#ZegnatWhat I was seeing were parser differences depending on whether you add an empty alt to the img or not
#ZegnatBecause there is no p-name, I actually expected the parser to add the src of the img to the name value. But it did not. Although the TypeScript parser did do that.
#sknebelreplacing any nested <img> elements with their alt attribute, if present; otherwise their src attribute, if present, adding a space at the beginning and end, resolving the URL if it’s relative;
#ZegnatInteresting enough, when you toggle "better text content" in the TypeScript parser, it does do the replacement with src
#ZegnatI wonder if that is my algorithm for better whitespace etc. Because that does not consider whether you are parsing for implied values or explicit values
#ZegnatBut just to steer clear of parsing confusion, I would always set an alt. Better all around
#ZegnatAdd the u-url if you want the author URL. It is not technically neccessary of course. But just to preach good HTML, add the empty alt. Would be my advice.
[grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#GWGI did want to talk next about rels, which are all over WordPress themes
#GWGZegnat: Yes, but I still have the questions from that post
[manton], geoffo, [tonz], shoesNsocks1, nickodd, swentel, Codefuzius, [James_Gallaghe], [tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
#nekr0zHmmm... I'm sure this question has been raised already, but my searching skills are not enough to find the answer. I'm reading the indieauth spec and do I understand correctly that the idea of one person being able to have multiple pages with different URLs is a heresy?
#nekr0zI mean, when talking openID I can have on mysiteinrussian.ru a link rel="openid.delegate" for mysiteinenglish.com, and every time I login as mysiteinrussian.ru the app will know that I'm in fact the mysiteinenglish.com dude — but no such luck for indieauth, right?
#Zegnatnekr0z: correct. For now clients expect the authorization endpoint to return an identifier (the `me`) on the same domain as the discovery happened on.