#dev 2021-01-21

2021-01-21 UTC
[KevinMarks], [schmarty], lanodan, [tantek] and gRegorLove joined the channel
if I ever come up with a hyper*something protocol replacement for HTTP, I'm going with just h: β€” no extra "/" needed, then followed by the path.
we'll likely end up needing to disambiguate that, unfortunately.
"whose h protocol do you mean?"
"you know. H. The Tantek Protocol."
nah, I'm used to everyone else wanting multi-letter names for their things and everyone ignoring a single-letter name for something until it's made cool years later
waits for it to land.
will just have to enjoy the acronym joke alone. πŸ™ˆ πŸ˜‚
[chrisaldrich] and [fluffy] joined the channel
It should have been the web protocol. As in, web:example.com. Simple, no?
Mind, the single letter protocol is *exactly* how you get something named after you without coming off as a narcissist.Β  ;-)
i think this is gonna be my "California Style Sheets" bit. just need to start up a Medium blog.
ccchapman and [snarfed] joined the channel
re new whitehouse.gov on wordpress: https://ma.tt/2021/01/new-whitehouse-gov/
The WH site also has published source maps for Sass and JavaScript, so you can view some of their working files.
shoesNsocks1, ccchapman, [timothy_chambe], stevestreza, NinjaTrappeur and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
i wonder if they'll publish it to https://github.com/whitehouse
jacky, gRegorLove, shoesNsocks, [tantek], swentel__, swentel, mcepl, jjuran, schmudde, [indieweb653], KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks] and gxt joined the channel
↩️ Does this do what you're looking for? https://fed.brid.gy/
Whoops, @simonhearne noticed `h-entry` and `p-author` in the links pages made http://brid.gy believe that… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1351876166941106176
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ It seems like it does but I never figured out how to do it, I have a static site so I don't want to implement webmentions, I just want someone to be able to follow @stavrosio@brid.gy or whatever.
↩️ It seems like it does but I never figured out how to do it, I have a static site so I don't want to implement webmentions, I just want someone to be able to follow @stavrosio@brid.gy or whatever.
[KevinMarks]1, jjuran_, schmudde, [Rose], cambridgeport90, fredcy_, [KevinMarks], antonio[m], aciccarello[m], malaclyps_, jamietanna[m], Salt[m], nekr0z, marinin[m], Caleb[m], khimaros[m], astrojl_matrix, JackyAlcin[m], BudaDude[m], smacko[m], drhitchcock[m], [schmarty], [jeremycherfas] and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
long shot, don't know where else to ask though--anyone have a preferred method for looking at graphviz graphs? preferably one that works on ubuntu but I'll take what I can get.
jolvera and jacky joined the channel
looks like the editor's now free if anyone's looking into using an advanced WYSIWYG tool for their sites https://froala.com/wysiwyg-editor/docs/
[cleverdevil], [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I'm still reading this bluesky thing and finding a lot of stuff from _other_ projects that are interesting
[Gargron] #13820 Add end-to-end encryption API
I was very curious about this for something like webmentions (like sending it 'encrypted' so only devices that'd understand it would display it and display something else if it's not supported)
like a <noscript> kinda thing
dietricha joined the channel
Webmention can work like that - you can send the notification, but fry can only retrieve the mention if they are authed
Websub too, if you don't use fat pings
cathe, swentel__ and swentel joined the channel
we have some examples of sending encrypted webmention using pgp already too :)
[tantek]1 joined the channel
e2e encryption itself isn't hard, it's the key management that's the real challenge
KartikPrabhu, [Raphael_Luckom] and [schmarty] joined the channel
it's also a user experience nightmare
aaronpk: yup re: key management
the PR has an interesting way to do it over an API
but being able to just resolve keys on the fly would be nicer (like via rel-me)
[chrisaldrich], [indieweb653] and gRegorLove joined the channel
anyone want to submit some indieweb projects to this list? https://github.com/gdamdam/awesome-decentralized-web
[gdamdam] awesome-decentralized-web: an awesome list of decentralized services and technologies
schmudde, [Raphael_Luckom] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; mcepl left the channel
Getting started with webmention and static site generators - http://wbaer.io/3pjBRFj.
[pfefferle] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
I want to but my projects are like half-finished lol
blocks off time
can we add all the indieweb specs to the web section?
if there's a repo to contribute to