#dev 2020-09-25

2020-09-25 UTC
jonnybarnes, geoffo, jjuran_, KartikPrabhu, kaleb, gRegorLove, jeremycherfas, OhTheCode and nickodd joined the channel
GWG: that load order PR you have in on wordpress-indieauth fixed my authorization issue i was having a few weeks back
KartikPrabhu, jonnybarnes, shoesNsocks, shoesNsocks1, swentel, [fluffy], dckc, moppy, [mapkyca] and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
Raspberry Pi << https://www.donaldmcintosh.net/blog/homehostpi
raspberry pi << https://www.donaldmcintosh.net/blog/homehostpi
ok, I added "https://www.donaldmcintosh.net/blog/homehostpi" to the "See Also" section of /Raspberry_Pi https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=72813&oldid=72736
There was a problem editing the wiki! Edit conflict.
raspberry pi is /Raspberry_Pi
[jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, nickodd, shoesNsocks, jonnybarnes, [mapkyca], beko and [schmarty] joined the channel
On webmentions and static sites (from -chat): capjamesg I do something similar to petermolnar in that I have a separate process store and collect my site's mention data webmention.io
That gets stored as JSON files compatible with Jekyll's _data/ or Hugo's data/ folders
And my templates load it if it is available but otherwise don't worry about it
And rather than poll webmention.io periodically, I have use the web hook feature of the site to get notified on a tiny web service that receives and writes the mention data.
What is Morris?
Morris is a self-hosted PHP service for storing Webmentions from webmention.io in a JSON format that static sites can use to render them without querying webmention.io on each build https://indieweb.org/Morris
[chrisaldrich], geoffo, dckc, jonnybarnes, nickodd and jeremycherfas joined the channel
↩️ I need to go back and revise it a bit, but I built a bit of UI for doing just this with Webmention: https://boffosocko.com/2017/12/24/adding-simple-twitter-response-buttons-to-wordpress-posts/ The other piece requires being able to thread conversations. Details for that here: https://boffosocko.com/2018/07/02/threaded-conversations-between-wordpress-and-twitter/ (http://boffosocko.com/2020/09/25/55777619/)
jeremych_, jonnybarnes, [tw2113] and [Sanne_Peters] joined the channel
[schmarty], [jgmac1106], jonnybarnes, [Cal_ThreadRead], KartikPrabhu, shoesNsocks and shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
i think i'm pretty sold on Fathom analytics for my own websites
[michael_lewis] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Hello again. I've made a lot of changes to https://searchmysite.net/, in particular to follow [snarfed]'s suggestion of seeding the index with sites from https://indiemap.org/.
As a result, I reckon the search is starting to get more useful, although it seems to work best when looking for technology terms (perhaps because most of the personal sites indexed at the moment are from people who work in technology).
A couple of other things I noticed during/after the bulk load are how few people use tags/keywords, and how many personal websites have been abandoned or taken over by domain squatters.
[snarfed] joined the channel
michael-lewis has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
yeah one broad learning from social media and consumer tech/webapps in general is that most users don’t generate much or any explicit metadata
even netflix has broadly given up on ratings, dropping from stars to just thumbs up/down, and even then, mostly not expecting explicit ratings and inferring them from eg watch time instead
[Khurt] joined the channel
I did do a project (at work) once to auto-generate tags using topic modelling, but results were mixed - you could cherry pick some examples to make it look great, but there were just as many "Why on earth did it to that? Oh I see, that's a bit dumb" examples.
[asuh] joined the channel
[anderspitman] awesome-tunneling: List of ngrok-like tunneling software and services
nickodd left the channel
↩️ 25/ For a one-time only, ThreadReaderApp will need to be authorized via IndieAuth.
↩️ 15/ At this point we’re ready to test if the authentication works as expected. Let’s visit http://IndieAuth.com, go to the “Try it!” section and enter your blog’s URL
↩️ 10/ We’ll use https://indieauth.com as an authentication provider between ThreadReaderApp and our Micropub API. IndieAuth can be used to authenticate not as a person, but rather as a domain.
↩️ 4/ From ThreadReaderApp, we’ll publish it to our GitHub pages blog through a Micropub proxy. What’s Micropub? Fair question. It’s a protocol designed to provide a standard API to post stuff to a blogging platform. https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/
↩️ Hum, looks like I received the webmention from https://adactio.com/notes/17456 but it is not listed in https://nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2020/09/25/t-e-n-%C7%9D-t/ There's a bug somewhere!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I don't use tags/keywords as aggressively as I'd like because I have too much anxiety about starting with a suboptimal schema and then being bothered by it forever. (My mother was a librarian and her mother was a librarian...) That said, looking at everyone's listings in Search My Site, it makes me want to!
I think people love providing metadata when it feels like there's an obvious benefit--think about the popular demand to turn FB's "likes" into reactions with multiple emotional tones
(I'd guess that the degradation of Netflix ratings into a binary category has to do with how opaque the benefit is; if I rate something "good", I can guess that I'll be recommended more like it, and if I rate something "bad", I can guess that I won't. But what is the marginal value of 4 versus 3 stars for something mediocre? Everything's a black box, so people give up.)
there’s a small fraction of users who think about it that much. most are lazy and just don’t think about it (or rate) at all
I don't think most anyone is consciously thinking of the tradeoff, no--but we can't really call them lazy when from their perspective it's an action with no clear point to it.
Are there other ways in which Indieweb stuff uses tags beyond organizing a single site? (like: if I tag my posts, they may show up in search differently)
that depends on if the search engine is consuming the tags
jonnybarnes joined the channel
Of course; is anyone aware of projects that do?
IWSlackGateway3 joined the channel
reminds me i'll have to tag-match between 2 sites
[fluffy] joined the channel
indieweb.xyz makes use of tags, and is basically an indieweb version of olden-days Technorati
on my own site I try to be fairly consistent about tags just to make things easier to navigate, but I haven’t actually gotten around to making a global tag browser yet
[tw2113] joined the channel
tags and categories, for those who like to organize and garden
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel