaronpk _that's_ the other statement
like in the case of having bad posts from like 2009 resurface
you can't revoke your authorship
but you can delete them
i say this is a key management problem because this really just pushes the problem down the stack
let's say i want to disassociate myself from all posts from 2009
if I delete the key I used to sign it, then you can't prove that the signature you have from me is actually from me
let's just solve it the way we solve all hard decentralized problems in practice: throw a SPOF at it
in this case archive.org
yup, a trusted third party
cue wailing and gnashing of teeth
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
that wikipedia text is deeeense
it is
but that term gave me a good place to begin looking into this
I was thinking about this all weekend and leaned on "just" using HTTP signatures
but I was like how do you get the keys for that? do I _need_ to sign it? (
I was about to say "I think this can work in a federated fashion" but then I remembered SSL/TLS certs today lol
the act of having to 'approve' a CA is not fun
> Because of this, data integrity is best asserted when the recipient already possesses the necessary verification information
from that page, it makes sense
like if you've already "met" this author before, there's a chance you have some sort of verifiable info about them so you can assert using that
this is def a hard problem; I do want _some_ sense of trust that can be given to people though (but highlighting that it's not a metric to use for absolute trust)
i would think very hard about what problem you're actually trying to solve, and then think about counterarguments, before actually building anything
ugh. having implemented HTTP sigs a couple different times, interop was harder than it should have been, and libs were pretty poorly maintained 😢
aaronpk has 64 karma in this channel over the last year (228 in all channels)
oh I'm not trying to build _anything_ yet
i suspect user demand for this is pretty minimal
this is me looking at the space yet
but hey, that's the beauty of indieweb, if you want something, you get to build it for yourself, and no one can stop you
well it's one of those "why wasn't there a way to counteract it?" things. Like Twitter avoids this completely by just not letting you edit posts (this is the real case I want to solve for - preventing forgery of content)
I posed it (as best as I could) on AP: Because of this, data integrity is best asserted when the recipient already possesses the necessary verification information
[https://v2.jacky.wtf/] What prevents someone from editing a Note sent out over ActivityPub and making what people see be different than what was originally posted?
pleroma seems to fake links
ugh there's a response I wanna link that's good but the domain name is NSFK
this is interesting stuff
justache joined the channel
well, mention.tech sends both urls in a webmention to archive.org because that seems useful
the web bundles stuff is another potential answer
that's a way of detaching the content from a specific server
[WICG] webpackage: Web packaging format
the difficulty arguably isn't capturing/storing the original post, it's the multi-party proof(s). ie as the responder, proving that the original poster wrote exactly this post
nickodd joined the channel
(and turning that into a reasonable UX is maybe even harder)
Indeed - the webpackage stuff does have signing as well as integrity hashes, but that's optional by the provider
booksmarks non-repudiation for later reading.
sounds like it's either archive.org or PKI tar pit 😱
I wonder if you somehow could hijack HTTPS for this. As the responder you can then say “I am responding to X which is signed by the webserver and therefor I take that as proof”
[georgenancejr] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
And then the trusted third-party ends up being Certificate Transparency where you could point to and sat “this was the right cert for the original poster’s server”
(Basically I am wondering if everyone is already unintentionally signing their content because of the move to HTTPS.)
you could do something like Certificate Transparency where you sign the hash of your crawl
I still want IA to give a 'lookup by hash' API
The problem is not me signing it, the problem is getting the person who made the post to provide a signature that proofs they wrote the post. If I understand the point correctly.
Zegnat: no, TLS doesn't sign the message content
I've seen proposals to extend TLS to do that, but it doesn't by default
sknebel++ for quickly filling in the gaps in what I know vs what I hope to be possible
sknebel has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (46 in all channels)
but Zegnat is still onto something. DNS (eg DKIM) and CAs (eg SSL certs) are two classic ways to get around the PKI chicken and egg problem
and TLS encrypts the response, even if it may not sign it, and that's good enough, since only the private key holder could generate that ciphertext
(details: the asymmetric bits are used to establish a per-session master key. and everything handling content is derived from that and symmetric, so I can take a recording of a TLS session with you and have the payload be whatever I want)
ah right true. you'd have to capture the whole session. still, that's doable, and is a proof that the server generated the contents
if you capture the initial session key setup, i don't see how you could fake the final payload
Guess after step 1, master key negotiation, I can start faking payloads as if they come from the server?
the key generated during initial setup is shared by both sides
oh right
sigh, so close
I can just encrypt whatever I want with "your key" (thats directly derived from the master key)
Makes sense. Lots of pubkey-enc is actually symmetric with just the key encrypted in pubkey. Could have guessed TLS was the same
archive.org it is
there was this, but their main project website is down and not seen any actual spec work, so also under "failed attempts": https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/578.pdf
that's where a CT approach could work - multiple crawlers that sign hashes of the content at a time and add to a merkle tree
oof, multiple trusted third parties
in practice, CT is mostly trusting google's crawler, but it was designed to allow multiple ones
huh? CT has explicit submissions by the CAs
a crawler can find and document non-logged certs, but that's not a special role in the system
hm, maybe I'm misnaming the roles, it's been a while since I read the protocol.
okay re: JSON over XML for data, that was one of the _worst_ transitions I've ever experienced tbh
like the number of times I've had to do data validation in JSON and XML came with that for FREE made me grumble
gRPC tries to do that but also forces you to _never_ change things unless you want to break the world
(this slowed down so many projects at Lyft)
heh, I don't think I've ever worked on something involving xml that actually used schemas
I do agree that we can look into better ways of building the Web that doesn't necessarily require people to directly interface with HTML
I don't know of another declarative format that gives me the forgiving yet objective nature of HTML tho
I see your point there Jacky. But I also have never seen xml that used a schema strictly with the exception of rss.
It's definitely a case of "it's used when it's used"
html also isn't really xml
which is a good thing imo, writing html by hand is reasonable and writing xml by hand is the worst
for those kinds of encapsulation would capnproto be better?
html is designed to be human-crafted, at least original
yes, html is a lot terser than people think it is
because we spent too long pretending it was html and closing things that didn't need to be closed
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
JSON schema tooling is probably more approachable because there's a smaller surface space to introduce erros and because it's written in a typed(ish) language versus markup; there's a lot less you have to test for and more than you gain
that I can't contest for sure
Also one other flaw with HTML is the lack of real structure for writing text . You can write text in divs, p tags, spans, or not use any tag at all .
[fluffy] joined the channel
but that's similar to writing in real world scenarios? you can write using ink, pencil or berry juice; you can write by breaking every other word or following the structure of an AP guide
the fluidity and flexibility of it is more of a strength than a weakness and allows for expression
(omg am I a HTML advocate? lol)
You are definitely right . But it’s a bit confusing.
It makes parsing webpages harder
Don’t get me wrong , I respect every engineer that has built HTML . I think they never knew it would blow up and be used at such a large scale like it is today . And I know maintaining backwards compatibility is a priority too
luckily no one but google writes code to parse web pages anymore ;)
but yeah, it's a challenging format
that's sort of the universal tradeoff: easy for human == hard for computer
That’s not entirely true . Any web browser with a reader view . And Pocket + instapaper
yes I'm mostly kidding about the fact that almost everything is chromium now
Hahaha very true .
[georgenancejr]: lol
swentel joined the channel
I would love to work on an alt Internet . Even if it never catches main stream appeal , it could be a fun project
I did not know about Gemini
Gemini looks really interesting
it's cute
which I don't mean in a disparaging way, it's intentionally small
I just wonder if the world wants a new gopher, or wants to go the way of hypercore
an excellent question
I find the trade between developer and user control based on the design of the protocol very interesting
gopher/gemini/very early html gave the user control over how to display the content, but at the cost of the content having to be fairly limited in structure
current html+css+js gives all the power to the developer
in that you can make a website which is completely non-functional unless the user grants you permission to run arbitrary code on their machine
I prefer the former, personally, but also acknowldge that it would have shaped the development of the tech in a very different and probably limiting way
and in a different way it just gives all the power to the browser devs
(not that they don't have a lot now)
Browsers with a reader mode show that consumers can still take control. The big limiter here is web apps, I think, where behaviour outside of what a browser will offer is offered by the site publisher through JS
and the push culturally for everything to become a webapp by default
because if you're not webpacking and reacting, do you really have a blog?
the indieweb is also a great example of the flexibility still existing, as almost all of the protocols depend on web pages being parsable
the dream is creating incentives to make your site interoperable which normal users see value in
like reader mode
let the user agent be an agent for the user!
I am not looking forward to the day where everyone starts encrypting their content page-by-page … https://blog.amp.dev/2020/04/27/introducing-the-fastest-and-most-user-friendly-content-encryption/
amp -_-
that reminds me, I was going to turn off my https redirect and forgot
[grantcodes], gRegorLove, gRegorLove_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
↩️ I don't have comments. I want people to use WebMentions instead.
[tantek] joined the channel
Wow that client side encryption thing sounds a lot like my half-baked “atom but encrypted” idea which aaronpk criticized which led to me joining this community in the first place. :)
oh no lol i don't remember that at all
“Criticize” is a bit strong, more “poke holes in” :)
Oh and I guess I had already joined in on indieweb stuff at the time since the conversation took place via webmention
As someone who loves an open web, writing web extensions, and has a not-so-standard computer setup, websites starting to encrypt their content terrifies me.
As someone whos job includes working on a paywall, I think the encrypted thing is very interesting.
douno joined the channel
Zegnat: I'm with you
http is the next gopher :(
yeah the focus of my idea was on using atom as a platform for safe private social networking
not to do something at scale but to make it so that people cna do friends-only stuff without needing the contortions that they have to go through
but I was also coming at it from a POV of atom’s original design goals, where the content would be free-floating in a sea of potentially-detached items with just a reference to where it came from, and I was concerned about what happens if someone tries to share an item using the native intended atom sharing mechanism (which nobody does anyway)
[Rose] joined the channel
ostatus was atom, did it handle private/non-public posts?
Only by having them encrypted. Iirc there was no per feed auth
There was a gdata/atom +OAuth mechanism in the opensocial/as1 model that I think some things built on. Early buzz maybe?
Though that wasn't end to end private, it was silo mediated groups
gRegorLove_, yeet1, [schmarty], gRegorLove__, jjuran and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Releasing a couple of new goodies this week, ahead of both #IndieWeb Camp West and #TPRCiC… First, a new page about Webmention, pulling together introductory information, live examples, and links to further resources: https://jmac.org/webmention/
↩️ And I’ve released Whim, a command-line multitool for sending, receiving, managing, and displaying webmentions: https://jmac.org/whim/
wow it's like an IndieWWDC!
jmac has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
Sadly the IndieCar and IndieHome modules have been delayed
gRegorLove_ and [georgenancejr] joined the channel
So in this theoretical alt Internet , how could you build web mentions into it by default without a central server ? Would blockchain be the only way ?
"theoretical alt internet" is not very useful. Better to build off of concrete use-cases and implementations
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
"App Clips but IndieWeb" probably appeals to me deeply
[tantek] joined the channel
Lololololol all this talk about non-repudiation and no one brought up the blokechain (cc [schmarty] )
Until the theoretical question.
Oooooh I have a template for that!
We did talk about Certificate Transparency and its more sensible use of Merkle chains
“In this theoretical .... Would X be the only way?”
IndieWWDC has 1 karma over the last year
On another positive subject, anyone know where this states-as-squares infogeographic design came from and/or has anyone implemented it with data from their own site?
Eg location based post archive page
instagram-- for requiring login tho
instagram has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-2 in all channels)
Whoa really? That’s messed up
Wonder when that changed
[manton] joined the channel
pretty recently
huh, it let me through
must be a slow rollout
I knew they took away being able to click through from profiles
gRegorLove joined the channel
petermolnar++ that’s amazing. I need to try it ASAP!
petermolnar has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
[tantek] it was a simple question . No need to be a jerk about it .
Sorry, bad habit from theory trolls in #microformats
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Now about JSON vs XML for APIs hooo that’s a pit. I’ll just say i18n and JSON strings of user data and leave it at that for now
[georgenancejr]++ you’re in a good place to chat about alternative internet approaches
[georgenancejr] has 1 karma over the last year
I think the SSB approach has some promise in that regard, certainly more so that anything blokechain
what is SSB
Secure Scuttlebutt is a P2P system to sync message feeds, used to build (among others) social applications that work in off-grid/sneakernet scenarios https://indieweb.org/SSB
What is a singleton
singleton is in the context of the indieweb, or decentralized web in general, a shared (effectively centralized) data structure (like a blockchain ledger) or database (like the consequence of assuming a specific hashing algorithm) being used by (and thus a limitation of) an otherwise seemingly distributed system https://indieweb.org/singleton
[georgenancejr] some good expansions / links to check out on those two pages ^^^
justache and [fluffy] joined the channel