[fluffy]My very basic understanding of how magnets work is they rely on a huge distributed hash table which is seeded by a few initial endpoints which are somehow made known to the torrent clients (presumably by having an address hardcoded in them), and the “awaiting magnet metadata” phase is basically just your client sending out pubsub requests for anyone who knows anything about the hash.
[fluffy]I was briefly using Syncthing to sync my things but I found that adding/removing machines from the quorum was too annoying and I went back to using my Nextcloud instance. But I can still totally see some use cases for Syncthing.
Ruxton_there is DHT nodes, they share and exchange hashes+seeds. So you create a torrent, share it to a node, that node exchanges with other nodes it knows and so on and so on infinite
nekr0zThe Syncthing developers have been discussing DHT for at least 4 years, but haven't done it yet. The general consensus seems to be it would be nice to have it, but the existing implementations don't quite fit, and writing a new one is too big a hassle. The thing with Syncthing is that an average Syncthing folder has way less peers than an average torrent, Kademlia file or some such other thing that DHT has been
@mauricerenck↩️ Ja, ein elektrisches habe ich auch, für ne Mietwohnung ist der Trittschall aber trotzdem zu laut. Webmentions sind im Grunde so etwas wie eine Weiterentwicklung der Trackbacks damals. Dann kann ich in meinem Blog deinen Post verlinken und es taucht bei dir auf. (twitter.com/_/status/1351499401219465217)
[tipoqueno]I explored and discarded some (Vercel, Netlify, Cloudfare, Heroku, Digital Ocean, DreamHost, Render, Supabase, Glitch, etc.) but I still can't decide.
[Raphael_Luckom]I'm using AWS exclusively (I think) and lose no sleep over paying them $1.50 / month for hosting--they get more of my business from Amazon Prime (both $ and use of AWS services). I wrote my thoughts about using AWS despite misgivings here https://raphaelluckom.com/posts/practitioner_journey.html#fn2 )
[snarfed]right! we naturally get into tech politics sometimes here, but it’s a big tent, indieweb doesn’t mean we’re unilaterally against big tech co’s, VC, closed source, etc
[Raphael_Luckom]lol, you could almost describe an indieweb goal as "finding the _smallest number_ of things that people have to agree on in order for disparate systems to interoperate"
[christopherche]I can’t figure out how to get the posts on my microblog feed/page to show bullet points. They do show when you click through to the post.
[KevinMarks]if you use inspect in chrome, you can see that #post-list li { list-style-type: none; } is overriding this (presumably from the post list template)
[KevinMarks]if you can't edit that CSS, you may need to add a rule for `#post-list > li li { list-style-type: disc; }` to enable bullets on the further down ones
[KevinMarks]right, the page of posts is marked up as a list (which is reasonable), but the CSS rule wasn't quite specific enough. [manton] might want to check the theme markup
[Raphael_Luckom]Hetzner looks pretty cool. I've started thinking about cloud services in terms of portfolio-diversity. For someone like me using AWS, a provider like Hetzner in a different jurisdiction with better privacy laws is at least an attractive option for backups.
Seirdydoes anybody know of any software that can grab webmentions and send from Fediverse (specifically, Pleroma) accounts without running a daemon like brid.gy? I'd like to run a command in CI that can connect to my Pleroma account and fetch webmentions from replies to a syndicated status.
Seirdyi'd like a program to fetch that URL (i can include it at the bottom of the article) and scan for replies/reactions, then convert those to webmentions, send them to my already-existing endpoint (webmentiond), and exit before CI runs `hugo build`.
Seirdy[tantek]: i thought bridgyfed is different from regular bridgy because it makes your site a fediverse instance and lets it interact with the fediverse without POSSE.
aaronpkyeah it's still different than what you're describing, but the whole point is that it turns _your website_ into a fediverse instance without any special activitypub code or apps running
Seirdywell i'd rather not rely on additional external services either; i self-host webmentiond and have a pleroma account on an instance hosted by someone else. i just think that grabbing replies from a known fedi URL at build-time doesn't need a daemon running 24/7, either hosted by me or someone else.
[tantek]Seirdy, sure, and I think Bridgy is built with that intention, providing a service for folks to get things up & running, and enable them to eventually replace that plumbing when that becomes their next priority
Seirdyi basically see brid.gy as a daemon run by someone else, which seems like too much for extracting comments from one known URL per article. it makes sense for knowing where your site has been linked in all of twitter or the fediverse. speaking of which, does anybody know of a brid.gy alternative that's more lightweight/easy to self-host?
LoqiBackfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indieweb.org/backfeed