@soMelanieSaid↩️ Thank you for the kind words, Christine!
Yeah, I think we're all still figuring out the UX around Webmentions. I need to get around to implementing a comment form on my site for those who prefer that mode of communication. :) (twitter.com/_/status/1379601065356627972)
tomlarkworthyI think I should be able to signin with "https://github.com/tomlarkworthy" if I have not got a homepage setup. Then the auth server can function as a normal federated login provider
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[tantek]tomlarkworthy, there's two things there. 1. I'd like to add github as a way to do RelMeAuth via your personal site (so when you use your personal site, your GitHub is one of the options used to validate your identity). And 2. That RelMeAuth prototype UI should a) detect when common silo profiles are being attempted, and b) have better error text explaining that's not the point of RelMeAuth 🙂
tomlarkworthyoh right, github is just not supported, ok. Still, according to the error message it does not attempt to use it as a provider at all. Thats the bug. Everynode in the relmeauth graph should be a candidate provider in my mind, it should not matter where you start the crawl right? They are all bidirectional links so I don't see the first one can't be a identity provider too.
[tantek]except "lower friction for service providers" is a negative. the whole point is to liberate users from depending on service providers for their longterm identity
aaronpkif you mean letting people click a GitHub button and then doing the actual RelMe check and using their own website as the resulting identity then that's a different story
aaronpkok if you want to argue the academic angle that's fine, but again with just a GitHub url you're just doing GitHub login, which is fine if you're okay with all the downsides but it's not RelMeAuth
tomlarkworthySo resolving a github identity to a public URL is still good, and leaves room for migration to a different URL later using the relme graph to say what other social profiles can be merged
tomlarkworthyat the moment, things like Firebase auth record all the emails, so social profiles can me reconciled using email address, but this is a problem for europeans.
tomlarkworthyRelMeAuth wiki: "input: a user identity (URL) to authenticate" So a 1 node relmeauth graph still encompasses the URL -> profile mapping, thats not valueless
[fluffy]I think a bigger question is, why is RelMeAuth still being pushed as a thing that site/app operators need to implement themselves? IMO if you’re going to do RelMeAuth you should use indielogin.com to implement it (instead of having to implement all your own backends), and if you want a better identity story you should go straight to IndieAuth.
[fluffy]RelMeAuth is annoying to implement as a client (because you end up needing to get API keys and write code for all the supported silos) and IMO it causes a lot of confusion too
aaronpktomlarkworthy: here's the problem. in order to accept a github url as a relmeauth identity you're going to need to go register for api keys on github, and then you'll use the github api to authenticate people, and you'll get back their entire github profile info in the response anyway. so you aren't really gaining anything by calling that RelMeAuth or by storing just the github URL instead of calling it
tomlarkworthyyeah its only really a different story if you end up storing the github users email or not. I guess the github id as the suffix to their profile URL is also public info so thats no different to URL
aaronpkthat's also a potential attack vector depending on how the provider handles returning that email address. sometimes they'll return the email before it's been verified, so you can take over someone's account
tomlarkworthybut @fluffy I agree. Indielogin you still need to self host and spin up oauth clients for each provider, so if the service does not accept a vanilla github profile URL as a login, then you need to spin up a 2nd peice of infra for people who do not have homepages
tomlarkworthywhich is annoying as you essentially have the right peice of infra sitting there but it doesn;t work with vanilla profile URLs even though the relmeauth spec technically shoudl cover it.
aaronpkseparately, indielogin.com does not even claim to support RelMeAuth, it is specifically a service to log people in given their own website as their identity, using several different authentication providers (GitHub, Twitter, IndieAuth, PGP)
[fluffy]@tomlarkworthy I mean if you use indielogin.com as your login provider you don’t need to do a whole lot. It supports IndieAuth and some RelMeAuth providers for you.
tomlarkworthyI agree that users should use a homepage as their URL under a domain they own. But also, as a service provider, I don't want any more login friction than necissary, so I would want people without a homepage to be able to start straight away if they want.
tomlarkworthy"start with a user identity URL (e.g from the UI, or from a cookie from previous login etc.) if the URL is an OAuth provider then try authenticating with it (we prefer the user's own site for auth)"
tomlarkworthyyeah it does not support github but in the error messages it did not even try and it lists everything it tried and github is not one of them when its the starting URL
tomlarkworthyso now I test with indieauth.com and that definately does not support "https://github.com/tomlarkworthy" but you are saying you don;t want to which is fine.
[tantek]I should clarify in the RelMeAuth spec that "user's own website" is literally the user's *own* website, a profile on someone else's website is obviously not owned by the user
[schmarty]aaronpk: i'm running a somewhat out-of-date Aperture so this might be moot. recently i added several feeds with no indication of errors from Aperture, but the entries count stayed at 0. i found that they weren't in Watchtower and tracked it down to an issue with my Watchtower setup.
[schmarty]it took me a while to notice that i just wasn't getting stuff from recently added feeds. aperture's laravel.log showed mysterious (to me at the time) 502 gateway errors that i finally figured out were the response from calling my broken-at-the-time watchtower API endpoint.