dietricha, [snarfed], [scojjac], [tantek], [Murray], [kimberlyhirsh], __minoru__shirae, [KevinMarks], shoesNsocks, [schmarty] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
tomlarkworthyso is not a relmeauth server becuase it only expands the identity graph one step (instead of recursively, which TBH s a bit of an amplification risk).
tomlarkworthyits really cool the way all this stuff works. I like the implicit client_id=redirect_uri trick so you can avoid pre-registering and client_secret.
[Rose], [aciccarello], minoru_shiraeesh, shoesNsocks1, oedmarap, [tantek], treora_, [scojjac], [KevinMarks], IWSlackGateway and vilhalmer joined the channel