ZegnatBecause there is no p-name, I actually expected the parser to add the src of the img to the name value. But it did not. Although the TypeScript parser did do that.
sknebelreplacing any nested <img> elements with their alt attribute, if present; otherwise their src attribute, if present, adding a space at the beginning and end, resolving the URL if it’s relative;
ZegnatI wonder if that is my algorithm for better whitespace etc. Because that does not consider whether you are parsing for implied values or explicit values
ZegnatAdd the u-url if you want the author URL. It is not technically neccessary of course. But just to preach good HTML, add the empty alt. Would be my advice.
GWGZegnat: Yes, but I still have the questions from that post
[manton], geoffo, [tonz], shoesNsocks1, nickodd, swentel, Codefuzius, [James_Gallaghe], [tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
nekr0zHmmm... I'm sure this question has been raised already, but my searching skills are not enough to find the answer. I'm reading the indieauth spec and do I understand correctly that the idea of one person being able to have multiple pages with different URLs is a heresy?
nekr0zI mean, when talking openID I can have on mysiteinrussian.ru a link rel="openid.delegate" for mysiteinenglish.com, and every time I login as mysiteinrussian.ru the app will know that I'm in fact the mysiteinenglish.com dude — but no such luck for indieauth, right?
Zegnatnekr0z: correct. For now clients expect the authorization endpoint to return an identifier (the `me`) on the same domain as the discovery happened on.