#dev 2022-04-28

2022-04-28 UTC
jeremycherfas, strugee, [Joe_Crawford], strugee_ and jacky joined the channel
you can tunnel h-feed in atom:content
Yeah don't do that
mro, jacky, tetov-irc and omz13 joined the channel
↩️ With GROQ you basically select data, filter it and then project what you want the JSON object for each item to look like. (In the linked example it's Nobel Prize winners, in my case it was webmentions… it works on any valid JSON)
Last night I had to wrangle 5+ years of Webmentions from my exported MySQL database to a JSON file to use in Eleventy and this GROQ playground helped me get through it https://groq.dev/edeee7b0-d54a-44a1-8292-f89967725437
[KevinMarks] are there any actively maintained Atom consuming codebases besides Unmung and Granary? Maybe private source feed readers?
[Murray] joined the channel
[tantek]: any feed reader?
as in the open source ones as well?
what is a feed reader?
A feed reader (AKA RSS reader) is an application (local or on the web) that subscribes to feeds (often limited to legacy Atom & RSS) and presents them in an interface for reading, typically without any way to respond, in contrast to a social reader https://indieweb.org/feed_reader
You could look for code that includes Feedparser
AramZS and jacky joined the channel
and oddly Mastodon continued to require Atom, eg for discovery and following, long past the point when it switched to ActivityPub. afaik it still requires it
(2017, but continued to be true)
Hm. What does, "Hosted" mean in the context of the feed reader examples list?
means it's running at a website rather than something you run on your computer
Ah. Thanks.
also anything that does OStatus, eg GNU Social, Hubzilla, Friendica. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/#ostatus--salmon=
[fenwick67] It sounds like "what is the bare minimum to let people follow me on Mastodon?" is still unanswered. I'd like to know for myself as well. Based on comments above it sounds like... * an Atom feed with [activitystream](http://activitystrea.ms/specs...
[calumryan] joined the channel
server-based and not self-hosted
strugee, mro and jjuran joined the channel
Matthias Pfefferle @pfefferle has a few thoughts around enhancing WordPress comments. (German) for the IndieWeb. While Gutenberg devs are rethinking Comment blocks, exploring, considering Webmentions and other standards could be on the roadmap, too. https://notiz.blog/2022/04/27/custom-post-type-comment/
mro, mro_ and jacky joined the channel
Ooh I wish I’d seen mastodon issue 1441 before setting up Bridgy Fed on my site. I’d much rather have set up my own webfinger provider that just links to individual category Atom feeds. I suspect that now my domain is permanently tainted with bridgy fed’s GPG key and I really don’t want to deal with signing posts.
[pfefferle] and mro joined the channel
[fluffy] what makes you think "permanently tainted"?
There have been many situations on Mastodon where an instance goes down because they lose their GPG key and the domain is permanently inaccessible to the rest of the Fediverse as a result.
or rather they lose their GPG key as part of going down, and they’re unable to rebuild with a new one.
huh. I'm not familiar with instance-wide keys in AP, whether GPG or otherwise
witches.town and scifi.fyi being two examples of this which had widespread issues as a result.
Huh, really? Maybe I misunderstood the issue then.
and the per-user keys are RSA, not GPG, but that may not matter here
I only know of per-user keys
Maybe it isn’t an issue then. The only user that would be ‘lost’ if I took over my own webfinger is `@beesbuzz.biz@beesbuzz.biz` and I don’t actually care about that.
I’d be providing identities like `@all@beesbuzz.biz`, `@comics@beesbuzz.biz`, `@blog@beesbuzz.biz`,e tc.
Bridgy Fed definitely mints those for its users, and uses them. I don't know how if or for how long they're cached, but I've exported one for at least one user before who wanted to take over their AP account. I don't remember hearing back how it went, but I didn't hear problems
does the WebSub approach work? I don’t want to actually implement an ActivityPub actor.
well, aside from maybe providing an outbox.
I’d just be continuing to use my WebSub hub (Superfeedr at present although I’ve been thinking of replacing that as well)
understood! federating with AP always seems so fragile and opaque if you're not using one of the standard, heavyweight services like Mastodon etc
I've done a number of deep dives on it over the years for Bridgy Fed, mostly for Mastodon interop, which has its own confusing extra req'ts, and those change over time
so I still don't understand it well enough to advise 😐
jacky joined the channel
↩️ @olynch@mathstodon.xyz I remember a few years back trying to talk @johncarlosbaez into supporting this sort of syndication and webmentions on his site when he was irked at Google+ shutting down. Glad to see more people getting it working.
On a related note, I’ve run into issues with bridgy fed where if I have Pushl do an archive crawl it’ll spam the timeline with old posts as if they were new, even though the GUIDs haven’t changed. How long does bridgy fed hold onto old posts?
mro joined the channel
hmm! it doesn't hold onto them at all, it always reads from your site fresh each time. maybe I don't understand the q though...?
when it converts from mf2 to AS2, if your post has `u-uid`, it uses that as the AS2 `id`, otherwise it omits `id`
danicotillas joined the channel
I checked the logs just now and confirmed. It does send an AP `Create` request for every webmention from a (usable) post on your site, but as long as your post's `uid` hasn't changed, or the URL if you don't have `uid`, the AP id should be the same, so ideally there shouldn't be dupes
angelo, [jeremycherfas], jacky, strugee, jacky_ and tetov-irc joined the channel
↩️ I would suspect POSSE goes hand-in-hand w indieauth. I would think this along w Akismet/Disqus would reduce the problem.
jacky and angelo joined the channel