#dev 2022-03-18

2022-03-18 UTC
jacky joined the channel
angelo: this is really good
like this is what I keep seeing but didn't know how to describe
definitely add the SVG to the wiki
jacky, johnnrs[d], Seirdy and mossymaker[d] joined the channel
angelo++ definitely add it to /IndieMark#Brainstorming !
angelo has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
angelo joined the channel
angelo++ it's looking good! Love the spider
angelo has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
I think including the icons is helpful
Might consider adding some others where appropriate
Like a search icon
Maybe a couple silo icons for POSSE? But could also see keeping those off might be nicer 😉
I like the colors for the different rings, they might stand out more if they were the background color and the type was reversed, but I'm not sure if that would be hard
ooof, this is making it even more clear how much of the IndieMark axes and levels need updating đŸ˜Ŧ
(if there's a send to back feature it'd be simple but that was one that didn't match adobe shortcuts 😉)
noticing this in monocle https://imgur.com/a/sfouEK1 I've been changing my h-card quite a bit lol
why does it say "someone" liked?
I didn't mark up my h-card properly I think
but over time, as I did, it got more accurate
jacky joined the channel
okay so aaronpk, I got that error again - this time with indienews
jacky, gerben, lagash and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
↩ī¸ Hi Jeremy, my posts actually don't automatically post to Twitter, I don't know if http://webmention.io does such a thing for you. I manually include a syndication link in my articles and a http://webmention.io meta tag in my head.
@peeke__ Regarding https://peeke.nl/implementing-webmentions, I barely know what I'm doing with this IndieWeb stuff. If my site sends webmentions and has a link to https://brid.gy/publish/twitter, why don't posts automatically publish to Twitter? What am I missing?
@peeke__ Regarding https://peeke.nl/implementing-webmentions, I barely know what I'm doing with this IndieWeb stuff. If my site sends webmentions and has a link to https://brid.gy/publish/twitter, why don't posts automatically publish to Twitter? What am I missing?
mro and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
mro, tetov-irc, saptaks and jacky joined the channel
interesting 'social' video app
blergh, meant to drop that in #-chat
mro and gRegor joined the channel
could be on topic too if you like the UX 🙂
petermolnar and jacky joined the channel
I def do like the approach
it's obvs very phone centric tho
phone centric is ok, lowering the barrier for mobile creating, editing, posting is a good thing
angelo joined the channel
wondering if it's worth documenting RingMark as a site death (rng.io)
nevermind. rng.io works but www.rng.io was the error I was seeing (clicked on it from somewhere)
marksuth[d] joined the channel
Why are random numbers / values so hard to generate on computers?
I just saw a post on HN about the random number generator in Linux and it made me think how exactly do computers generate random numbers.
something to do with prime numbers, I believe
I feel like julia evans might have written about this tho
mro joined the channel
lava lamps
the usual OS-level way of doing it nowadays is getting some actual randomness from somewhere (I/O timing, hardware randomness-generators, ...) and then turning that into a lot of random bits by feeding it into an encryption algorithm
programming languages/libraries might implement a bunch of other algorithms though
gerben joined the channel
classic computer science problem
Jeremiah[d] and mro joined the channel
and here I thought it was a physics problem
takes the quantum computer out of this room
something something entropy
[fluffy] joined the channel
Mersenne twister is a pretty good algorithm for doing pseudorandom numbers and I believe true random numbers also take in entropy and use it to seed Mersenne twister.
The lava lamps themselves are just for show, incidentally; the actual entropy source on lavarand is the low-bit noise from the CCDs recording them.
MT is a classic, but not that great. mostly used if you just need fast, not so secure afaik
Christian_Olivie and jacky joined the channel
what would post type discovery look like for an /issue?
currently, it's really focused on GitHub so I'm guessing it'd be checking if in-reply-to is a link to a GitHub issue URL?
what's the use-case of identifying it as an issue different from a reply?
barryf[d] joined the channel
good question; I guess none that immediately come to mind
before I'd probably want it for filtering out in one's feed
but now I can just move it to a different one because of channels
you could filter it as you would filter any replies
jacky, since you took a look at IndieMark before and wrote up a good warning, could you take a look at the intro section / How to to see if we can remove that warning or perhaps reword it? https://indieweb.org/IndieMark
that rephrasing is good!
lots more work to do to improve it per all the feedback, however hoping I've made a decent dent
can the wiki handle a big SVG rather than a png? Angelo's diagram seems like a natural SVG
[KevinMarks] i tried to upload the SVG but it cried about an embedded SVG (the logo).. i can remove the logo, change web actions to interactivity, flesh that out and replace the PNG with a (logoless) SVG
indeed, we can leave off any logo for Brainstorming
the IndieMark content itself is going to need a lot more work before we have anything close to a "finished" diagram worth putting a logo on to share 🙂
tetov-irc joined the channel
...should I cancel my tattoo appointment?
see also, tattoos of QR codes to expired domains
mceldeen joined the channel