[LewisCowles]Thanks. I think StackOverflow had that one. I'll try it and stop looking for some holy grail. like navigator.preferences (which likely won't ever exist). I was thinking for older machines, but likely the API's are not there. Maybe I need to flip it on it's head and scan for no preference using that. already went to the bother to make all the typeouts exist in html, which is removed and typed out.
[LewisCowles]`return window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)").matches` -> those who have not indicated they have a preference on motion.
[LewisCowles]I've set myself the unenviable goal of trying to make this thing I'm putting out into the world, with an artist, who is supplying only video, audio and images as thoughtful as possible. Accessibility is hard for a video experience though.
[Murray]LewisCowles: yep, if you want to support the widest array possible then that's exactly what I'd do. Flip the logic so that it defaults to no motion/limited motion on browsers that don't support the modern APIs, then enhance to use those to provide animation where you are happy the user has actual control. You could always provide a visible toggle on the page for older browsers as well, so that they can turn it on if wanted 🙂
[chrisaldrich]hirusi[m] I think(?? someone correct me if I'm wrong) it shows up as a blogpost because you've got an h1 with a p-name so the post type discovery may think it has a title and is thus an article.
LoqiPost Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for consuming code to determine the type of a post by its content properties and their values rather than an explicit “post type” property, thus better matched to modern post creation UIs that allow combining text, media, etc in a variety of ways without burdening users with any notion of what kind of post they are creating https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
LoqiA Domain of One's Own (or DoOO) started as a project at University of Mary Washington that allows students, faculty, and staff to register their own domain name and associate it with a hosted web space, free of charge https://indieweb.org/DoOO
GWGIn the new version, if there is a local photo, video, or audio file linked in e-content it won't try to display whatever is in photo, audio, or video