#dev 2020-09-23

2020-09-23 UTC
paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
On time zones, I think I’ve summarised all the available scenarios and different options: https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit/issues/287 Thanks aaronpk++
aaronpk has 72 karma in this channel over the last year (251 in all channels)
[paulrobertlloyd] #287 RFC: Time zone support
i'm a litle confused on the labeling of "ignore" in some of them, but i think you got the options all laid out
is almost done with his talk for activitypub conf
explaining oauth and indieauth to the activitypub audience
it should be available tomorrow :)
deltab and [snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk has 73 karma in this channel over the last year (252 in all channels)
now i need to figure out how to post this on my site in a way that isn't just a giant mp4 file
looks up notes from IWC Austin
[tw2113] and geoffo joined the channel
mp4 has 1 karma over the last year
doesn't _really_ care
lahacker, geoffo, jonnybarnes, khimaros[m]1, joshproehl_, jamietanna[m], nickodd, VioletPixel, treora, KartikPrabhu and [fluffy] joined the channel
Does video.js have instructions on how to do the HLS thing? Every time I go down the rabbit hole of trying to self-host HLS video I always find a bunch of things that just show a single-minded “here’s how to encode Big Buck Bunny” in a weirdly hardcoded way and I lose interest.
[fluffy]: have a look at owncast if you're looking to do self-hosted live HLS
There’s plenty of things for live HLS, but I’m talking about encoding a playlist.
taking a fixed video file and converting it to HLS playlists and segments.
ahh yep, there's some interesting stuff around that was started by some news media dudes called snickers that does that
Like that feels like a thing that should have an ffmpeg very-long-one-liner script or something.
https://github.com/snickers/snickers ? looks like a good starting point, thanks
[snickers] snickers: :chocolate_bar: An open source alternative to the video cloud encoding services.
its not really worked on anymore
and it’s also an HTTP API, I just want a heckin’ commandline tool
oh ok
like, insert video file, retrieve a bunch of .m3u8 and .m4v (or whatever) files
>> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -s 640x360 -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls index.m3u8
adjust size as you choose
it wont generate adaptive HLS though
adaptive HLS is just a matter of generating a bunch of sizes and then having a master playlist that collates them, right?
you'd have to write something to generate multiple -s and encoding levels wth ffmpeg and then mash them together
yeah :)
not that I’m having any luck finding any non-RFC-speak documentation of what goes into the master .m3u8
seems like everyone just wants to sell expensive software to make this “easy”
justache joined the channel
[fluffy]: You just described my evening 😂
All the blog posts and everything makes it sound like it's going to be so easy but then fail to give actual practical examples
I'm determined to get this video posted to my site as entirely static files with a tiny bit of JS and I'll document what I did to make that happen
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
yeah I was asking those questions prompted by your post at 5:51 :)
Has it been that long already 😭
Even just finding the download link for apples tools was a real challenge
they break urls and UIs all the time so half the SO answers are wrong now
we'll I'm going to bed now, but I will have this done and written up by 10am tomorrow
jonnybarnes, swentel, KartikPrabhu, moppy, shoesNsocks and [grantcodes] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, [Ana_Rodrigues], jeremych_, jonnybarnes and jeremycherfas joined the channel
↩️ Here is another excellent daily tip by @DailyDevTips1. This time he tells us about Webmentions. A new way to discuss and interact on the web. https://app.daily.dev/posts/1Dga3S5Yx
reminds me of webbadges
[Murray], [James_Gallaghe], shoesNsocks and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Webmention なるものを知ってちょっと調べてたらトラックバックの話とかが出てきて懐かしい気持ちになった。
geoffo, joshproehl, nickodd, [tw2113] and [Rose] joined the channel
[James_Gallaghe]: Editing the weather page?
My weather station?
Oh, yeah. I’m thinking about doing some weather things.
jonnybarnes and j605 joined the channel
[James_Gallaghe]: I love to chat weather stuff
I have a trick up my sleeve that I am going to build inspired by the weather style sheet example.
I hope to build a weather feature into my site tomorrow and then write about it.
You have a weather sidebar item on your site, right?
[James_Gallaghe]: I have a lot more options
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
But I have not hooked up my own data yet, even though I have it... I'm using the US National Weather Service because I have not written the logic to only show my data when I'm at home and show 3rd party when I'm not
I post weather as part of the location property of my post
I should update my part of that page
What are you using to collect your own data?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
depends on the type of data and if i have anything auto-recording it
for example for awhile I was tracking “checkins” for coffee shops, from the select handful I frequent, but with Covid that kind of stopped and “died”
I was just using a form to record those visits
I meant the weather data :)
ah, sorry, missed seeing the previous convo
goes back to dayjob work
jonnybarnes joined the channel
[James_Gallaghe]: I have a variety of sensors...radio, esp8266 homemade, etc
jonnybarnes, [Emma_Humphries], NinjaTrappeur1, [schmarty], NinjaTrappeur, KartikPrabhu, [fluffy] and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
Interesting. I only have my Raspberry Pi for sensing and I decommissioned my weather station (after only a few days in operation) because it was too much to maintain 🙂
swentel joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
↩️ Webmentions is a nice middle ground I think!
↩️ Webmentions, if we’re honest, is long overdue. And notfications. P.s. what’s your aversion to using headings in post content? :P
KartikPrabhu and NinjaTrappeur joined the channel
[James_Gallaghe]: How so? I just change the batteries every few months. Otherwise it transmits data to a computer on the 433mhz band
Used to use a Pi but the database stuff wears it out
You have your Pi run in batteries? Interesting. I only keep my Pi on during the day when I need it so the weather station has been offline a lot.
KartikPrabhu, jeremycherfas, [Murray], jonnybarnes and jamietanna joined the channel
↩️ Sorta! Webmentions allows submission of reply URLs (or can automatically pick them up from socials). It is an IndieWeb standard. Lots of integrations out there already for various site generators/CMS. https://indieweb.org/Webmention
[James_Gallaghe]: No, the sensors run on batteries
The Pi or the computer just has a SDR attached to pick up the signal
Ah, that makes sense.
[jgmac1106], jonnybarnes, angelenos, jeremycherfas, [fluffy], [schmarty], [Emma_Humphries], NinjaTrappeur, timotimo, [chrisaldrich], dietricha, myfreeweb, craftyphotons_, skalnik, ludovicchabant, danyao, kitt, genehack, mitchell and [snarfed] joined the channel
btw, my activitypub conf talk is done! they’ll be posting it to the conference website soon, but i also posted it on my site! https://aaronparecki.com/2020/09/22/25/activitypub-oauth-2-1
[Aaron Parecki] ActivityPub and OAuth 2.1
also, a fun demo of self-hosted HLS
shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
aaronpk has 74 karma in this channel over the last year (253 in all channels)
that hls is http live streaming?
probably a safe assumption
huh, there's a little hitch at about 00:45 where a loading throbber briefly appears and there is a skip in video and audio
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
That's it switching to a different resolution
safari does better with native HLS support
i'm sure there is already a well-known answer for this, but how do you deal with apps that show you an instrumented browser to do your login in? like, it could just show a green lock and the html it got from the page legitimately, but insert some shady javascript?
It won't act the same as the real browser
you could make a pretty convincing fake, but there will always be something a little off
i would assume an average user might even be bamboozled into typing their username and password into a browser that looks completely off
One of the other ways is to stop using passwords and rely on hardware authenticators like WebAuthn which can't be phished at all
i've got an OTP app on my phone already to secure stuff like github or paypal, but that's different, right?
yeah OTP is phishable
that’s why there’s always warnings like “dont give this code to anyone”
right, it doesn't encode intent at all
i haven't heard of WebAuthentication before today, though
tangentially, did you make the cat imagery for the stickers yourself, or hired an artist?
also if you’re diligent about using a password manager, and only use it to autofill, never type or paste a password manually, you get much of the same anti-phishing benefits as with U2F/security keys
(ideally combine both, though!)
upshot is, security is hard, it’s an arm race, we’re never done 😭
I'm super optimistic about WebAuthn because it is the first time we've seen cooperation from everything from the hardware under the CPUs to the operating system to the browser to the websites
timotimo: the cats are by an illustrator, same one who does the cats for ohmydollar.com and MeowBox
aaronpk++ for web at least, maybe so!
[tb] joined the channel
I really want to find the motivation to get WebAuthn set up on my IndieAuth server so I can log in with my yubi
voxpelli joined the channel
[tb]: that'd be sweet!
craftyphotons_ joined the channel
There's actually a solid Ruby library out there for the server side https://github.com/cedarcode/webauthn-ruby — just haven't had the inspiration to work on it yet
[cedarcode] webauthn-ruby: WebAuthn ruby server library ― Make your Ruby/Rails web server become a conformant WebAuthn Relying Party
willnorris, ludovicchabant, skalnik, dietricha and myfreeweb joined the channel
is WebAuthn the official name or a shortening?
danyao, genehack, shakeel, themaxdavitt, jmac, zootella, mattl and mitchell joined the channel
It's an official shortening
that's fun
jonnybarnes joined the channel
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you mean but I have had great experiences with https://github.com/newhouseb/nginxwebauthn for getting some simple webauthn set up in front of an arbitrary nginx host
[newhouseb] nginxwebauthn: Easily add (single user) webauthn in front of an arbitrary nginx host.
oh nice
[schmarty], deltab, moppy and jonnybarnes joined the channel