#dev 2022-01-11

2022-01-11 UTC
gnoth[d] joined the channel
New post on my site! This time about how to add webmentions to your webpage https://grafovolaverunt.xyz/blog/webmentions/
darkkirb, KartikPrabhu, Seirdy, [fluffy], jessealama and MarkJR84[d] joined the channel
[tantek]: re accessing netflix watch history, it's buried in the app, traktflix grabs it somehow clientside - https://github.com/tegon/traktflix
[tegon] traktflix: Trakt.tv + Netflix = :heart:
A good rundown on the whole faker.js thing.. Marak pretending this is like Aaron Swartz is an insult to Swartz' morals.
Ruby community handled it much better when why the lucky stiff disbanded and deleted everything, NPM community has failed hard both times this has happened.
jessealama, [Zegnat] and angelo joined the channel
capjamesg: Can you add assign me to issue #11 on indieweb-utils. I can’t seem to assign it to myself (maybe don’t have permissions?)
jessealama and tetov-irc joined the channel
I know very little about SEO... anyone have an intelligent comment about https://github.com/dshanske/syndication-links/issues/149
[kuz-z-zma] #149 Hidden links on Front page/Archive/Search results are bad for seo
Maybe a good middle ground would be to use <link> tags if you can?
I don't think someone's going to see serious SEO issues because of those links being hidden. But, I can see quite a few people (like the author) that would prefer not to have hidden links.
I'd ask Danny Sullivan for advice directly
(Note: this is my opinion, not necessarily the truth)
Link tags don't have a class. These links are there for microformats parsing
Ah, of course 🤦
Probably the best compromise is to let them be turned off entirely. But I'm not sure if there is a middle ground to satisfy SEO people and still get the benefits of being able to parse an h-feed even if you don't want to see them.
So, search engines don't like hidden links...but giant blobs of hidden data in JSON format are fine. Perfect sense.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Hidden links were historically used to try and trick the system. Could you use a `data` element instead?
jessealama joined the channel
[grantcodes]: How would you mark up a u-syndication property with a data element?
I probably could, just wondering if that is valid HTML
I don't know how to interpret Google's guidelines for a syndication link based on the information above.
The GitHub issue mentions that hidden links in "any way" are frowned upon but that is not true.
For instance, most skip links are hidden and they are considered a best practice for accessibility (and Google acknowledges accessibility in hidden links above).
GWG: if you never want to display them, use <data> elements instead of <a> elements
Zegnat: Is that valid HTML, if so that's a solution
It is valid HTML, and part of the mf2 parsing spec that I believe every parser has implemented
<data value="https://example.com/" class="u-url"></data>
Instead of <a href="https://example.com/" class="u-url"></a>
Should parse the exact same, but will not trip up accessibility tooling, and I would bet search engines ignore links in value attributes.
I'll experiment
if they're there for the rel=me, then you can use <link>
They aren't as this is the h-feed
ah, sorry, missed the context.
Request for tool: A #Indie poll tool that lets you aggregate Yes/No or multi-variant responses to a question via webmention. An API then returns the percentage of votes for each option so it can be embedded / rendered on a site. (https://jamesg.blog/notes/2022-01-11-380/)
sayanarijit[d] and jessealama joined the channel
^ capjamesg do we have any indieweb polls like that in the wild?
manual until it hurts, I'd be curious to see one done manually first
I guess you could request /reacji ... or go the old school Twitter way: reblogs vs likes
jessealama joined the channel
The vote links way was to provide different urls for the different choices and have people link those. I suppose that you could do the same page with a fragment too.
jessealama joined the channel
[James_Van_Dyne] I assigned you to the ticket and made you a collaborator on the repo.
Zegnat that's true re: reacjis.
Good idea!
zack1 joined the channel
It's not an urgent need for me right now but if I could do it I would.
Thanks :)
KartikPrabhu, aspenmayer[d], angelo, [manton] and Seirdy joined the channel
Has anyone read this?
“ Standards efforts should focus on creating new specifications for
functions that are currently only satisfied by proprietary,
centralized protocols. For example, if social networking is thought
to be a centralized function, this might mean creating specifications
that enable decentralized social networking, perhaps using some or
all of the techniques described in Section 5.”
Sorry about the bad spacing. I’m on mobile and the copy didn’t come out well there.
jessealama and tetov-irc joined the channel