2022-01-11 UTC
gnoth[d] joined the channel
darkkirb, KartikPrabhu, Seirdy, [fluffy], jessealama and MarkJR84[d] joined the channel
# 08:18 Loqi [tegon] traktflix: Trakt.tv + Netflix = :heart:
# 08:28 Ruxton A good rundown on the whole faker.js thing.. Marak pretending this is like Aaron Swartz is an insult to Swartz' morals.
# 08:30 Ruxton Ruby community handled it much better when why the lucky stiff disbanded and deleted everything, NPM community has failed hard both times this has happened.
jessealama, [Zegnat] and angelo joined the channel
# 11:21 [James_Van_Dyne] capjamesg: Can you add assign me to issue #11 on indieweb-utils. I can’t seem to assign it to myself (maybe don’t have permissions?)
jessealama and tetov-irc joined the channel
# 12:42 Loqi [kuz-z-zma] #149 Hidden links on Front page/Archive/Search results are bad for seo
# 12:45 capjamesg[d] I don't think someone's going to see serious SEO issues because of those links being hidden. But, I can see quite a few people (like the author) that would prefer not to have hidden links.
# 12:47 GWG Link tags don't have a class. These links are there for microformats parsing
# 12:50 GWG Probably the best compromise is to let them be turned off entirely. But I'm not sure if there is a middle ground to satisfy SEO people and still get the benefits of being able to parse an h-feed even if you don't want to see them.
# 12:58 GWG So, search engines don't like hidden links...but giant blobs of hidden data in JSON format are fine. Perfect sense.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 13:05 [grantcodes] Hidden links were historically used to try and trick the system. Could you use a `data` element instead?
jessealama joined the channel
# 13:13 GWG [grantcodes]: How would you mark up a u-syndication property with a data element?
# 13:14 GWG I probably could, just wondering if that is valid HTML
# 13:19 capjamesg[d] I don't know how to interpret Google's guidelines for a syndication link based on the information above.
# 13:20 capjamesg[d] The GitHub issue mentions that hidden links in "any way" are frowned upon but that is not true.
# 13:21 capjamesg[d] For instance, most skip links are hidden and they are considered a best practice for accessibility (and Google acknowledges accessibility in hidden links above).
# 13:22 Zegnat GWG: if you never want to display them, use <data> elements instead of <a> elements
# 13:22 GWG Zegnat: Is that valid HTML, if so that's a solution
# 13:23 Zegnat It is valid HTML, and part of the mf2 parsing spec that I believe every parser has implemented
# 13:23 Zegnat <data value="https://example.com/" class="u-url"></data>
# 13:24 Zegnat Instead of <a href="https://example.com/" class="u-url"></a>
# 13:24 Zegnat Should parse the exact same, but will not trip up accessibility tooling, and I would bet search engines ignore links in value attributes.
# 13:28 GWG They aren't as this is the h-feed
sayanarijit[d] and jessealama joined the channel
# 14:37 [snarfed] ^ capjamesg do we have any indieweb polls like that in the wild?
# 14:38 [snarfed] manual until it hurts, I'd be curious to see one done manually first
# 14:53 Zegnat I guess you could request /reacji ... or go the old school Twitter way: reblogs vs likes
jessealama joined the channel
# 15:34 [KevinMarks] The vote links way was to provide different urls for the different choices and have people link those. I suppose that you could do the same page with a fragment too.
jessealama joined the channel
# 19:22 capjamesg[d] [James_Van_Dyne] I assigned you to the ticket and made you a collaborator on the repo.
zack1 joined the channel
# 19:22 capjamesg[d] It's not an urgent need for me right now but if I could do it I would.
# 19:50 [James_Van_Dyne] Thanks :)
KartikPrabhu, aspenmayer[d], angelo, [manton] and Seirdy joined the channel
# 21:32 capjamesg[d] to be a centralized function, this might mean creating specifications
# 21:32 capjamesg[d] Sorry about the bad spacing. I’m on mobile and the copy didn’t come out well there.
jessealama and tetov-irc joined the channel