[James_Van_Dyne]capjamesg: heads up that webmentions seem to be broken on your site (or mine?). I replied to your typography post and noticed that it failed. Submitting my post manually also resulted in an error.
@JasonRouetAwesome team for an awesome project: #IndieWeb + #WordPress lead by @pfefferle. The challenge? Thinking how to make the #Webmention plugin more visible and easy to set-up! #CloudFest #WFHACK #WFHACK2022 (twitter.com/_/status/1505271831384801286)
mro, gRegor and jacky joined the channel; prologic left the channel
[tantek]jacky, I wouldn't use rel=alternate on a link to something you don't control / own, or rather, something where another party (owner) could change the content arbitrarily. E.g. exceptions might be an IPFS copy of the page/post, or perhaps more useful/reliable, the internet archive snapshot of your post, but only if you're already linking to it for other (user-centric) reasons
[tantek]of course the larger questions is for what use-case? as in, what consuming code would look for that rel=alternate and what UX would it present accordingly when it found such links?
jan6but at what point does something become noise? like you can use alt-svc header to, among other uses, tell tor browser to transparently fetch the content from given onion address... but given most people don't care, or use tor browser, is that noise?
jan6one of the quickest actual uses, seems to be linking localized/translated versions of a page in a way google can understand easily, for example (from some post in 2012)
[tantek]do you have any citations that google pays any attention (surfaces it in any UI) to rel=alternate hreflang="..." links? or for that matter, to rel=alternate media=mobile ?
[tantek](I've used the rel=alternate hreflang=... markup for translations of a few things here and there but never seen any docs from any service that says they do anything with it)