@brianjessethe chronological newsfeed stopped working for me at Facebook again - what is with that ? #rss #indieweb #mastodon #socialmedia #infrastructure #bearhugcamp #track #webmention #pubsubhubbub #omb #ostatus #dweb (twitter.com/_/status/1308469984973053952)
jonnybarnes, [Ana_Rodrigues], KartikPrabhu, [snarfed], [James_Gallaghe], [schmarty] and paulrobertlloyd joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
paulrobertlloydI added timezone support to my Micropub server project, Indiekit, and immediately regretted it 😂. I think I’ve got it close to working properly, but would welcome a sense check.
paulrobertlloydSo firstly, if a micropub request includes a published property, I’ll take that as being correct, and pass it on to the template renderer.
paulrobertlloydIf no published property is given AND you’ve configured the server with a timezone, my thought is that I send the UTC date plus the offset. So, if you have set your timezone to 'America/New_York', I’d pass on 2020-09-22T19:23:41.891-04:00
paulrobertlloydSo, if the given published value is 2020-09-22T19:23:41.891-04:00 (New York), but you’ve set your server up to use Europe/London, for example?
aaronpkbut i know some people always want their posts published in their home timezone, whereas others want them published in whatever timezone they were in when the post was made
paulrobertlloydYeah. I tend to find that I like my posts to use UTC + offset, only because that makes sense in terms of reading winter/summer time. But UTC makes less sense perhaps if you don’t live in GMT timezone.
paulrobertlloydI think, at least for now, it’s easier to understand rule that if you give a published date, the server accepts whatever it’s given. For now, at least.
paulrobertlloydAnd the decision might be different if you have set a timezone or not. Perhaps it should be saved as UTC, unless you have set a timezone, in which case add the timezone offset to it
aaronpke.g. 2020-09-01T19:20:00 -> 2020-09-01T19:20:00-04:00, which is interpreting the input as local time rather than interpreting it as UTC and converting to local time
aaronpkthis is why i always try to get the timezone offset in the micropub client in the first place so that i don't send floating times to servers. e.g. if i'm traveling and open a browser client where the client uses the device's local time, that would end up being stored as the wrong date unless the client sends the timezone offset
aaronpkso ideally yes the client is going to send a full timestamp like "2020-09-01T19:20:00-04:00", but that requires extra work of the client developer, so you need to be ready to handle the case when the client doesn't send the offset
paulrobertlloydHmmm, going to noodle on this… seems like I need to account for the following variables: published date given/missing, published date has/does not have a timezone, server has/has not configured a timezone.
@kevquirk↩️ Hey. I don’t know what’s happening with the site at the moment. A couple of people have reported issues with webmention, but not standard comments. I did see your comment though.
Need to get to the bottom of it, thanks for letting me know. (twitter.com/_/status/1308493378674462721)
[schmarty](bringing this discussion from main room) lahacker: a .onion may not be forever! hidden services v2 will be deprecated over the next year or so!
LoqiTor (The Onion Router) is "a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet https://indieweb.org/Tor
lahackerif those big nodes are "homeservers" and the smaller nodes are "clients" what would the indieweb equivalent be for those clients? simply readers with micropub support?
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